Data911 announces the integration of the Wolfcom Vision body worn camera into the Verus video evidence management solution. Verus provides a single repository for all sources of video evidence–body worn, in-car, motorcycles, surveillance–from incident capture to the interview room.
Verus allows for uploading, reviewing, syncing, collecting, and categorizing all in one easy to use browser-based system.
The body worn camera can be used independently or users can catalog video in the vehicle and have it uploaded wirelessly to the Verus evidence management system. Verus also enables video from the body worn cameras to be synchronized with in-vehicle video, creating a complete time-accurate recreation of events from multiple vantage points.
Data911’s body worn camera offering includes the VieVu LE3 camera and the Wolfcom Vision which are compatible with the Verus system.
As with all Data911 products, the Verus evidence management solution is fully supported by their outstanding technical support specialists, customer training, and installation and warranty services.
More: www.data911.com
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