DEMRON™ Protects Against CBRNE

In development for almost a decade, Demron™ offers radiation protection associated only with traditional heavy metals like lead. The material, which has 12 national and international patents, is produced by Radiation Shield Technologies (RST), based in Miami, Florida.
According to RST President Ronald F. DeMeo, M.D., the surgeon who developed the Demron™ technology, the nano-compound Demron™ protects against chemical, biological, radiologic, nuclear, and explosive (CBRNE) exposures, and it may be incorporated into numerous personal protective garments, including full body suits, vests, blankets, and medical X-ray vests and aprons. The military, first responders, hazmat teams, police and fire rescue personnel, and health care personnel are among the users of such equipment.
Demron™ acts like a liquid metal. It is thermo conductive and enables passive and active cooling. Its self-cooling properties reduce heat stress and make its wearers less visible through thermal imagers.
Demron™ and the new Demron™–W, RST’s core technologies–consist of an advanced radiopaque nano-polymeric compound fused between layers of fabric and manufactured into several lightweight, nuclear-radiation blocking garments, including full-body suits, vests, blankets, and medical X-ray vests and aprons.

Demron Full-Body suit and Demron-W High Energy Nuclear/Ballistic IED RDD RED Shield. (Photo courtesy of Radiation Shield Technologies.)

 In May 2010, the Fire Department of New York (FDNY) purchased Demron™ personal protection armor when it updated its chemical protective equipment program. In addition, FDNY hazmat crews use a two-ply radiation torso vest with a high-energy nuclear/ballistic shield. The vest is worn under hazmat suits to protect vital organs and shield the responders from X-ray and low-energy Gamma emissions and high- and low-energy Beta and Alpha particles. The shield is a flame- and acid-resistant blanket that helps protect against high-energy radiation. The blanket was specially made for FDNY to shield from exposure responders who must transport radiation-exposed victims.

The Demron™ fabric  meets Class 2 certification requirements for National Fire Protection Association 1994, Standard for Protective Ensembles for First Responders to CBRN Terrorism Incidents (2007 edition) Class 2 certification stipulates that protective materials must pass tests for permeation, resistance, and protection against chemical warfare agents that include mustard gas, soman, and liquid and gaseous industrious chemicals. 

 The material also received ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 13485:2003  certifications. ISO 9001:2008 applies to RST’s design   and  manufacturing of multihazard CBRNE personal protection equipment for military, medical, chemical, nuclear, and first-response emergency applications. ISO 13485:2003 is a regulatory standard for the international medical industry that ensures that manufacturers of medical devices conform to specific quality controls.

According to the manufacturer, Demron-W suits eliminate the need to choose among protective suits that should be worn for specific threats. The new suits provide complete protection from all types of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear hazards. The material is used by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National Guard, the U.S. Navy, and the governments of South Korea, China, Saudi Arabia, and Australia.

Additional information may be obtained at , or call 866.7.DEMRON.

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