Cutters Edge Unveils BulletBlade

Thousands of fire departments have been using the BULLET® Chain on fire rescue chainsaws for more than 25 years, and now Cutters Edge has developed a method to attach a BULLET ® Chain to a rotary saw circular blade. The rotary saw turns the blade up to three times faster than a chainsaw, significantly increasing the performance and the range of materials it can cut.

Th e new carbide-tipped BULLET BLADE ® will cut any material that any other carbide-tipped blade can cut…and more! But, what really sets the BULLET BLADE ® apart is that it can be sharpened and repaired! Individual cutters, or even the entire chain, can be replaced when carbides are broken, so you don’t need to buy a new blade!

The BULLET BLADE® is capable of cutting most building materials including high- rise, hurricane and bulletproof glass. The BULLET BLADE® is an effective tool for ventilation, forcible entry, RIT, search and rescue, extrication, air crash rescue, and more.

  • Cutters Move 3 Times Faster Than A Chainsaw
  • Low Vibration and Smooth Cutting
  • Excellent Control and “Feel” For Material Being Cut
  • Minimal Spark Generation
  • Always maintains Original Size and Shape
  • The BULLET BLADE® can Be Sharpened, Cutters can be Replaced or Repaired and The Blade Core Can Be Used Repeatedly For A True Cost Savings.
  • Replacement Bullet® Chain, Chain Repair Parts, Sharpening And Repai r Tools Are Available For Departments With Multiple Saws, And In-Fie ld Repair At Extended Incidents Such As Major Catastrophes And Other USAR/FEMA Type Events.

Application: For Gasoline Powered Hand-Held Rotary Rescue Saws. Recommended for use on saws 5 hp (3.7kW) and above.

*Available in 12” , 14” and 16” Sizes with Arbor Size to fit all other brands.

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