Bold Brand Campaign for DuPont™ Kevlar® Kicks-Off with ESPN X Games

DuPont Protection Technologies today announced the new DuPont™ Kevlar® brand platform, Dare Bigger™, and a sponsorship of ESPN X Games through 2015. Kevlar®, an advanced material synonymous with strength, durability and performance in extreme conditions, is the perfect sponsor for the powerful global event platform where athletes break the boundaries of action sports. The campaign will begin running with the inaugural X Games this week in Austin, Texas.

“The DuPont™ Kevlar® brand and Dare Bigger™ are a great fit for the X Games,” said Eric Johnson, ESPN executive vice-president of global multimedia sales. “The brand has long been a component in performance-based sporting equipment used by our athletes and we look forward to exploring the possibilities of this new collaboration in the years ahead.”

In addition to the ESPN sponsorship, DuPont™ Kevlar® also is the subject of a documentary-style advertisement that premieres this spring during commercial breaks in the fourth season of the award-winning series, Horizons, which is sponsored by DuPont, on BBC World News. The Kevlar®Journey, Top to Bottom takes the audience from space to earth and below to showcase through spectacular footage how the technology can challenge boundaries. Kevlar® is seen in the design of such varied products as space suits, cell phones, high-performance sporting equipment and mining belts. To view: click here.

“Our potential to Dare Bigger™ is limited by what materials can do,” said William F. Weber, vice-president, Kevlar®, DuPont Protection Technologies. “Products made with Kevlar® help enable you to challenge those boundaries, much in the way an athlete or astronaut defies the limits of possibility. That is the spirit of this campaign and the promise of this brand.”

The breadth and versatility of the Kevlar® technology platform helps enable customers to design products that make a difference when performance and safety are crucial. It is lightweight, extraordinarily strong and flame resistant. Best known for its use in ballistic and stab-resistant body armor, Kevlar® has helped to save the lives of thousands of people around the world. The use of Kevlar® has been extended to everything from fire fighter and industrial protective clothing to vehicles, fiber optic cables, mining belts, commercial aircraft and city roads. Kevlar® fiber also is used in many consumer products such as mobile phones, tires, sporting apparel and equipment.

“The science behind DuPont™ Kevlar®, along with its proven strength, endurance and versatility, enables performance and safety that customers have come to trust,” said Marc Doyle, president DuPont Protection Technologies. “Our science and application knowledge is what allows us to continue our legacy of market-shaping innovation.”

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