The combined efforts of Personal Protection Equipment Specialists (PPES) and the Lancaster County (PA) Fireman’s Association will provide the opportunity for attendees of Fire Expo 2012 to witness a rescue operation using the world’s only mobile collapsed-building training simulator. Fire Expo 2012 will take place at the Pennsylvania State Farm Show Complex in Harrisburg, PA on May 18 — 20, 2012.
The scenario: A race against time to rescue a fallen firefighter trapped in the rubble of a collapsed building under the same conditions that first-responders encountered during the tragedy of 9/11.
The place: the GUARDIAN, a unique simulator capable of re-creating over 200 different collapsed-building scenarios that have been referred to as being “as real as it gets.”
Through a series of cameras positioned throughout the GUARDIAN, attendees will be able to watch the drama unfolding inside, live on the big screen, as it happens.
Whether it’s the tragic result of an earthquake, explosion, cave-in or fire, whether it’s a terrorist attack or a devastating act of nature, the results are equally dangerous — and deadly. The GUARDIAN provides trainees the opportunity to experience a real-life rescue-operation in the confined-space environment of a collapsed building. They will find themselves having to crawl through two levels of narrow spaces that simulate the remains of a pancaked building and they will be required to stabilize the treacherous environment: shoring up flooring, breaching rebar and drywall, and containing gas leaks in order to access and extricate victims from a life-threatening environment. It’s training that has been described as being as realistic as an actual disaster.
Designed to meet the needs of FEMA Urban Search & Rescue operations, terrorist task forces,
Federal law enforcement, the military, emergency medical service providers and local volunteer firefighters, the GUARDIAN can be configured and customized to reflect virtually every possible rescue scenario. Air pistons can simulate earthquake after-shocks and structural settling. Additional modules can allow for training in a window-rescue situation or a sewer line escape. Even the leaking valve dome of a tanker railcar can be simulated with startling authenticity.
Founded in 1996, PPES is a full-service provider of rescue and training equipment. The company specializes in meeting the needs of first-responders of all disciplines. In addition to the GUARDIAN Collapsed Building Training Simulator, PPES provides Rescue and EMS equipment, service, training and certification. During the Expo, PPES will be at Booth 501/502 in the New Expo Hall.
The GUARDIAN Mobile Collapsed Building Survival Simulator will be situated at the West End of the Old Main Hall in the Pennsylvania State Farm Show Complex, 2301 North Cameron Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110, May 18 through 20, 2012.
More information is available on the company website at or by calling 800-736-2388.