As early as 1991 the FIRE AND RESCUE TELEVISION NETWORK (FDTV) will broadcast via satellite to subscribers original programs tailored to the specific needs of firefighters, EMS and rescue personnel, and officers. Programs will range from training and educational series to informational newscasts. An FDTV subscription will include installation of a satellite dish, an FDTV receiver/decoder, equipment maintenance, and a monthly program guide. Contact: (800) 786-7060.
An AIR BAG PAMPHLET published by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration describes the steps emergency workers should take when working at crashes involving air bags in cars. It also explains various air bag situations, including situations where -the air bag did not inflate. Contact: Herb Miller, (202) 366-2691.
Powerphone’s DISPATCHER’S GUIDE TO FIRES/INCIDENTS IN PROGRESS is a manual that allows instant access to exactly the type of fire, rescue, or haz-mat incident reported. Each tab in the manual helps the dispatcher gather information concerning proper response, life safety, and controlling the incident. Subjects include primary and secondary dispatch information, prearrival instructions, specific site information, and notifications. Contact: Chip Darius, Manager of Information Services, (203) 2458911.
MORE THAN JUST A 911 EMERGENCY SERVICE is a 20-minute video from the Glendale (CA) Fire Department that highlights the fire prevention and public education services the department provides. Included are testimonials from locals who were affected by fire. The cost is $15.00. Contact: Captain Mike Haney, Support Services Section, (818) 956-6470.
Lab Safety Supply’s new SAFETY PROGRAM START-UP AND IMPROVEMENT KIT offers an all-in-one system for implementing or upgrading a workplace safety program. Contact: (800) 356-0783.
EMERGENCY CHILDBIRTH, a video from Emergency Medical Update, features an actual home birth as well as a discussion of the . anatomy and physiology of birth, birth complications, and neonatal resuscitation. A childbirth instructor from the Maternity Center Association in Bethesda, Maryland covers such delivery complications as prolapsed cord, neonatal distress, and postpartum bleeding. The video is available in all formats. Contact: Emergency Medical Update 1 (800) 327-3841.
IT COULD HAPPEN TO YOU, a 15-minute video from the Burns Recovered Support Group, features interviews with five young adults and teenagers who have been badly burned and disfigured. The focus is on burn prevention and fire safety and the target group is age 10 and over. The tape costs S75.00 and includes a packet of educational materials. Contact: Burns Recovered Support Group, P.O. Box 12875, St. Louis, MO 63141 (314) 928-4366.
THERE’S NO PLACE LIKE HOME is a hand book on elder fire prevention published by the National Elder Fire Prevention Project. It discusses smoking, heating, cooking, and electrical hazards and how to avoid them. Contact: The National Elder Fire Prevention Project, Human Services Development Institute, University of Southern Maine, 96 Falmouth Street, Portland, ME 04103 (207) 780-4430.
The 20-page booklet MODEL GUIDELINES FOR PREEMPLOYMENT INTEGRITY TESTING PROGRAMS, released by the Association of Personnel Test Publishers, is for employers who use or wish to use written integrity tests for job applicants. It was produced by a task force of 22 psychologists and human resources professionals and four trade associations. Topics include types of tests, what to look for in a test, how to administer tests, how to score and interpret, and how to ensure confidentiality. Contact: Guidelines, APTP, 655 15th Street, NW, Suite 320, Washington, DC 20005, (202) 6394314.