
Amkus Inc. has won its 1983 lawsuit and has been declared the rightful developer of the Model 30b Spreader and the Model 25 Cutter. Amkus filed the suit based on the fact that Viking Rescue Systems Inc. and its president, George Rademacher, and Jules Stein, president of Miro Mold & Duplicating Company Inc. and Co-op Mold Engineering Inc. conspired to misappropriate Amkus’s rights in the development of this equipment.

An injunction was also issued prohibiting Viking Rescue Systems Inc. and all the other defendants from manufacturing and selling hydraulic rescue tools containing parts and features developed by Amkus. Amkus is a marketer and manufacturer of rescue equipment that is used by fire and rescue departments for freeing accident victims.

Robert J. Barraclough has joined Span Instruments of Plano, TX, as vice-president of maketing and sales.

Mr. Barraclough, a native of DuBois, PA, has a bachelor of science degree in marketing and served in the United Staes Navy as a fire marshal. His fire service experience includes associations with National Foam, Hale Pumps, and most recently Emergency One.

Span Instruments, located in suburban Dallas, is a manufacturer of liquid filled gauges for the fire service.

FMC Corporation’s Fire Apparatus Division has appointed Robert G. Harvell to the position of marketing manager, it was announced by Division Manager Robert H. Schwartz. In a related move, Larry Johannes recently joined the firm as director of advertising, a newly created position.

In his new position, Harvell will be responsible for product management and planning, market forecasting, development and implementation of worldwide market strategy, and international sales for the full line of FMC fire apparatus.

As director of advertising, Johannes will be responsible for all forms of marketing communication for the division, including advertising, media buying, art direction, sales promotion, and public relations.

As a result of the shareholders’ actions, Caterpillar Tractor Co. officially became Caterpillar Inc., and the company’s state of incorporation has been changed from California to Delaware. Caterpillar Inc.’s Engine Division manufactures engines for almost every type of heavy equipment as well as electric power generation systems.

Private Jets Collide at AZ Killing One Person

One person was killed and others were injured when a private jet owned by Mötley Crüe singer Vince Neil collided with another jet Monday afternoon…

Two Firefighters Injured in Flint Township (MI) Commercial Building Fire

Two firefighters were injured while responding to a fire Sunday night, Feb. 9, in the 3000 block of Flushing Road.