Converted booster reels accommodate larger size hose
With the new techniques that are being incorporated into today’s firefighting tactics, there is a steady demand for more efficient, high capacity equipment.
To enhance the quick-attack ability of fire companies,1 1/2and l 3/4-inch hoses are being preconnected to high-pressure pumps. In most instances, these larger diameter hoses are replacing the 1-inch booster lines.
In an effort to maintain the convenience of pulling a booster line from a reel and to increase a pumper’s initial fire attack capability, Hannay Reels has developed a conversion kit that allows 1-inch booster reels to accept 1½-inch and l 3/4-inch hose.
The kit consists of a 1 1/2-inch bronze bearing insert; a 90° swivel joint; a l 1/2-inch hub assembly with a 1½-inch riser; and six 3/8-inch carriage bolts with nuts.
In addition to providing a rapid, more powerful attack, valuable time may be saved in taking up; and one man at a reel can replace the two or three necessary to repack a hosebed.