35MM Slides
HOME FIRE INSPECTION, Film Communicators, 11136 Weddington Street, North Hollywood, Calif. 91601; 126 color slides and tape, 15 minutes; $110.
Slide-tape program points out possible hazards of equipment commonly found in homes and discusses family escape planning, smoke detectors and safety measures for gas and electric heaters. Barbeque and fireplace precautions are among other topics covered by the program.
A PUBLIC EDUCATION PROGRAM WHICH REDUCES FIRE LOSSES, International Society of Fire Service Instructors, P.O. Box 88, Hopkinton, Mass. 01748; 88 color slides, $99 to ISFSI members, $125 to non-members.
This narrated slide program is designed to create a more favorable attitude toward public fire education among members of the fire service. It details a step-by-step process to analyze local needs, establish goals, select achievable objectives, implement cost-effective programs and measure the results.