A new report prepared by the International City Management Association, with input from the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC), explains the possible impact of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) on municipalities and what communities can do to minimize the financial burden it represents. The report, “Fair Labor Standards Act: Understanding the Law,” explains FLSA impact on communities that pay volunteers a stipend below minimum wage and those using seasonal personnel supplements. It discusses ways for setting work schedules to minimize overtime. A key point stressed is the need for jurisdictions to seek expert legal advice in interpreting FLSA provisions. Conducting “impact audits” to identify areas of noncompliance, analyzing options and working hard to comply are actions advised by the report. The U.S. Department of Labor has limited discretion in interpreting the Act, making it unwise to wait for further guidance from the federal level. The report is available from the International City Management Association, FLSA Project, 1120 G St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005.
The International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) has produced for Operation Life Safety a 15-minute videotape of the full-scale fire tests conducted in San Francisco, CA, in October 1983. Test burns in simulated hotel rooms, exhibit areas, corridors, and apartments are shown. The video portrays the impact of automatic sprinklers and smoke detection systems on realistic fire conditions. Measurements of heat and smoke and other toxic gases are superimposed on fire scenes to convey information on the effectiveness of automatic fire protection systems on life safety conditions in each test. The videotape is available on loan from regional fire representatives of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The tape also can be purchased from the IAFC. For more information, contact IAFC, Operation Life Safety Reference Services, 1329 18th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036.
A 104-page catalog of training products featuring over 300 films, videos, and packaged training programs is available from BNA Communications Inc. Subject areas run the gamut from management development and quality improvement, to motivation, health, safety, communication, computer literacy, and more.
BNA Communications is also distributing “Right to Know: Working around Hazardous Substances,” a new film/video produced by Allied Corporation. The 12-minute film is said to motivate workers to stay alert for symptoms of exposure, check situations, read labels, report any unusual reactions or circumstances to their supervisors, and examine Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS).
For more information on either of these training aids, contact BNA Communications Inc., 9439 Key West Ave., Rockville, MD 20850. Telephone (301) 948-0540.
A status report on federal efforts to achieve the goals of the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) is available free of charge. “National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program: Fiscal Year 1984 Activities,” submitted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), lead agency for the NEHRP, describes: hazard delineation and assessment; earthquake prediction research; seismic design and engineering research; preparedness planning and hazard awareness; and fundamental seismological studies. Write to: Earthquake Annual Report, FEMA, P.O. Box 8181, Washington, D.C. 20024.
More than 41,000 course catalogs from the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) National Fire Academy (NFA) are now being mailed to every fire department in the United States. The 1985-86 course catalog offers comprehensive information and dates on the new master curriculum plan detailing the Harvard Fellowship Program and the Executive Fire Officer and Command and Staff programs. If any department has not received a new course catalog, a request can be submitted in writing on organizational or official letterhead and signed by a senior official. Requests should be directed to the Superintendent, NFA, National Emergency Training Center, P.O. Box 8181, Washington, D.C. 20024.
Rosco Labs is offering a free media press kit for fire departments to plan fire prevention publicity. The kit includes instructions on how to stage and run a press conference and how to draft letters and press releases. The kit is available from Rosco Labs Inc., attention Jon Oleinick, 36 Bush Ave., Port Chester, NY 10573.
ARSON: A BURNING ISSUE, a new publication from the American Re-Insurance Company, is intended to increase awareness of the arson problem and offer viable solutions. The first issue of the publication includes an eight-page anti-arson underwriters guide and a four-page fire investigation guide. American Re-Insurance conducts arson awareness programs worldwide on a regular basis, and this new publication covers the critical issues typically discussed at the seminars. For more information, contact: Linda J. Macklin, director of communications, American Re-Insurance Company, One Liberty Plaza, 91 Liberty St., New York, NY 10006. Telephone (212) 618-7000.
“Operation Open House,” a film/video of a burned and gutted home, is intended to involve and educate the community in the dangers and devastation of fire. The film is available from Film Communicators, 11136 Weddington St., North Hollywood, CA 91601. Telephone (800) 423-2400; in California or outside the United States phone (818)766-3747.
ILC Dover has compiled a chart that depicts the serviceability of seven materials used in protective clothing against over 500 different chemicals. The materials compared are ILC’s cpe (chlorinated polyethylene), urethane, Viton, as well as butyl, pvc (polyvinyl chloride), nitrile, and neoprene. Although many of the ratings were developed from actual field situations or testing, some are predictions based on ILC’s knowledge of the characteristics of the materials. ILC recommends user testing of any material before it is put into service. Copies of the Chemical Compatibility Chart are available upon request. Contact: ILC Dover, P.O. Box 266, Frederica, DE 19946. Telephone (302) 335-3911.
A personal computer software package that supports the development of emergency response plans for accidental releases of toxic chemicals from industrial facilities and transportation vehicles is available from Radian Corporation. The new software package, called CHARM (complex hazardous air release model), runs on the IBM Personal Computer and PC-compatibles. It predicts the location, concentration, and extent of a toxic gas cloud resulting from the accidental release of hazardous chemical compounds. The package is designed to aid industrial planners in evaluating potential hazards and developing contingency plans. For further information, contact Ben Finkel, marketing manager, Radian Corporation, 8501 Mo-Pac Blvd., P.O. Box 9948, Austin, TX 78766. Telephone (512) 454-4797.
The TRIAGE EMERGENCY CARE HANDBOOK by Max Klinghoffer, MD, has been published by Technomic Publishing Company Inc., Box 3535, Lancaster, PA 17604. The handbook meets the critical need for medical information where emergencies occur far from professional medical facilities, according to the American Civil Defense Association. The book is also said to address the much-needed disaster-response role in the field and to contribute to advanced lifesaving efforts. Based on Dr. Klinghoffer’s series of articles “TriageEmergency Care,” which ran in the JOURNAL OF CIVIL DEFENSE, the 191-page book sells for $25.
A revised edition of FIRE RESISTANCE RATINGS has been published by the Engineering and Safety Service of American Insurance Services Group Inc., a subsidiary of the American Insurance Association. The publication, used by building and fire inspectors, provides details for the construction of building assemblies that have fire resistance ratings of up to four hours. The 126-page reference is available for $15 prepaid (plus applicable sales tax) from: American Insurance Services Group, Publications Department, 85 John Street, New York, NY 10038.
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The causes of fire and electric shock and how to prevent them is the basis of a fire safety demonstration kit from Danger House. The kit consists of three units: fire basics kit, flammable liquids kit, and electrical fires safety kit. All kits come complete with instructor manuals and all materials necessary for effective demonstrations. Contact: Danger House, P.O. Box 1251, Kansas City, MO 64141.
Sensidyne Inc. is offering four new guides for toxic gas detection and monitoring. “Toxic Systems” provides a feature and benefit analysis of critical considerations in toxic gas monitoring, as well as a description of the electrochemical sensors, ranges, complete specifications and interference charts.
“Gas and Particulate Detection Systems” details portable instruments detecting arsine, phosphine, ammonia, hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and more. A comprehensive chart of performance specifications for each instrument is also included.
“Combustible Gas Detection Systems” includes a description of silicone resistant, high temperature, and a unique electrochemical hydrogen sensor with complete specifications.
The fourth publication, a 12-page direct reading vapor tube and portable gas detection catalog provides a comprehensive chart including tube applications (gas to be measured), chemical formula, tube number and name, measuring range, and shelf life. A one-page review of portable gas detection instruments is also included.
For further information, contact Sensidyne Inc., 12345 Starkey Road, Suite E, Largo, FL 33543. Telephone: (813) 530-3602.
The American Petroleum Institute (API) has released two new publications dealing with storage, handling and fire protection procedures for ethanol and other fuels containing alcohol.
API 1626, STORAGE AND HANDLING ETHANOL AND GASOLINE-ETHANOL BLENDS AT DISTRIBUTION TERMINALS AND SERVICE STATIONS, describes recommended practices for the storage, handling, and fire protection of ethanol and gasoline-ethanol blends. Topics include materials and tank compatibility, and safety and fire protection precautions. (Order No. 804-16260, $2.50)
API 2300, EVALUATION OF FIREFIGHTING FOAMS AS FIRE PROTECTION FOR ALCOHOL CONTAINING FUELS, is the final report of an API research project that evaluated the application of firefighting foams for fire protection on gasoline with alcohol containing fuels. The research project examines the application of protein, fluoroprotein, aqueous film-forming foam, and alcohol-resistant aqueous film-forming foam on gasoline blends containing methanol, ethanol, methyl tertiary butyl ether, and tertiary butyl alcohol. (Order No. 852-23000, $6)
Orders should be sent to the American Petroleum Institute, Publication and Distribution Section, 1220 L Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005. Telephone: (202) 682-8375
“New Tools for Volunteer Firefighters” is a publicity program offered free of charge by the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) to volunteer fire departments across the country. The kit assists volunteer firefighters in fund raising, recruiting, public relations, and fire and burn prevention efforts, and includes public service announcements for radio and television. Volunteer fire departments interested in receiving the kit should contact Gus Welter, secretary of NVFC, 9944 Harriet Ave., Bloomington, MN 55420.
RESEARCH REPORT ON HOME SMOKE DETECTOR EFFECTIVENESS has been published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, U.S. Fire Administration, Office of Firefighter Health and Safety. This 56-page report deals with many topics to assess how well citizens are actually protected by residential smoke detectors. An additional component of this report is the analysis of community based smoke detector application programs. Single copies may be obtained by writing to: FEMA Publications, P.O. Box 8181, Washington, D.C. 20024.