Rockwell International offers the videotape Q AND Q PLUS CAM BRAKE MAINTENANCE (video #90233, S20), which provides a description of cam brake operation, the difference between the Rockwell Q and Q Plus brakes, disassembly, inspection, and rebuilding. Contact: Rockwell International, Literature Handling Dept., P.O. Box 2803, Livonia. MI 48151-9963.
■ Lab Safety Supply offers the RESPIRATOR VIDEO and the SELECTION CHART The vki eo presents an overview of respirator training and stresses the importance of proper respirator assembly, donning, fit checking, inspection, and maintenance. The selection chart covers La it Safety Supply respirators, cartridges, replacement parts, and accessories. Contact: Lab Safety Supply, P.O. Box 1368, Janesville. WI 53547-1.368, (800) 356-2855.
■ The Canadian Chemical Producers’ Association and the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs offer FIRST RESPONDER AWARENESS LEVEL TRAINING PACKAGE ($35), which consists of a trainee workbook, an instructor’s manual, and a videotape. The package targets those who do not necessarily work in refineries or industry, but may in the course of their job come in contact with potentially dangerous situations involving hazardous materials or dangerous goods. Contact: Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs, 2425-1 Don Reid Dr., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1H 1A4, (613) 736-0576.
■ Media Resources. Inc. has released CONFINED SPACE RESCUE (S150), a video-based compliance and training program that helps train workers in accordance with OSHA’s new rules on “permit required confined spaces.” The program presents step-by-step demonstrations that emphasize how to prepare a preincident plan, use various atmospheric monitoring equipment, size-up a confined space for rescue, and control rescue area hazards. The program also details specific procedures for entering the space, maintaining standby rescue teams, retrieving the victim, and more. Contact: Media Resources, 2614 Fort Vancouver Way, Vancouver, WA 98661-3997, (800) 666-0106.
■ The video training program CRIME AND EMS (SI35) from Emergency Medical Update provides survival information for EMS responders. The multi-topic format features a report on the hidden dangers of drug labs, a case study review of EMS response to a bar tight, and more. R. Jack Ayres, Jr. presents the legal considerations of dealing with an unsafe scene. Safety expert Dennis Krebs EMTP reviews actual techniques for assessing scene safety and assuring rescuer protection. Contact: Emergency Medical Update, (800) 327-3841 or (206) 842-8454.
■ Hie National Association of Towns and Townships offers ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPEN, A SMALL TOWN GUIDE TO PLANNING FOR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS RESPONSE, a training program specifically geared to the capacities of the nation’s smaller communities and the role of their elected officials. The 60-page guidebook, video, and user’s guide will help small towns develop safe, workable, and cost-effective emergency response plans. Contact: National Association of Towns and Townships: 1522 K St., N.W.; Suite 600; Washington, DC 20005; (202) 737-5200.
■ Gulf Publishing Company and Texas A&M University’s Industrial Firefighting Training School offer a five-part videotape training series entitled INDUSTRIAL FIREFIGHTING (S325 each). The series is based on Texas A&M University’s industrial firefighing training course. The topics of the five parts are fire basics, portable extinguishers, hose handling techniques, use of foam, and interior firefighting. Contact: Gulf Publishing Company, Video Publishing, P.O. Box 2608, Houston. TX 77252-2608.