“Gasoline Tank Truck Emergencies,” a training film, is now available from the lending library of the Chemical Manufacturers Association. The film was produced by the National Fire Protection Association with technical and logistical support from the American Petroleum Institute’s Committee on Safety and Fire Protection and Highway Transportation Committee.
The film reviews the safety features of the gasoline tank truck and explains the tactics for managing incidents involving these vehicles. It emphasizes personnel safety and use of firefighting foams. Film footage of incidents and demonstrations illustrates the proper techniques for handling spills, fires, and rollover emergencies.
Fire and police personnel and emergency medical service and hazardous-materials teams can borrow the film at no charge. It’s available in ½and ¾-inch VHS format videotape and in 16mm motion picture film.
Contact the National Chemical Response and Information Center, Chemical Manufacturers Association, 2501 M St., N.W., Washington, DC 20037. Allow one month to receive the film.
“Sulfuric Acid and Hydrochloric Acid,” a new emergency response training film, is now available. The film was produced by the Detrick Lawrence Corp. and is being distributed through Hazchem, which is part of Commonwealth Films Inc.
The 25-minute film covers the principal health, fire, reactivity, and environmental hazards associated with sulfuric and hydrochloric adds, and tells how emergency responders can handle uncontrolled leaks, spills, and fires. Site control, proper protective clothing, and decontamination procedures are also examined in the film.
“Sulfuric Add and Hydrochloric Add” is a full-color, synchronous-sound, motion picture available on 16mm film or any videocassette format. The program can be purchased or rented. It may be previewed for a small fee, which can then be applied toward the purchase price.
Contad Hazchem, Commonwealth Films Inc., 223 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, MA 02116; telephone (617) 262-5059.
K.O. Productions announces the availability of a sound/slide program on live fire training, which was shot on the site of an actual practice bum. The program displays a three-step system that emphasizes methods to gain the maximum learning experience while minimizing the risk of injury.
The slide presentation is also available in ½-inch VHS tape and indudes a program guide and checkoff lists for the director/ commander, instructor, water officer, and safety officer.
Contad Bruce Oerter, K.O. Productions, 3202 River Rd. South, Salem, OR 97302; telephone (503) 585-0263. Public Service Computer Software Inc., publisher of FireSoft Systems, announces the release of a new hoses module in its Firefighter I Level Training Series. The new software can be used on any IBM-compatible microcomputer with graphics capability. Other software available in the training series covers forcible entry, rescue, ladders, and ventilation.
The hoses module has color graphics, easy-to-read text, and on-line quizzes to reinforce a complete understanding of the following topics: hoses, appliances, and tools; care and maintenance; rolling hose; coupling hose; and loading hose.
Contad Tindal Dennison, PSCS, 1220 L St., N.W., Suite 200, Washington, DC 20005; telephone (800) 648-4861.
“Staying With It,” a 16-page, color brochure on exerdse adherence, is now available from the President’s Coundl on Physical Fitness and Sports. The brochure tells you why and how you should get started in an exerdse program, how to choose the right workout environment, how to seled a health club, what to look for in home equipment, and how to stay motivated.
Production of the brochure was funded by Bally Fitness as part of that company’s year-long clinical research and public education program on exerdse adherence.
“Staying With It” is available by telephone request. Call (800) 543-2925, Department E.D.
The Rope Rescue Manual, published by California Mountain Co., covers the basics of rope rescue. Topics covered indude safety, equipment, knots, rappelling, and stretcher systems.
The 138-page manual contains 35 photo graphs and 125 illustrations. The illustrations take the reader step by step through lowering and raising systems, belays, mechanical advantage systems, and knot passes. The techniques covered allow the resolution of most high-angle rescue situations and stress the safety of the rescuer.
Contact California Mountain Co., P.O. Box 6602, Santa Barbara, CA 93160; telephone (800) 235-5741, in California (805) 967-5654.
“CPR; The Way to Save Lives” is available on video and audio cassettes and in book form from J.D. Heade Co. The material instructs in adult, child, and infant CPR and obstruded airways (choking) of adults, children, and infants. The cassettes and book contain all the new, basic life-support standards and are for laypeople, including children as young as fourth-graders. The material can be used for classroom instruction. Contact J.D. Heade Co., Book Publishers, Video/Audio/Film Production, P.O. Box 78699, St. Louis, MO 63178; telephone (314) 721-3368 or (800) 622-5689.
New Spanish-language materials promoting smoke detector maintenance and use are available from the U.S. Fire Administration, a part of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
The materials, a translated version of a kit being used throughout the country, include radio and print public service announcements scripts, camera-ready artwork, four feature articles, draft letters, and a resource guide for obtaining additional Spanish-language materials. Contact FEMA Publications Office, P.O. Box 70274, Washington, DC 20024
A four-page booklet titled “Miamisburg: Anatomy of a Response” is now available. Published by the Chemical Manufacturers Association, the booklet tells the story of a coordinated emergency response plan that worked. The publication may be used by itself or as a supplement to a CMA-produced, 19-minute video by the same name. Contact CMA Publications Fulfillment, 2501 M Street N.W., Washington, DC 20037; telephone (202) 887-1224.