Decon Technology from the Military


Until recently, if a terror-ist attack occurred on U.S. soil, first responders would rely on traditional elemental technologies—primarily water—to decontaminate themselves to remain working on-site. Although more advanced decontamination tools existed, firefighters and first responders were unable to procure them, as those technologies remained exclusive to the military.

Today, defense officials recognize the necessity for and value of distributing chemical warfare (CW) and toxin decontamination equipment to first responders. An example of this new technology is RSDL® (reactive skin decontamination lotion).

RSDL is a patented, broad-spectrum skin decontamination product that neutralizes and removes CW agents such as tabun, sarin, soman, cyclohexyl sarin, nerve agents, and T2 toxins from the skin. Unlike other water- or powder-based decontamination agents, RSDL comes preimpregnated as a lotion applicator that does not smear or spread the CW agent. The product’s sponge-based technology provides for complete decontamination or removal of CW agents and even nontraditional elements such as sulfuric acid, nitric acid, and some pesticides.




Originally developed for the Canadian Department of National Defence, RSDL is widely used in a variety of U.S. Department of Defense Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense activities. “Battleground tested” in Iraq and Afghanistan, RSDL is carried by agencies assigned to protect heads of state, fire departments, law enforcement agencies serving communities with identified terrorist targets, federal homeland security organizations, and “first receivers” in major U.S. hospitals.

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Photo courtesy of RSDecon.

RSDL decontaminates through physical and nucleophilic reaction, changing the CW agent into a nontoxic form in less than two minutes. Once RSDL neutralizes the agent, RSDL leaves a harmless residue that you can rinse off when operational conditions permit.




RSDL’s lotion-based composition provides numerous safety enhancements, including the following:

  • Eliminates inhalation of and eye damage from powder particles.
  • Eliminates the integrity reduction to the respirator’s seal that powder particles cause.
  • Eliminates particle buildup in the respirator’s exhaustion valve.
  • Enhances coverage and “spreadability.”
  • Provides tactile sensation of coverage in situations when visibility is reduced (e.g., night operations, when eyes are closed).
  • Once the CW agent is decontaminated, RSDL prevents the agent from off-gassing under respirator or personal protective equipment (PPE).





In the midst of the chaos and widespread panic caused by a CW terrorist attack, first responders must act quickly and effectively to contain the situation. Designed with this in mind, decontamination products such as RSDL are packaged so they are fast-acting and easy to use. To use RSDL, open the package, wipe the suspected contaminated areas, and rinse off the product’s residue. In case of large-scale contamination, you can self-apply RSDL, thus reducing the danger to victims awaiting other procedures.

RSDL’s small packaging makes it easy to carry in an SCBA mask bag or to store in the compartments of hazmat, rescue, or other special company vehicles.

Proven through extensive testing, RSDL not only decontaminates skin but also effectively neutralizes a wide range of PPE, ensuring safety from head to toe. The product is tested for compatibility with metals, including aluminum, copper, stainless steel, tin, zinc, anodized finishes, and phosphate finishes; steel, including M16A3 steel, steel castings, stainless steel springs, steel and aluminum forgings; as well as thermoset plastics, thermoplastics, and silicone rubber. Additionally, it is tested on compounded elastomer blends, butyl, and bromobutyl.

ROB SCHNEPP is the assistant chief of special operations for the Alameda County (CA) Fire Department. He has more than 20 years of fire service experience and serves on the FDIC executive advisory board, RSDecon’s first responder advisory board, and Fire Engineering’s editorial advisory board.


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