MAY 19-22—The NFPA’s 95th annual meeting TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES IN FIRESAFETY, to be held in Boston, will offer a look at the importance of research and technology for greater fire safety. Many exhibits and a technical session and voting on 22 NFPA codes and standards will be presented. Contact: NFPA’s Meeting and Travel Dept., NFPA Headquarters, (617) 770-3000.

MAY 20-24-EMERGENCY COMMAND AND MANAGEMENT: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, presented by the Office of Fire Prevention & Control, will be held in Montour Falls, New York. It is designed to train senior fire officers and other emergency management personnel in those skills needed to plan for and manage haz-mat incidents. Contact: Office of Fire Prevention and Control, Academy of Fire Science, P.O. Box 811, Montour Falls, NY 14865-0811.

MAY 24-25-SOUTH FLORIDA EXTRICATION COMPETITION, sponsored by the Palm Beach County Fire Chiefs Association, the Fire Academy at South Tech, and the Canadian Competition Program, will be held in Lake W orth, Florida. The competition consists of five rescuers per team and four events. Contact South Florida Extrication Competition. 2″ 11 Starwood Circle, West Palm Beach, FL 33406; or call Brian G. Anderson, ( 407) 967-5374.

MAY 29-JUNE 1 —The 20th annual conference of the National Association for Search and Rescue (NASAR), RESPONSE ’91, will beheld in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Dozens of educational tracks/program presentations and an exhibition are offered. Contact: NASAR, do Response ’91, P.O. Box 3709, Fairfax, VA 22038, (703) 352-1349.

MAY 31 -JUNE 1-MIDDLETOWN BICENTENNIAL 1991 FlRE EXPO will be held in Middletown, Ohio. Among the events are a fire command seminar by Phoenix Fire Chief Alan Brunacini and a fire/EMS muster. Contact: Capt. Jim Hall, Middletown Fire Dept., c/o Bicentennial 1991, One City Centre Plaza, Middletown, OH 45042, (513) 4257996.

JUNE 1 -2 —The JAWS OF LIFE rescue/extrication training seminar, offered by Rescue Hazmat Consultants, Inc, will be held in Waco, Texas. Contact: Theresa Hopkins, Rescue Hazmat Consultants. P.O. Box 20126, Waco, TX 76702-0126, (800) 433-3402.

JUNE 3-7 — The Fire Marshals Association of North America is offering its FlRE PROTECTION INSTITUTE, to be held College Station, Texas. It will provide fire marshals and staff members with instruction on the latest fire protection engineering concepts and theory, as well as information about complex fire safety systems. Contact: Jackie Campitelli. (617) 984-_T424.

JUNE 5-8—The 4TH ANNUAL HEALTH AND FITNESS TRAINING SEMINAR, sponsored by the American Foundation for Firefighter Health and Safety and the Phoenix Fire Department, will be held in Phoenix, Arizona. It focuses on becoming proactive in protecting firefighters and other emergency response personnel. Contact: Phoenix Fire Dept., Attn. Fiscal Management, 520 W. Van Buren, Phoenix, AZ 85003, (602) 495-5377.

JUNE 10-11 —J.T. Baker Office of Training Services offers SPILL RESPONSE SEMINAR, to be held in Chicago, Illinois. Contact: J.T. Baker Inc., Office of Training Services, 222 Red School Lane, Phillipsburg, NJ 08865 (908) 859-9400.

JUNE 10-12 — Oklahoma State University presents AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER PROTECTION, a seminar to be held at the OSU campus in Stillwater, Oklahoma. Contact: OSU Engineering Extension, (405) 744-5714.

JUNE 13—The Valve Manufacturers Association of America offers EDUCATIONAL SEMINAR AND PRODUCT EXHIBITION PROGRAM, to be held in Calgary, Alberta. Topics include pressure relief valve performance and the importance of valve repair. Contact: Therese Mullaney, Meeting Coordinator, (202) 331-8108.

JUNE 17-21—Emergency Training and Equipment Systems is hosting PUBLIC SAFETY SCUBA INSTRUCTOR, a water rescue training course, in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Contact: Emergency Training and Equipment Systems, Robert Doughty, 1345 Oliver Ave., Bowling Green, KY 42104, (502) 842-0033.

JUNE 19-22-INDIANA VOLUNTEER FIREMAN ASSOCIATION CONVENTION win be held in Vincennes, Indiana. Vice President Dan Quayle is a guest speaker, and there will be an apparatus parade, booths, and many events. Contact: Lawrence B. West, Vincennes Township Fire Dept., (812) 882-4216.

New Orleans (LA) Vacant House Fire

Two-Alarm Fire Breaks Out at New Orleans (LA) Vacant House, Authorities Say

A vacant house caught fire in the 7th Ward Saturday morning, according to the New Orleans Fire Department.
Pottsville (PA) House Fire

Woman Found Dead in Pottsville (PA) House Fire

An elderly woman succumbed to injuries in a deadly house fire Friday night, authorities said.