Indiana launches firefighting training program

Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels kicked off the first, state-funded local firefighter training program Saturday, May 5, 2007.

The courses will enable thousands of volunteer and full-time firefighters from across Indiana to learn and practice the latest techniques for extinguishing blazes and performing rescue maneuvers.

“These devoted men and women have incredibly dangerous jobs and we are thankful they are always ready to respond in our time of need,” Daniels said. “These lessons provide the best training available at locations that are close to home.”

The Indiana Department of Homeland Security developed the fire training system and will manage the program. The department will be facilitating instruction at several regional training centers.

“Volunteer and full-time firefighters will receive the same comprehensive instruction,” said Roger Johnson, Indiana State Fire Marshal. “This will strengthen relationships between departments and increase the skills of first responders who are frequently placed in harm’s way.”

In 2006, Daniels signed into law House Enrolled Act 1099, which created the first statewide fire training system in Indiana’s history. Funding for the fire training systems comes from public safety fees paid on fireworks purchased in the state. Just this week, the governor signed SEA 472, approved by the General Assembly, which doubles the appropriation, to $2 million, to develop materials and to implement these critical firefighting instruction programs.

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