New ICC certification for fire service professionals

Whether caused by natural disaster or man-made activities, fires continue to be one of the nation’s biggest threats. According to the U.S. Fire Administration, in 2004 fires claimed more lives in America that all natural disasters combined. With this in mind, the International Code Council developed the Fire Marshal Certification, the highest level of professional fire safety certification available in the country.

“At long last, we have a national standard for fire marshal competence,” said Tom Lariviere, Chairman of the International Fire Code Council and Fire Chief for the city of Madison, Miss. “The people that earn this certification are those that really care about professional credentials. They are those that want to demonstrate experience, knowledge and capabilities.”

The Fire Marshal certification exam emphasizes two key areas—public education and fire investigation. Individuals earning the Fire Marshal certification can communicate fire and life safety information to the public, develop education strategies, analyze data and identify at-risk fire setter candidates. In addition, ICC certified Fire Marshals understand how to assess, secure and plan a fire scene and its perimeter and, when determining fire origins, are able to document fire behavior, identify burn patterns and reconstruct fire scenes.

Prerequisites for Fire Marshal certification are Fire Inspector I and II, Fire Plans Examiner and Certified Building Official – Technology, and Legal and Management Modules. For more information about the International Code Council’s Certification Program, call 1-888-ICC-SAFE (422-7233), ext. 33806.

The International Code Council, a membership association dedicated to building safety and fire prevention, develops the codes used to construct residential and commercial buildings, including homes and schools.

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