16 mm Films
THE FOAM FILM, Courtermedia, RD1, Box 355B, Columbia, N. J. 07832; color, 23 minutes, $290 purchase, $35 rental 3 days.
St ressing the importance of training in the use of foam equipment, this film first points out the extensive flammable liquids problem that exists throughout the nation and then describes the various types of foam. Other scenes show different types of foam application equipment and demonstrate nozzle techniques. Vapor seal hazards and rescue precautions also are considered.
FLAMMABLE LIQUID FIRE SAFETY, Film Communicators, 11136 Weddington Street, N. Hollywood, Calif. 91601; 18 minutes; $295 purchase, $40 rental one week.
Safety in the use, storage and transportation of flammable liquids is considered from the viewpoint of factory fire protection. The film stresses the virtue of designing flammable liquid storage areas and illustrates the increased safety gained through the installation of an automatic sprinkler system.
EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE, Fire Prevention Through Films, Inc., P.O. Box 11, Newton Highlands, Mass. 02161; color, 19 minutes; $275.
Aimed at general audiences, this film depicts the work of emergency medical personnel so as to develop a more appreciative concept of their contributions to a community’s life safety. Scenes show the training EMTs and paramedics undergo and how they use medical and electronic equipment to save lives.
AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS: THE MYTHS & THE MAGIC, Film Communicators, 11136 Weddington Street, N. Hollywood, Calif. 91601; color, 14 minutes; $235 purchase, $28 rental week.
Two fires, one with and one without automatic sprinkler protection, show the effectiveness of sprinklers in containing a fire. The need to call the fire department whenever a fire occurs is stressed, and the film points out that sprinklers can maintain control of a fire while the fire companies are responding. The types of sprinkler systems available and how they operate are shown.
YOUR FIRE SERVICE, Fire Prevention Through Films, Inc., P.O. Box 11, Newton Highlands, Mass. 02161; color, 20 minutes; $275.
Fire fighters are shown working at actual fires and rescue situations in this public relations film. It helps citizens realize the skills and dedication that go into the operation of an efficient fire department and it shows the equipment fire fighters must have to do their job effectively. In general, it gives the public a better insight into what the fire service does for the community it serves.
CLOSED CONTAINERS AND FIRE, Film Communicators, 11136 Weddington Street, N. Hollywood, Calif. 91601; color, 20 minutes; $300 purchase, $40 rental week.
Both vented and unvented containers are shown as they undergo the effect of increasing temperatures with a resultant increase in the pressures inside the containers of liquids and gases. With both live action and animation, this film tells fire fighters what they should know about why containers explode—even though they may have relief valves.
EMERGENCY FIRST AID, Film Communicators, 11136 Weddington Street, N. Hollywood, Calif. 91601; color, 19 minutes; $195 purchase, $34 rental week.
The basic procedures to handle such emergencies as bleeding, stopped breathing, poisoning and shock are explained in this film designed to motivate the viewers to participate in a training program. The scenes stress the importance of knowing how to provide first aid until trained medical help arrives.
CPR—MINUTES INTO YEARS, Eagle Production Corp., 1875 W. Dartmouth Auenue, Suite 1, Englewood, Colo. 80110; color, 30 minutes; $275.
Live action, animation and diagramation are all used in this film designed to provide familiarization with the use of CPR. Both single and multiple CPR operator techniques are shown and the situations include a heart attack, drowning, electrical shock and choking. Through animation, the film shows how CPR works on the human body.
BASIC RESEARCH AND RESCUE, Courtermedia, RD1, Box 355B, Columbia, N. J. 07832; color, 20 minutes; $290.
Designed to motivate fire fighters to reevaluate their skill and training, this film shows a variety of rescue operations. It provides a methodical study in basic search and rescue techniques.
MOBILE HOME FIRE SAFETY, Film Communicators, 11136 Weddington Street, N. Hollywood, Calif. 91601; color, 15 minutes; $225 purchase, $30 rental week.
Escape planning, early detection, fire prevention and fire suppression are stressed in this film about the fire problems in mobile homes. In a question and answer format, a fire marshal comments on such problems as flammable walls and drapes, windows too small to crawl through, and fire hazards created by the carelessness of mobile home occupants.
HANDS AT WORK, Fire Prevention Through Films, Inc., P. 0. Box 11, Newton Highlands, Mass. 02161; color, 21 minutes; $295.
Aimed at industrial workers, this film teaches the fundamentals of fire safety in the workplace. Stressing fire prevention, the film explains the use of fire protection equipment found in factories.
STRUCTURAL FIRE ATTACK, Courtermedia, RD1, Box 355B, Columbia, N.J. 07832; color, 21 minutes; $290.
Fire extension theory is translated into scenes of fires in buildings to show how fires should be attacked. One section of the film shows a potential back draft condition in a building as it is resolved by ventilation.