The Assistance to Firefighters Grants (AFG) program’s Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) application period will be opening soon. This handy guide will give you a kick-start in preparing your grant application to thoroughly answer all the grant application questions. The primary goal of the SAFER grants program intends to improve or restore local fire departments’ staffing and deployment capabilities so they may more effectively respond to emergencies. With the enhanced or restored staffing, a SAFER grantee’s response time will be reduced sufficiently and an appropriate number of trained personnel will be assembled at the incident scene. Grant funds are available in two categories: Hiring Firefighters and Recruitment and Retention of Volunteer Firefighters. |
Call the Help Desk at 866-274-0960 or e-mail for answers to your questions, or contact your Fire Program Specialist. Locate your e-Grants system user name and password established from previous grant years. Use the same user name and password on your new application. Decide on a main point of contract. |
Financial Information |
· What is your department’s operating budget (including personnel costs) for your current fiscal year? What was your budget for the last three fiscal years? · Percentages of where the annual operating budget is derived from (i.e. taxes, grants, donations, fund drives, fee for service, etc.). Be sure these amounts total 100% OR Percentage of funding income (i.e. taxes, grants, donations, fund drives, fee for service, etc.). Be sure these amounts total 100%. |
Department Information |
· What is the square mileage of your first-due response area? · What is the permanent resident population of your primary/first-due response area or jurisdiction served? · Department call volume for the last three (do not include mutual/automatic aid calls).
Duns Number |
Effective October 1, 2003, all federal grant applications must contain a Dun & Bradstreet Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number. The DUNS number helps the federal government identify organizations that receive federal funding and ensures consistent name and address data for electronic grant applications. Additional information about DUNS numbers can be found on the Dun & Bradstreet Web site at;jsessionid=B9E740A165. There is no charge to obtain a DUNS number, and it is your organization’s responsibility to obtain one. Extensions will not be granted for applicants who are unable to obtain a DUNS number prior to the end of the application period. You are encouraged to apply for a DUNS number as soon as possible by calling 1-866-705-5711, or you can apply online; however it may take several weeks to obtain the number online. The DUNS number must be entered in a special data field on the AFG application. |
Central Contractor Registration (CCR) |
Per OMB guidance from August 27, 2010, federal agencies must require prime recipients of federal grants to register in the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) system. The CCR system is the primary registrant database for the U.S. Federal Government. The CCR collects, validates, stores, and disseminates data in support of agency acquisition missions. Registration is FREE and must be conducted online at: It is your organization’s responsibility to register during the application period. The CCR is not required prior to application, but will be required if you are selected for a grant award. For NEW registrations go to: A DUNS number is required to apply for a grant and to register in CCR The new CCR registration is NOT a requirement to apply for a grant but as a potential grantee, you should register CCR registration is required to be awarded a grant If your city or governing organization has a DUNS number, check to see if it is registered in CCR and if the CCR is current CCR registrants must renew their registration annually to maintain an active status. Step 1: Step 2: The required information includes: · General Information – Includes, but is not limited to, your DUNS number, Commercial And Government Entity (CAGE) Code, organization name, Federal Tax Identification Number (TIN), location, receipts, number of employees, and Web site address · Corporate Information – Includes, but is not limited to, your organization or business type and SBA-defined socioeconomic characteristics · Goods and Services Information – Includes, but is not limited to, your North American Industry Identification (NAICS) code, Product Service (PSC) code, and Federal Supply Classification (FSC) code. · Financial Information – Includes, but is not limited to, financial institution, American Banking Association (ABA) routing number, account number, remittance address, lock box number, Automated Clearing House (ACH) information, and credit card information · Point of Contact (POC) Information – Includes, but is not limited to, the primary and alternate points of contact and the electronic business, past performance, and government points of contact · Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Information* – Includes, but is not limited to, the EDI point of contact, telephone, e-mail, and physical address Corresponding Get Ready Guides and Self Evaluation Tools for the grant activity you will be applying for will be available soon with additional information to help you prepare your application. *Note: EDI Information is optional and may be provided only for those businesses interested in conducting transactions through EDI. Once a grantee has registered within CCR, the registration is valid for 12 months and must be renewed annually. If a grantee’s registration is expired or inactive, the user must get the registration reset by calling the CCR helpline at 866-606-8220. |