CAD Zone, Inc., introduces Inspector Tools FLP, a new software program that enables fire departments to manage fire safety building inspections, track code violations, and issue building permits. The new software application enables users to have a complete inspection history of an occupancy, including any code violations, as part of their pre-incident plans.
Inspector Tools FLP is a customized version of the popular Inspector Tools software, published by RLS Data of Grand Rapids, Michigan. CAD Zone and RLS have teamed up to create this completely integrated, inspection and pre-incident planning solution. This integration ensures that Incident Commanders will have access to even more critical building data on their mobile computers than ever before.
Inspector ToolsFLP includes features for scheduling and managing building inspections, issuing building permits, tracking issues and code violations, and managing contacts. It is now available as an optional module in The CAD Zone’s popular First Look Pro V.5, which allows fire departments to organize and locate pre-incident plans, site diagrams, maps, and photographs on mobile computers.
Some key features of Inspector Tools FLP are:
Inspection tracking and scheduling
Code violation tracking
Issuing of building permits
Building Issue tracking
Building activity tracking
Report builder
Contact manager
A separate version of InspectorTools FLP, called Inspector Tools Pro, has advanced features for managing inspections of large complexes, performing billing, managing billing assets, tracking complaints, and creating custom forms, among others.
Inspector Tools FLP is available at an introductory price of $995 per copy, which includes a complete version of the First Look Pro pre-incident planning software and Easy Plan diagramming software. Discounts are available for multiple copies. Shipping and handling cost is added to any purchase. To order, or to obtain a free evaluation version, call The CAD Zone, Inc., at: 800-641-9077, or visit: