In Case You Missed It: January 2018 Firefighting Articles

View a roundup of some of the featured articles we ran on the Fire Engineering site in January 2018.

Fire Engineering Chief Bobby Halton Interviews IAFF President Harold Schaitberger

Live from the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) cancer summit in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, IAFF General President Harold Schaitberger speaks live Fire Engineering Editor in Chief Bobby Halton about the issue of cancer and the fire service.


Training Minutes: The Heads-Up Engineer: At the Station

In this new Training Minutes video, Orlando (FL) District Chief Walt Lewis is joined by Paul O’Neill, who shares some tips and tricks on getting the apparatus ready to go to work.


Q & A: Bill Gustin on Standpipe Operations

Bill Gustin recently presented a Webcast on standpipe operations, “Standpipe Operations Part 2:  Water From The Outlet To The Nozzle.” Read some answers to the questions listeners posed to him on the subject.


Jake On ‘The Box’

Firefighters who are detailed to run EMS are still firefighters. Christopher Berry reviews a number of fireground functions that firefighters riding “the box” need to be prepared to perform.


Humpday Hangout: Construction Concerns

Bill Gustin and Mike Dugan talk to Greg Havel, James Johnson, Mike Posner, and Maplewood (NJ) Deputy Chief Walter Nugent about building construction challenges and the fire service.


Strip Mall Fire Simulation

Ted Nee shares a new fire simulation to train your crew’s decision making at a strip mall fire.


Fireboat Use for Water Supply at Structure Fires

Anthony Rowett discusses options for using a fireboat in assisting land-based firefighting operations.


FDIC International 2018 Q & A: Dan DeGryse

FDIC Conference Director Diane Rothschild recently spoke with Battalion Chief Daniel DeGryse of the Chicago (IL) Fire Department, who will give his keynote “Straight Talk” at the FDIC 2018 Opening Ceremony.


Miami-Dade (FL) Fire Rescue: Firefighter Down CPR

In this video, review the Miami-Dade (FL) model for administering aid to a firefighter suffering cardiac arrest.


Humpday Hangout: The Company Officer’s Role in Daily Training

On this week’s Humpday Hangout, join your hosts Frank Ricci and PJ Norwood as they talk to their guest about the company officer’s role in daily training.


Training Minutes: Poling and Elevator Rescue

In a new segment of Training Minutes, Mike Dragonetti and company review using the poling technique when it comes to elevator rescue. They cover the importance of lockout/tagout procedures, tool tips, and safety, among other operational details.


Construction Concerns: Trusses Revisited

Greg Havel reviews some of the fundamental characteristics of trusses in building construction and points of concerns for firefighters operating in buildings that have trusses.


State of The Union: Fire Service Behavioral Check-Up

How is your department doing when it comes to addressing issues related to firefighter behavioral health? Todd LeDuc says now’s a good time to pause and take stock.


The Professional Volunteer Fire Department: Ownership

Embracing the ownership philosophy at all levels of your volunteer fire department can help improve your level of service in a variety of ways, writes Tom Merrill.


FDIC International 2018 Q & A: Gavin Horn

FDIC Conference Director Diane Rothschild recently spoke with Gavin Horn, Director of Research, Illinois Fire Service Institute, who is a keynote speaker at the FDIC 2018 General Session on “Wilb’s Fix-It Shop,” about the whole FDIC “experience.”


Engine Company EMS: The Simple Things

The greatest firefighters may at first struggle to operate the simplest EMS equipment, but this can be remedied by training. Michael Morse on getting the simple things right.


Training Minutes: UAVs in the Fire Service: Getting Started

Orlando (FL) District Chief Walt Lewis and Lt. Jason Revoldt offer a background on UAVs (also known as drones) for fire department operations.


Humpday Hangout: Make Your Mission Meet Your Market

Make your mission meet your market then market your mission: In this week’s Humpday Hangout, join your hosts Rick Lasky and Terry McGrath, along with their guests, as they discuss making your mission meet your market.


Nothing Showing Through the Windshield

David DeStefano looks at some of the aspects firefighters must consider when confronted with a call at a large commercial building.


Reviewing NFPA 3000: Standard for Preparedness and Response to Active Shooter and/or Hostile Events

Steven C. Hamilton reviews some of the events that compelled the National Fire Protection Association to address active shooter response and considerations for fire departments and other public safety agencies.


FDIC International 2018 Q & A: Ted Nee

FDIC Conference Director Diane Rothschild recently spoke with Ted Nee, who is a featured speaker at the FDIC International 2018 General Session on “Deliberate Practice: An Idea Worth Spreading.”


Truck Company Ops: Ladder Angles

A big part of truck company operations is ground ladders. Mark van der Feyst looks at some of the considerations for firefighters when setting up ladders.


Training Minutes: Forcible Entry Without a Hoseline

In this Training Minutes video, Jason Ghorbani discusses some considerations for firefighters undertaking search for life without the protection of a hoseline.


Construction Concerns: Fall Protection and Steel Buildings

Greg Havel reviews some of the challenges firefighters may face when responding to rescue calls at steel buildings under construction.


SCBA Quick Tips: Decon for Face Piece, Straps

In this SCBA Quick Tips video from MSA, Joe Alvarez and company review decon procedures for MSA self-contained breathing apparatus components.


Mayday Monday: Resolutions for Firefighter Survival

Tony Carroll shares some resolutions on training for firefighter survival in 2018.


Change the World, Make Your Bed

Todd LeDuc reflects on a speech by U.S. Navy Admiral and Navy SEAL William McRaven and how these lessons translate to the fire service.


Facts About Psychotherapy and First Responders

The Firefighters Support Foundation’s (FSF) newest training program is now available. Dr. Anne Bisek answers the questions first responders might be afraid to ask about mental health.


Humpday Hangout: Focus on Training 2018

In this week’s Humpday Hangout, the team focuses on training priorities in 2018.


Training Minutes: Doffing Firefighter PPE in Mayday Situation

In this Training Minutes video, Paul DeBartolomeo, Matt Beatty, and company demonstrate a technique for removing a down firefighter’s personal protective equipment during a Mayday scenario.



In Case You Missed It: December 2017 Firefighting Articles

fort lauderdale dogs fire

Fort Lauderdale (FL) Firefighters Save Dogs From House Fire, Department Says

Firefighters pulled four dogs from a smoldering Fort Lauderdale home that was in flames just minutes earlier Thursday morning, according to the department.
MN Barn Fire

4,000 Pigs Lost in MN Barn Fire

A fire late Wednesday evening has resulted in a total loss of a hog confinement and the 4,000 hogs inside.