Every day, emergency responders put themselves in a position of measured risk to safely resolve an incident. Depending on many coordinated personnel, it’s a complicated process of creating protocols, procedures, and forms; to guide responders to take an action based on low-risk, high-reward outcomes. Multiple-revisions of documents shared across potentially hundreds of people, in different locations, quickly become difficult to manage. Decisions [D4H] is a Web-based incident management and analytics tool for emergency response teams. Thousands of emergency responders globally use it to store data about their incidents, crews, equipment inspections, training calenders, and real time targeted collaboration with SMS increasing responder engagement.
Decisions [D4H] adds the ability to securely upload, permission, and share documents amongst a remote team across the internet. Responders can now create historic file storage archives linked to decades of incident records which include scene photos, evidence, maps, sketches, way-points, and other files. These records can be accessed for court hearings, investigations, or training exercises at any time in the future. Memos and guides to hazardous chemicals, protocols, procedures, can be quickly shared amongst a group.
Using the latest in cloud computing technology, the new ‘Documents’ feature has very few technical limitations or storage limits. Visit http://www.decisionsforheroes.com and apply for a free trial to see how to make responders safer while providing an optimized and cost-effective response.