Dave McGlynn Logo

The Training Officer: David Rhodes

Host Dave McGlynn talks with David Rhodes about his Editor’s Opinion on the use of OSB in live fire training. They discuss creating an appropriate level of realism in fire service training, as well as the upcoming FDIC International.

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Rick Lasky and John Salka

Podcast: The Command Post: Your Command Post Location

Hosts Rick Lasky and John Salka discuss the intricacies of effective command post setup.
Bill Gustin, Mike Dugan, Joe Berry, and Mike Nasta

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Johnnie Yellock II and Sons of the Flag members

Sons of the Flag: Johnnie Yellock II

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Jim Duffy and Rob DeMarr

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Jim Duffy speaks with Rob DeMarr, Fire Department of New York dispatch supervisor, about the critical role dispatchers play in fire and rescue operations.