Metal Shark Boats this week delivered the first new Response Boat-Small (RB-S) II to the U.S. Coast Guard’s Special Missions Training Center at Camp LeJune, North Carolina. Designed to gradually replace the Defender-class RB-S as it reaches the end of its service life, the vessel is the first of 38 boats scheduled for delivery to the Coast Guard by April 2013.
RB-S II’s flexibility as a multi-function platform makes it ideal for use across the Coast Guard’s full mission spectrum, including search and rescue, vessel boarding-team deployment, law enforcement, drug interdiction, and environmental response operations. Future deliveries will be assigned to various units including Maritime Safety and Security Teams (MSST), Maritime Security Response Teams (MSRT), Marine Safety Units (MSU), and to shore units throughout the coastal United States.
Based on Metal Shark’s Defiant platform, the 29-foot RB-S II is powered by twin 225-horsepower (hp) Honda outboards for top speeds of over 45 knots and a range of 150 nautical miles. RB-S II meets all Port Security Grant requirements and includes a full complement of communications and navigation gear, as well as shock-mitigating seats for enhanced crew comfort. The crew is further protected from foes — and the elements — by a fully-enclosed cabin enhanced with ballistic materials. The vessel’s side and rear windows also drop down to improve crew communication and ventilation.
RB-S II is road-transportable for service between missions, and may be transported via C130 aboard a specialized trailer. The boat also features multiple weapon racks and an integrated weapons-ready mounting system at the bow. The forward-mounted gunner’s platform provides 180-degree firing capability while a pass-through hatch leads to the cabin for easy access in any conditions.
Metal Shark sells directly to qualified government and commercial organizations, and custom-builds all boats to mission specifications. Metal Shark products are also available for purchase using General Service Administration (GSA) Supply Schedule 084. GSA pricing is also available to State, County, and Municipal agencies qualifying under the 1122 Counterdrug Program.
A subsidiary of Gravois Aluminum Boats, LLC, Metal Shark offers a dependable lineup of CBRN, law enforcement, military, fire/rescue, and commercial vessels ranging from 16 to 65 feet. Metal Shark’s all-aluminum construction provides a solid, durable, and low-maintenance platform built to withstand extreme conditions, harsh environments, and years of abuse.