Instructors Conference Held at Memphis

Instructors Conference Held at Memphis

Twenty-seven states were represented at the Fire Department Instructors Conference held at Memphis, Tenn., January 11 to 14. In all, 196 Chiefs, instructors and other Fire Department members registered.

The officers are John Touhey, Drillmaster, Chicago, President; C. O. Bonnelle, Drillmaster, Denver, Col., VicePresident; Roberts Tate, Drillmaster, Baltimore, Md., Second Vice-President; Fred Heisler, Director Technical Training, Stillwater, Okla., Counsellor; J. Ray Pence, Chief, Stillwater, Okla., Secretary-Treasurer.

Following is the program carried out at the conference;

Tuesday. January II

8:00 a.m.—Registration.

9:00—-Address: “Training in the Fire Service’; Clarence Goldsmith. Assistant Chief Engineer, National Board of Fire Underwriters, Chicago.

Round Table: “College Courses in Firenmnshlp”: Discussion Loaders — W. Fred Heisler. Director. School of Technical Training. Oklahoma A. & M. College. St ill water: U. B. Criswell. Fire Service Extension Professor, College of Engineering. University of Maryland. College Park.

Address: “The Use of Motion Pictures in Firemen Training” (with pictures); Professor H. It. Bray ton. Director. Texas Firemen’s Training School. A. & M. College of Texas, College Station.

Afternoon Session, nt the Drill Tower

2:00 p.m.—Evolutions Reviewed: “Hose”; Conducted by J. M. O’Brien, Assistant Chief. Fort Worth, Texas, (Large Town Methods); Elmer Dlcke. Assistant Chief, Downers Grove, Illinois. (Small Town Methods).

Evolutions Reviewed: “Ladders”; Conducted by Capt. A. J. Schaefer. Drillmaster, Memphis, (Large Town Methods); Capt. William Ronnfeldt. Drillmaster, Grand Island, Nebraska, (Small Town Methods).

Evolutions Reviewed: “Minor Equipment and Rope”; Conducted by Capt. Humborg.

\ ednetday, January VI

9:00 a.m.—Assembly: (Question Box). Richard E. Vernor, Chairman.

Address: “Air-Conditioning Problems”; Sydney V. James, Engineer. Casualty and Automotive Department, Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., Chicago.

Demonstration: “Fire Streams in Miniature”; R. B. Criswell.

Round Table: “The State Fire College”; Discussion Leaders—Lindon J. Murphy, Director, Iowa Firemen’s Training School, Iowa State College, Ames— \’. A. Knapp, Director, Indiana Fire School, Purdue University. Lafayette.

Round Table: “The Regional Fire School”; Discussion Leaders—Chief Lloyd Layman, Parkersburg, W. Va.— Harry J. Corcoran, Engineer, Iowa Insurance Service Bureau, Des Moines.

Round Table: “Progress in Vocational Education”; Discussion Leaders—J. W. Parry, Director, Vocational Education, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor— D. L. McElroy, Director, Fire Service Extension, University of West Virginia, M organ town.

Address: “Rural Fire Protection”; Horatio Bond, Engineer, National Fire Protection Association.

Address and Demonstration: “Ladder Testing”; Clarence Goldsmith. (The Demonstration will be conducted at the Drill Tower.)

“Multiple Alarm Response”; Chief John H. Touhey, Director of Fire Instruction, Chicago.

“Multiple Hook-ups and Master Streams”; Harry J. Callahan, Chief of Training School, Detroit.

Round Table: Discussion Leader—Chief Harry K. Rogers, Fire Department Engineer, Western Actuarial Bureau, Chicago.

Building construction, automatic sprinklers

Traffic problems

Water supplies

Underground fires

Church fires (auditoriums, theatres, etc.)

Storage of oil, gasoline, cotton, etc.

Training and drill work (officers school)

Uniform practices in department (standardized equipment)

Aerial ladders vs water towers (crow’s nest)

Fog and vapor nozzles

Sound-wagons, amplifiers, etc.

Flood-lights, wagons, etc.

Air-compressors, wagons, etc.

Smoke ejectors

De-watering man-holes, basements, etc.

Disaster operations

M iscellaneous

Thursday, January l.’I

9:00 a.m.—Assembly: (Question Box). L. H. Provino. Director, Illinois State Fire College, Doan of School of Architecture, University of Illinois, Urbana, Session Chairman.

Round Table and Demonstration: “The Fire Department in Fire Prevention”; Discussion Leader -J. Burr Taylor, Fire Prevention Department, Western Actuarial Bureau, Chicago. Conference Secretary.

Address and Demonstration: “Instruments”: A. H. Gent, Engineer, Illinois Inspection Bureau, Chicago.

Round Table: “Quads”; Discussion Leader —S. G Render, Assistant Chief. Louisville

Round Table: “Small Lines”; Discussion

Leaders—Charles O. Bonnelle, Assistant Chief and Drillmaster, Denver—A. H. Gent, Chicago.

Address and Demonstration: “Flameproofing Fabrics”; George H. Anderson, Assistant State Fire Marshal of Illinois. Springfield.

Address: “Fire Department Administration”; Ambrose Fuller. Consultant, American Municipal Association, Chi-

Motion Picture: “Approved by the Underwriters” or ‘Testing for Safety at Underwriters’ Laboratories, Inc.”; through courtesy of A. R. Small, President of the Laboratories.

Afternoon Seanion, at the Drill Tower

2:00 p.m.—Evolutions Reviewed: “Salvage”; Conducted by Chief T. H. Pankey and Memphis Fire Patrol.

Evolutions Reviewed: “Combined Hose and Ladder”; Conducted by Chief Thomas J. Hardwick, Kansas City, (Large Town Methods): Chief J.

Ray Pense, Stillwater, (Small Town Methods). .

7:30 p.m.—International Association of Fire Department Instructors—Chief J. Ray Pence, Secretary.

Friday, January 14

9:00 a.m.—Assembly: (Question Box).

Chief Harry K. Rogers, Session Chairman.

Report: “Bibliography Committee”; L.

II. Provine, Committee Chairman.

Round Table: “Inspections by Fire Departments”; Discussion Leader—Frank Buck a lew, Fire Marshal, Memphis Fire Department.

Concluding Round Table: Open for free discussion on any subjects not previously covered or not disposed of.

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