The video EARTHQUAKE PROTECTION FOR FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS from the National Fire Sprinkler Association, Inc. (NFSA) discusses the movement of buildings during earthquakes and the resulting need for protection of the fire sprinkler systems. It shows methods for determining bracing locations and proper loads, as well as the selection and types of braces and fittings. Contact: NFSA, P.O. Box 1000, Patterson, NY 12563, (914) 878-4200.
■ TEST MASTER computerized test management system from FirePrograms allows instructors to create, distribute, and administer tests from question sets of any size. It can be used for certification testing, promotional tests, or in the study mode as a learning tool. Contact: Fire Protection Publications, Oklahoma State University, (800) 654-4055.
■ The American Coalition for Traffic Safety, Inc. (ACTS) offers AlR BAGS-A CRASH COURSE FOR RESCUE PERSONNEL, a video outlining the proper rescue procedures for aiding crash victims in vehicles equipped with air bags. It provides detailed rescue instructions for several crash scenarios and separates the myths from the facts about how air bags work. Contact: ACTS, Suite 1001, 919 18th St. NW, Washington, DC 20006.
■ PHYSICAL FITNESS COORDINATOR’S MANUAL FOR FIRE DEPARTMENTS, offered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s U.S. Fire Administration (USFA), is designed to assist fire department physical fitness instructors in developing, implementing, and managing such a program. Subject areas include body composition, nutrition and weight control, injury prevention and management, and age and sex considerations. Contact: USFA, P.O. Box 70274, Washington, DC 20024.
■ The fire safetyvideo training program HANDLING ACETYLENE CYLINDERS IN FIRE SITUATIONS from the Compressed Gas Association, Inc. (CGA) explores the types of fire situations most commonly encountered with acetylene cylinders. The program focuses on a firefighter’s view of die alternatives available to mitigate fires involving acetylene cylinders under various storage and use conditions. Contact: CGA, 1235 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA 22202-3269, (703) 979-4341.
■ Memory Makers, Tiller and Friends offers a complete line of products for CHILDRENS FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY EDUCATION Books, music cassettes, and videos teach schoolchildren fire and life safety in a memorable and entertaining way. Contact: Memory Makers, P.O. Box 656, Phoenix, AZ 85001, (602) 241-0057.
■ YOUR HOUSE IS ON FIRE is a free booklet on fire protection from Aetna Life & Casualty to help residents develop an emergency plan in case their house is on fire. Safety tips and emergency actions such as keeping escape routes clear and meeting outside at a predesignated spot are outlined. Contact: Aetna, 151 Farmington Ave., RWAC, Hartford, CT 06156.
■ The text WHEN VIOLENCE ERUPTS: A SURVIVAL GUIDE FOR EMERGENCY RESPONDERS teaches fire and rescue personnel how to identify potentially dangerous situations sometimes presented by the citizens they are trying to help. Chapters include approaching a motor vehicle, fleeing an armed encounter, self-defense tactics, body armor, and bombs and makeshift weapons. Contact: Mosby-Year Book, Inc., (800) 3254177.
■ Summit Training Source, Inc.’s safety training video program on FIRE PREVENTION SAFETY teaches the causes of fires and how to prevent them. Workers will learn the importance of proper housekeeping, facility inspection, and other precautionary’ measures to eliminate the causes of industrial fires. It emphasizes proper handling and storage of flammables. Contact: Summit Training Source, Inc., 620 Three Mile Rd., Grand Rapids, Ml 49504, (800) 842-0466 ext. 410.
■ The Volunteer Firemen’s Insurance Services, Inc. (VFIS), in cooperation with the American Critical Incident Stress Foundation, will present the teleconference ON THE CUTTING EDGE: PRESERVING EMERGENCY PERSONNEL THROUGH CRITICAL INCIDENT STRESS MANAGEMENT TEAM on April 10, 1991 from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. FST. The teleconference will be broadcast through the Westar 5 Satellite System, Transponder 11 Cross, channel 22, and audio frequency 6.2-6.H Milz. Contact: Tamela Monroe or Ray Hawkins. VFIS, (800) 6321884 in PA, (800) 233-1957 elsewhere.
■ HANDS ON! Skills Series organizes training and recertification for EMTs and first responders. The instructor’s resource guide contains teaching outlines, goals and objectives, and multiple choice tests and answer sheets. Each program includes demonstrations, illustratioas, and street scenes. Contact: American Safety Video, 1185 8th St. South, Naples, FL 33940.
■ A MATTER OF WHEN is a videotape outlining the National Burn Victim Foundation’s (NBVF) Medical Disaster System, targeted for disaster planners—federal, state, local, and professionals charged with disaster response, medical triage, emergency management, and public safety. The concept of the system is that every disaster response protocol should incorporate the private sector resources within the community. Contact: NBVF 308 Main St., Orange, NJ 07050, (201) 731-3112.
■ ORGANIZATION FOR HAZMAT EMERGENCIES is a two-part series designed to assist facilities and communities assessing the potential of and planning for hazardousmaterials incidents—activities mandated by SARA Title III. Studied in the program are objective and subjective approaches to risk analysis, determining vulnerability zones, assessing response capabilities, and balancing probability and consequences in risk analysis. Contact: Emergency Film Group, 1380 Soldiers Field Rd., Boston, MA 02135, (800) 782-0999.