The National Fire Academy 1987-88 Course Catalog provides an on-campus course schedule and information on course offerings, off-campus programs, weekend courses, and special programs. The seven colleges participating in the Open Learning Fire Service Program are listed.
An admission application for NFA courses is included. For more information, write FEMA National Emergency Training Center, P.O. Box 70274, Washington, DC 20024.
A 12-page synopsis of the NFPA’s newest standards for SCBA is available from Mine Safety Appliances Co.
“A Primer on Air Masks for the Fire Service” condenses the 1987 editions of the NFPA 1500 standard for fire department occupational safety and health programs and the NFPA 1981 standard on open-circuit SCBA for firefighters. To order the booklet, write MSA, P.O. Box 426, Pittsburgh, PA 15230, or call (800) MSA-2222.
“Assessment Centers in the Fire Service,” a videotape from Dennis A. Joiner & Associates, explains how assessment centers can be used by fire departments seeking to fill managerial positions. The 35-minute videotape includes clips of actual candidate performance in fire service assessment centers, and features three job simulation exercises: a fire command simulation exercise; an oral presentation/press conference; and a role play/subordinate counseling exercise. For more information, write Dennis A. Joiner & Associates, P.O. Box 2341, Sacramento, CA 95811-2341, or call (916) 338-3131.
A computer-based version of the Association of American Railroads’ publication, Emergency Handling of Hazardous Materials in Surface Transportation, provides detailed information for handling chemical emergencies.
The software program, Chemical Emergency Response Information System, covers more than 3,000 commonly transported chemicals, including all haz mats regulated by the DOT. A “thumb-through” feature displays an index of names as the initial letters are typed, helping to pinpoint a specific item; a “mark-the-place” feature allows users to mark several locations in the database and move between them with simple keystrokes. For more information, contact Gary A. Hill, Management Logisitics International, Ltd., 1401 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22209, or call (703) 522-4550.
An information kit on the federal government’s Public Safety Officers’ Benefit Program is available from the National Volunteer Fire Council. The kit explains the program’s expansion to cover EMS personnel as well as firefighters; who qualifies as a survivor; and how to apply for the $50,000 benefit. Free copies are available. Send a 45cent stamped, self-addressed envelope to Jack Condon, NVFC Treasurer, P.O. Box 337, Dallas, OR 97338.
Industrial Training, Inc. introduces a new audio-visual program in its series on chemical safety. “RCRA —Hazardous Waste Training and Incident Response” introduces the requirements of the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. It was developed to help fulfill requirements for initial training and annual refresher training. The program comes in two parts, and is available in either slide/casette or video tape format. Other programs in the series are “Chemical Safety” and “Safe Chemical Handling.” For more information, call (800) 253-4623, or in Michigan, (616) 245-1185.
Career opportunities in fire protection engineering are explored in two new’ videos. The films are designed to introduce high school and college students to the types of jobs fire protection engineers can pursue and to show them how to prepare for those careers. “Careers in Fire Protection Engineering” provides an overview of career options; “Fire Protection Engineering at WPI” describes educational opportunities at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Copies of both presentations are free on loan. The first video can be borrowed from Careers in Fire Protection Engineering, Society of Fire Protection Engineers, 60 Battery march St., Boston, MA 02110; the WPI video can be borrowed from Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Center for Firesafety Studies, Worcester, MA 01609.
The ninth edition of the Standard for Safety for Fire Extinguisher and Booster Hose, UL 92, is available from Underwriters Laboratories Inc. The UL 92 standard covers fire extinguishers and booster hose in sizes of ⅜-inch up to and including a nominal internal diameter of 1 1/4-inches for use on portable, wheeled, and stationary fire extinguishers. For ordering information, contact Publications Stock, Underwriters Laboratories Inc., 333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, 1L 60062, or call (312) 272-8800.
Fire Prevention Through Films, Inc. has released its 1988 catalog of safety and fire prevention audio-visual aids. The films are produced in high-rise buildings, hospitals, laboratories, homes, and other sites under guidance of experts in various fields. The basics of safety and fire prevention for people at home, work, or school are emphasized. To receive the catalog, contact Fire Prevention Through Films, Inc., P.O. Box 11, Newton Highlands, MA 02161, or call (617) 965-4444.
A catalog of emergency response training films is available from HazChem—Commonwealth Films. Titles include “Anhydrous Ammonia,” “Recognizing Hazards,” and “Safe Operations.” For more information, contact Commonwealth Films, 223 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, MA 02116, or call (617) 262-5059.
“Partnerships Against Fire,” a fire safety public awareness campaign kit, is available from the U.S. Fire Administration.
The kit includes materials on how’ to target local groups as public education partners; how to select audiences; and lists of campaign themes, ideas, and activities.
To order the kit, write Partnerships Against Fire, U.S. Fire Administration, P.O. Box 70274, Washington, D.C. 20024.
“Fire Alarm —Your Trained Response,” is a 20-minute video program for health care workers at all levels.
The training video stresses the importance of fire prevention, reporting a fire, containing a fire, and evacuating patients safely. The video, presented in documentary style, can be rented by the week or purchased. For more information, on the program, contact University Health Resources at (404) 826-8969.
Pyramid Film & Video announces the release of “On Guard: Infection Control for Safety and Health Care Professionals.” The film uses a reenactment of an actual case study as well as advice from experts in the field to address concerns such as who’s really at risk in their jobs; how’ great the risk of acquiring AIDS or Hepatitis B is; and when to wear protective gloves. The video can be rented or purchased. For more information, call (800) 421-2304, or (213) 828-7577.