Emergency Warning Systems, a 56-page guidebook published by the Chemical Manufacturers Association, describes the advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of emergency warning systems available. The guidebook was compiled by industry representatives who are experienced in designing and implementing these systems. The book has been reviewed and approved by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Environmental Protection Agency. Copies are $7.50 each. To order, send a check or money order to CMA, Publications Fulfillment, 2501 M. Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20037.

The proper use of self-contained breathing apparatus is illustrated in two wall posters available from Mine Safety Appliances Co. The posters serve as training aids for municipal and volunteer fire departments, industrial fire brigades, and hazardous-materials response teams.

The posters contain color illustrations and provide step-by-step instructions on the use of MSA’s low-pressure (2,216-psig) Ultralite Air Mask and high-pressure (4,500psig) Custom 4500 Air Mask. They explain donning and doffing procedures, how to check regulator air flow and facepiece fit, and how to change air cylinders.

The posters are part of a series of MSA training aids that include videotapes and slide presentations on the proper care and use of personal protective equipment. The posters are available at no cost. Contact MSA, P.O. Box 426, Pittsburgh, PA 15230; telephone (800) MSA-2222.

TriData Corp. has published a new, 80page, softcover book called Overcoming Barriers to Public Fire Education. The book presents recommendations for dealing with obstacles in four key sectors—city management, the fire service, education, and the insurance industry—to get more resources, training, and public support for fire prevention education.

The book is based on the results of a study that involved in-depth interviews with more than 100 practitioners in the four sectors. The conclusions represent the consensus of those interviewed about the attitudes, motivations, traditions, organizational constraints, and financial considerations that get in the way of improving public fire education, says Philip Schaenman, president of TriData. The study was funded by the Tobacco Institute’s Fire Prevention Program.

Overcoming Barriers to Public Fire Education is available at no cost. Contact TriData Corp., 1500 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22209; telephone (703) 841-2975.

The American Society of Safety Engineers has published Volume II—Databases in its series called Directory of Safety Related Computer Resources. The purpose of the 96-page, softcover publication is to assist safety professionals in locating safety information found in databases. The publication contains 130 separate entries in alphabetical order by database name. The databases are organized by producer, on-line service, and topic.

Volume I—Software and References in the series consists of a comprehensive list of available computer software and references by name, subject, description, computer language, computers for which the resources are available, system requirements, general cost, and where each program can be purchased.

Single copies of both volumes are available for $10 each for ASSE members and $15 for nonmembers. Send prepaid-only orders to Department F, American Society of Safety Engineers, 1800 East Oakton St., Des Plaines, IL 60018. Credit card orders are accepted at (312) 692-4121.

A new, 40-hour, five-day personal protection and safety course has been developed by Hazco Services Inc. The course is designed to train personnel in the safe and effective handling of hazardous wastes. It includes classroom instruction, workshops, and a full-dress exercise which tests the students’ knowledge. Classroom topics include toxicology, hazard recognition, and decontamination procedures. During the workshops, students receive hands-on instruction in the proper use of protective equipment and testing instruments.

Hazco Services provides all necessary course materials and equipment and sets up the course at a location designated by the client. For course rate and more information, contact Hazco Services Inc., 1347 E. Fourth St., Dayton, OH 45401; telephone (800) 332-0435.

“Understanding Title III” is a 15-minute videotape produced by the Chemical Manufacturers Association. It describes the major provisions of and how to comply with Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986, which is also known as the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act. The videotape is intended for industry personnel who want to learn about Title III. The videotape costs $45 per copy for CMA members. To order, send a check or money order to CMA, Publications Fulfillment, 2501 M Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20037. The videotape costs $295 per copy for non-CMA members, who should call Industrial Training Systems at (609) 983-7300 for more information.

Man Dies After Explosion Leads To Fire at Residence in Waterbury (CT)

A man has died after an explosion in a home in Waterbury on Sunday led to a fire at the residence.