National Fallen Firefighters Foundation Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives Training Mini-Summit

The National Fallen Firefighters Foundation will conduct a Fire Fighter Life Safety Mini-Summit in conjunction with Fire Engineering and the Fire Department Instructors Conference at the FDIC in Indianapolis on April 13, 2005, from 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. This session will focus on the critical role of fire department instructors and training staff in the implementation of the 16 Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives.

The National Fallen Firefighters Foundation is conducting a nationwide campaign, aimed at reducing line-of-duty deaths by 25% within 5 years and by 50% within 10 years. The First National Summit on Fire Fighter Life Safety, in March 2004, identified the 16 major initiatives that must be implemented to reach these goals. The 16 initiatives have been endorsed and adopted by dozens of fire service organizations and by fire departments across North America.

During 2005 the Foundation is conducting a series of Mini-Summits to promote the implementation of the 16 initiatives in different environments, including training, structural firefighting, wildland firefighting, and vehicle operations. An additional conference has been scheduled to identify research priorities related to the initiatives. This session will focus on training and education efforts that are directed at overall implementation of the initiatives as well as how the initiatives impact on training programs and activities.

Members of the firefighting community at all levels and from all types of fire departments and related organizations are invited to attend and participate in this full-day event. This will be a highly participative session, aimed at identifying and discussing realistic implementation strategies and priorities. A distinguished group of experts and leaders in the fire fighter safety effort will be present to share ideas and interact with the attendees. Bring your ideas and plan to be an active participant as we discuss and explore the most effective strategies to prevent firefighter fatalities.

There will be no charge to attend and participate in the Mini-Summit, which will be held on April 13, 2005. To register or for more information, contact Jeanne Moreland, Fire Service Programs Specialist, National Fallen Firefighters Foundation, at (301) 447-7691 or e-mail her at To register for the FDIC show, to be held April 11-16, 2005, in Indianapolis, Indiana, visit

LAFD SUV in the ocean

Los Angeles Firefighter Swept Into Ocean as Mudslides Hit CA

A Los Angeles Fire Department vehicle was pushed into the ocean as heavy rains sent debris across several roadways.

Grandville (MI) Fire Truck Hit While Responding to I-196 Rollover

Michigan State Police are reminding drivers to pull over for emergency vehicles after a fire truck was struck Wednesday night.