March 20-21-“FACING THE PROMOTIONAL INTERVIEW” is a one-day session that will be offered on two consecutive days by John Mittendorf, a battalion chief with the Los Angeles City Fire Department. The same material will be taught on both days in Tracy. California. For more information, contact Fire Technology Services, 22422 Sunlight Creek, El Toro, CA 92630, or call (714) 5831914.

April 8—A course on ENGINE COMPANY FlRE— GROUND OPERATIONS win be conducted in Edgewater, N.J. by the New Jersey State Fire College. Alan Querec, former chief of the Rocky Hill Fire Department and Captain Michael Toth of the New Brunswick Fire Department are the instructors. The class, sponsored by the Edgewater Volunteer Fire Department, runs from 8 a m. to 6 p.m. For more information, contact the department at P.O. Box 83, Edgewater, N.J., 07020, or call John Brophy at (201) 568-8787.

April 10-11—A symposium dealing with the threat of WILDLAND RESIDENTIAL FIRES THE BLACK HILLS will be held at the Rushmore Plaza Civic Center in Rapid City, South Dakota. There’ll be panel discussions o_____ identification of wildland interface problems and the Whispering Pines Protection District; video presentations; an equipment show and demonstrations; and sessions on cooperative fire protection and planning and fire ecology. For more information, contact the Wildland-Urban Taskforce, South Dakota Division of Forestry, 3305 1/2 West South Street, Rapid City’, South Dakota 57702.

April 12 — A dinner marking the founding of the CONGRESSIONAL FIRE SERVICES INSTITUTE will be held at the Sheraton Hotel in Washington, D.C. The dinner is designed to bring togetl er members of the Fire Services Caucus and fire service personnel. For more information, contact the Congressional Fire Services Insti tute, P.O. Box 48418, Washington, D.C. 20002.

April 16-19—The IAFC METROPOLITAN FIRE CHIEFS SECTION’S ANNUAL CONFERENCE win be held in Miami, Florida. For more information, -Contact Deputy Chief W.C. Huddleston, Miami Fire Department, 275 N. Second Street, Miami, FL 33128, or call (305) 579-6363.

April 18-20—The 1989 INDUSTRIAL FIRE WORLD EXPOSITION, which features 30 workhops, will be held in Houston. The conference is devoted exclusively to industrial fire and safety personnel. Topics include hazardous materials and railroad emergencies; costeffective fire apparatus for industrial plants; tank fire protection—engineered systems; Gaining fire safety and fire brigades; and I.C.S.: industrial firefighting. For more information, contact Tammy Randermann, Exposition Manager, at Industrial Fire World Expo, P.O. Box 9161, College Station, Texas 77842, or call (409) 693-7105.

April 20-A HIGHRISE AND TECHNOLOGY SEMINAR will be sponsored by the Fire Safety directors of New York City. The seminar will include topics such as the advances in highrise spinklerization and interior alarm systems; the impact of local laws; and the federal Fire Services Caucus and its impact bn life safety. It will be held at the City Bank World Headquarters, 399 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. For more information, contact Sandy Sanservero at (212) 698-2902 or Mike _____affey at (201) 802-6164.

Moy 3 —A video conference on MEMBER/ EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS for volunteer and career fire and emergency service departments will be sponsored by the Intemational Association of Fire Chiefs Foundation and the Fellowship of Fire Chaplains. The program, aired via satellite, has been rescheduled from its original viewing date. For more information, contact Publisher Services, Inc., Seminar Division, 80 S. Early St., Alexandria, Virginia, or call (703) 823-6966.

May 15-18—The National Fire Protection Association’s ANNUAL MEETING AND FIRE SAFETY EXHIBIT will be held in Washington, D.C. The meeting’s theme is “The Public/Private Sector Interface as Related to the Fire Problem.” Speakers’ topics include “NFPA Initiatives with Federal Government Agencies,” “Progress Through Effective Training,” “Principles of Fire Safety for Disabled People in Buildings,” and “The Kansas City Ammonium Nitrate Tragedy.” There will be special seminars on Sunday, May 14 addressing fire case studies, quick response sprinkler developments, and a hazardous materials workshop. For more information, contact the NFPA, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269, or call (617) 770-3000.

May 19-20—The 17th annual LANCASTER COUNTY FIREMEN’S EXPOSITION will feature innovations in apparatus, modular ambulances, protective clothing, medical equipment, ladders, radios, and more; 175 manufacturers will be represented at the show. Tickets are sold in advance or at the gate. Contact the Lancaster County Fire Expo, 13 Clarendon Drive, Uncaster, PA 17603.

May 23—A workshop to acquaint local government officials with new RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER TECHNOLOGY will be held in san Francisco. The seminar addresses how the new systems work and their economic advantages. For more information, contact Operation Life Safety, 1329 18th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, or call (202) 8333420.

November 1-3— The Australian Fire Protection Association is sponsoring the 12th NATIONAL CONFRENCE ON FIRE, with the National Fire Protection Association as a co-sponsor of the event. Speakers from Australia, the United States, and other countries will bring together the latest thoughts and developments on fire protection issues. Contact the NFPA, Attn: Lee Irving, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269, or call (617) 770-3000.

Paul Dansbach and Glenn Corbett

Buildings That Front on Two Streets

Paul Dansbach and Glenn Corbett consider buildings that front on two streets, share basements, or might otherwise challenge firefighters.

Fire Burns Through PA Aerospace Supplier

A large fire broke out Monday night at SPS Technologies, an aerospace supplier in Abington Township.