One Dead after Fire on U.S. Navy Ship

Ingleside, TX, October 23-A fire that occurred during a training exercise on the Navy ship USS Inchon killed one sailor and injured seven others.

The fire on the mine countermeasures command and control ship was likely fueled by petroleum or some other flammable liquid, according to Navy officials. The ship serves as a landing pad for helicopters used in mine-hunting missions.

GA Fire Battalion Chief Killed

GA Fire Battalion Chief Killed in Alabama Shooting

A fire battalion chief from Georgia was killed in a roadside shooting that injured two other people in Chambers County on Sunday night, the sheriff’s office said.
David Rhodes, Jerry Tracy, and Jack J. Murphy

In The Books: High-Rise Buildings: Understanding the Vertical Challenges

David Rhodes discusses the comprehensive book High-Rise Buildings: Understanding the Vertical Challenges with authors Gerald Tracy and Jack Murphy.