“LARGE DIAMETER HOSE SYSTEMSTRAINING AND MAINTENANCE” is a 20minute videotape from Snap-tite Hose. The tape addresses the advantages of large diameter hose and includes information on the proper way to lay the hose, utilization of LDH for water rescue, and more. The tape is available on 3/4” U-matic, 1/2” VHS, and 1/2” Beta cassettes. For more information, contact Snap-tite Hose, Inc., 217 Titusville Road. “Union City, PA 16438, or call (814) 4387616.
An APPARATUS OPERATOR/DRIVER TRAINING series is available from Media Resources, Inc. This new five-part series “provides a systematic and practical way to train new personnel and can be used as refresher instruction for current drivers and operators. The program content and objectives are based on NFPA 1002. All programs come with an instructor’s guide and student materials. Programs include “Primary Administrative and Automotive Qualifications,” “Fire Pumps: Operating Principles and Maintenance,” “Fire Pumpers and Pump Operadons,” “Aerial Apparatus: Maintenance and Operation,” and “Driving Principles for Emergency Service Apparatus.” For more information, contact Media Resources, Inc.. 2614 Fort Vancouver Way, Dept. P-AO, Vancouver, WA 98661-3997, or call (800) 6660106.
Emergency Film Group has released the fourth title in its series of TRAINING FILMS ON SAFE RESPONSE TO HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. this one on chlorine. The HazChem series studies the hazards of a product; discusses safe handling; storage and use; and offers procedures for effective response to spill-, leak-, and fire-related emergencies. For more information, contact Emergency Film Group, 1380 Soldiers Field Road, Boston, MA 02135, or call (617) 782-0999.
“ASBESTOS AWARENESS” is a live-action video training program about the dangers of asbestos exposure. Examples are used to improve viewers’ identification of materials that may contain asbestos and their recognition of when these materials have become dangerous. The program discusses EPA and OSHA requirements, including exposurelimits and abatement procedures, and outlines additional practices that will help minimize exposure to asbestos fibers.
A free five-day preview of the program is available from Industrial Training. Inc. For more information, call (800) 253-462.3. In Michigan, call collect (616) 245-1185.
Survivair offers a new color WALL POSTER that shows how to don the company’s Mark 2 SCBA. It includes directions on how to remove the SCBA from the storage case; check the gauge to lxsure cylinder is fully pressurized; and check the emergency In pass valve. For more information, contact Survivair, 3001 S. Susan Street, Santa Ana. CA 92704, or call (800)821-72,36; in California. (714) 545-0410.
A 19-minute videotape from l.ilc|ack. Inc shows the setup and operation of the company’s POSITIVE PRESSURE VENTILATION FANS The film, which is on VHS format, includes graphics and live footage. For moreinformation. contact l ift-jack. Inc. P.O. Box 1203, Statesville, NC 28677, or call (704) 878-9506.