In Case You Missed It: July 2016 Fire Engineering Features

Check out a selection of features that ran on the Fire Engineering Web site in July, including the launch of a new series of Training Minutes videos, the Mayday Monday series of drills from Tony Caroll, and more!

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Fireground Rehab: An Important Job That’s Tough to Fill

What many fire and emergency medical services professionals fail to realize is the importance of this position and division in the overall incident, writes P.J. Norwood.

The Battalion TV: The FDIC Experience – Finale

Check out the finale of The Battalion TV’s coverage of FDIC International 2016.

Listen to the Canaries: Safety on Your Next Hazmat Call

Look at your victims/canaries and go where they tell you to go, not the usual suspects, writes Frank Vumbaca.

Are You Functional?

As a firefighter, you take extraordinarily good care of your firefighting equipment. So why not take the same approach to your fitness? Jordan Ponder offers some thoughts.

From the Fire Engineering Vault: Collapse Training

Check out this May 1961 Fire Engineering cover showing Los Angeles firefighters jumping to safety in a building collapse

May Their Sacrifices Not Be in Vain: Muncie (IN) Firefighter LODD Case Study

Joe Pronesti reviews the 2011 line-of-duty death of Muncie Firefighter (IN) Scott Thomas Davis in a church fire.

Humpday Hangout: Focusing on Fireground Communications

In this week’s Humpday Hangout, Frank Ricci and his guests will be discussing challenges with communications on the fireground.

Chicago (IL) Fire Department: Special Duty Blind Shaft Elevator Rescue

On July 23, 2016, Chicago (IL) Fire Department’s Tower Ladder 10 responded to a high-rise building on North Halsted for a report of four girls stuck on an elevator.

Training Minutes: Fence Impalement

In this new series of Training Minutes videos on technical rescue, Jim Sandas and Mark Gregory review rescue considerations when dealing with a patient impaled on a fence.

Construction Concerns: Proscenium Fire Curtains

For his new Construction Concerns, Gregory Havel looks at theaters, which were among the first buildings designed to protect the occupants in case of fire.

Mayday Monday: Situational Awareness

We need to make sure our firefighters are getting the whole picture and can recognize dangers, writes Tony Carroll.

The Optimistic Approach to a Postincident Critique

Martin J. Rita asks, “Why is it that we very rarely train after the conclusion of an incident?”

Throw Back to Basics: Preconnect Hose Loads

Brian Zaitz offers his insight into the most commonly used fireground hose.

Brock Archer’s Extrication Minutes: Traffic Incident Management

In this video, Brock encourages rescuers to seek training of traffic incident management to stay safe at roadway incidents.

The SAMPLE Survey

Michael Morse writes: A SAMPLE survey is one of those things we all should know and practice but we sometimes forget. Until it becomes ingrained in you, it might be a good idea to write it out on the first page of the pad you have in one of your pockets!

Humpday Hangout: Tragedy in Dallas

Asst. Chief Terry McGrath and Rick Lasky talk with their guests Dallas PD Senior Corporal Chris Webb and Dallas FD Battalion Chief Tami Kayea about the recent tragedy in Dallas regarding our brothers in blue.

Training Minutes: Tunneling Operations for Vehicle Rescue

In the first of this new series of Training Minutes videos on vehicle extrication, Fishers (IN) Battalion Chief Clinton Crafton and company demonstrate some of the concerns and hazards to overcome in a trunk tunneling operation.

Laddering Options to Help Avoid Fatalities

Fairfax County (VA) Fire and Rescue Department Lieutenant Bill Schnaekel takes a look at ways to improve your chances of making a save through better laddering following the death of a child in a Pennsylvania house fire.

Laddering Options to Help Avoid Fatalities

Fairfax County (VA) Fire and Rescue Department Lieutenant Bill Schnaekel takes a look at ways to improve your chances of making a save through better laddering following the death of a child in a Pennsylvania house fire.

Mayday Monday: Follow the Hose

For this week’s Mayday Monday, Tony Carroll implores you: “After you check out your SCBA, check the apparatus, and get your coffee—please look at the NIOSH report, and then stretch some hose and train.

The Fire Officer’s Guide to the Tough Community Questions, Part 8

In the third part of Mark Wallace’s subseries on Part 8, he asks, “Is your department properly budgeting the salary of our shift personnel?”

Fireground Operations Using Fire Department Connections (FDC)

Are your firefighters making the best use of fire department connections on the building in your district? Tom Warren reviews some of the basics and how to incorporate them into your preplans.

Throw Back to Basics: Utility Control

Whether they are at a working structure fire, a miscellaneous still alarm, or a gas or electricity call, it is essential that fire crews have the ability to control an occupancy’s utilities, writes Brian Zaitz.

Brethren Built: Hydrovent

The HydroVent hydraulic ventilation and suppression system pulls heat and smoke out, helps drop temperatures, and slows fire growth and fire extension. Learn more about the tool’s history, development, and applications.

Humpday Hangout: Stretching Short and Power Saw Safety

How do you and your department recover from a short stretch? In this week’s Humpday Hangout, Bill Gustin, Mike Dugan, and each member of their panel will speak of their most memorable/embarrassing short stretch that has occurred on the fireground and why it happened.

Video: Working in the Flow Path

In this first video on using a “dollhouse” training prop, P.J. Norwood, Sean Gray, and company demonstrate how to simulate basic fire behavior, including flashover and the effects of horizontal and vertical ventilation.

Pokémon Go and Fire Departments: An Opportunity to Engage?

The digital gaming crazy Pokémon Go is posing some issues for fire departments. But does it also present an opportunity for firefighters to engage their citizens? Candice McDonald shares some ideas.

Safety in the Prolonged Zero-Visibility Environment

It is crucial to properly identify building specifications that contribute to prolonged zero-visibility conditions before conducting operations during these fires, writes David DeStefano.

Extrication Minutes: Suspension Control Valve

In this week’s video on vehicle extrication, host Brock Archer weighs in on lifting a tractor trailer van using the suspension control valve.

Construction Concerns: Charred Wood vs. Increased Fire Resistance

We must not risk our lives and the lives of our firefighters on the statement that a layer of char formed on exposure to fire makes the timber product fire resistive, especially when it is not backed up with an automatic fire sprinkler system, writes Gregory Havel.

Mayday Monday: Survival Starts with the Basics

Firefighter survival starts with the basics. Tony Carroll offers a basic drill on maintaining your orientation in the fire building using a hoseline.

Fort Lauderdale (FL) Firefighters Offer Training Video on Polycarbonate Panels and Forcible Entry

While responding to a fire on May 23, 2016, Fort Lauderdale (FL) firefighters encountered a problem with Lexan (polycarbonate panels) installed over windows. The department produced a training video on dealing with this issue.

What’s New with the 2016 Emergency Response Guidebook

The release of the newly revised 2016 Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG), the country’s most widely used hazardous materials reference, has been anticipated for months by thousands of fire departments across the U.S. and Canada. Stephen L. Hermann takes a look at what’s different–and the same–with this new edition.

You Always Have Enough for a Staging Area

There should always be a functioning Level I Staging Area even if there are not enough firefighters to place in staging. Roger Lunt has details on how to establish this area and who should manage it.

Education Doesn’t End Just Because You’re the “Old Guy”

Bobby Shelton writes, “It is up to the old guys to pass on what they have learned to the next generation of firefighters so that when that generation is the old guys, they won’t forget that education doesn’t stop.”

Humpday Hangout: Training at the Company Level

In this week’s Humpday Hangout, hosts Steve Pegram and Brad French as they cover the planning and delivery of company-level training, including the challenges of scheduling, consistency, and quality.

Transmission Pipeline Intelligence

Eric G. Bachman takes a quick look at preincident intelligence factors in jurisdictions that feature pipelines carrying potentially combustible products.  

The Battalion TV: Fresno Fire Vehicle Extrication

In this new episode of The Battalion TV, join members of the Fresno (CA) Fire Department as they respond to various emergency scenes including a vehicle extrication scenario.

Training Minutes: The Door Position

In this Training Minutes video, Ray McCormack and company offer a tip on how the door firefighter can smooth the advance of the attack team.

Mayday Monday: Expectations of Incident Commander During Mayday

What do you expect from the incident commander when things go bad on the fireground? This week’s drill will be to hold a basic simulation of a fire with a Mayday using a photo from a recent fire.

Extrication Minutes: Cutter Use

In this week’s video on vehicle extrication, host Brock Archer talks about how to get the most out of your hydraulic cutter tools.

Staffing: The Most Critical Factor of Fireground Tactics

Brian P. Kazmierzak takes a sharp look at the UL/NIST studies that consider the importnace of staffing models for several types of departments.  

In Case You Missed It: January 2016 Fire Engineering Features

In Case You Missed It: February 2016 Fire Engineering Features

In Case You Missed It: March 2016 Fire Engineering Features

In Case You Missed It: April 2016 Fire Engineering Features

In Case You Missed It: May 2016 Fire Engineering Features

In Case You Missed It: June 2016 Fire Engineering Features

Jack Gramlich Spring Lake assistance chief on water rescue Code X

Water Rescue: The Search for a Missing or Submerged Swimmer

Spring Lake (NJ) Assistant Chief Jack Gramlich explains "Code-X" and procedures to deal with incidents involving missing or submerged swimmers in open water environments.

Man Dies After Explosion Leads to Fire at Residence in Waterbury (CT)

A man has died after an explosion in a home in Waterbury on Sunday led to a fire at the residence.