Sidewinder Photography recently shared photos from the scene of an apartment fire in Menands, New York, where firefighters narrowly avoided a tragic outcome while performing search operations.
Firefighters from multiple departments fire responded on August 14, 2022, to Five Park Lane West for multiple calls reporting a structure fire. Police reports from the scene indicated a working structure fire with heavy smoke pushing from the building and a report of three children still inside.
Police officers attempted to locate the reported missing children from the exterior, and two chiefs on scene made entry into the apartment without a hoseline to search for the children. Additional units arrived and began to assist in the search and initiate suppression operations when crews began to notice a change in the smoke. Firefighters began to leave the building, narrowly avoiding a reported flashover that burned one of the chief’s helmets.
After additional searching and fire attack, it was determined the children were not in the apartment or on scene, but in Brooklyn, New York. The fire was brought under control in about 15 minutes.