Firefighter Training Program: New Free Fire/EMS Response to Civil Unrest Training Available

The Firefighters Support Foundation’s (FSF) newest free firefighter training program, Fire/EMS Response to Civil Unrest, is now available. As seen in the recent cases of protests against Muammar Gadhafi in Libya and Hosni Mubarak in Egypt as well as other locations in the Middle East, civil unrest events are becoming more prevalent, and fire and EMS units are playing a greater role in responding to them. This program consists of a 40-minute video program and an accompanying 46-slide PowerPoint program. Firefighters and EMTs can view the video material with the PowerPoint file acting as their hard copy notes, or they can use either resource independently. 


 The program covers:
  • Types of events
  • Dispatch issues
  • Body armor
  • The effects of alcohol
  • Coordination with other agencies and the police
  • Approach strategies
  • The potential for violence
  • The NFPA mandate
  • Lessons learned from previous events
  • Why no jurisdiction is too small
  • Proven tactics
The presenter is August Vernon, the well-known subject matter expert on emergency management issues. The PowerPoint and video portions of the program can be used by any agency or member either as-is, or as a basis from which to construct training modules or presentations of their own. 

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CLICK HERE to download the video and PowerPoint presentation.

The Firefighters Support Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization dedicated to assisting firefighters and rescue personnel perform their jobs effectively and safely. We also set aside a portion of our funds to aid underfunded agencies and assist families of fallen firefighters.

Send comments and feedback about these training programs to Please note that some Windows users may experience problems when downloading compressed files. If you have trouble downloading any of the programs, e-mail

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