Names in the News
West Named Asst. Chief
Battalion Chief R. E. West was named assistant chief of Clackamas County Fire District 1 in Milwaukie, Ore., on July 1. He will remain as chief training officer for the department with additional administrative duties.
West began his career with the fire district in April 1963 as a volunteer and progressed through the ranks to his present position. He is currently president of the Oregon Fire Instructors Association.
Keller Retires
John W. Keller, chief of the Redwood City, Calif., Fire Department for the last nine years, retired on August 1.
He started his fire career in 1935 with the San Mateo County Forest Service joining the Redwood City Fire Department in 1939. He was one of the first two captains appointed in 1947 and advanced through the ranks to become deputy chief in 1967 and chief in 1970.
Keller was a past president of the San Mateo County Fire Chiefs Association and the Peninsula Chiefs Association. He also was chairman of the Office of Emergency Services (Fire and Rescue) Sacramento. He was area and assistant fire coordinator of Region 2 and was a leader in the intracounty task force concept, automatic aid and strike team with the county. San Mateo County is considered one of the best organized mutual aid counties in California.
Peter J. O’Brien, Tri-City training officer, has been named to succeed Keller.