DMR Association Wlecomes Zetron as a New Category 1 Member

LONDON, UK – January 26, 2012 – The Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) Association warmly welcomes Zetron (U.S.A) as a new Category 1* member.

“It is my pleasure to welcome Zetron to the DMR community. One of the key success factors of DMR technology is the fact that it is a fully open standard. The growing number of manufacturers allows for healthy supplier competition in the market; this keeps costs for users down and drives continuous product innovation, again which ultimately benefits the user” said Mario Micheli (of SELEX Elsag, Italy), Chair of the DMR Association.

For over 30 years, Zetron has designed and deployed mission-critical communications solutions for public safety, transportation, utilities, manufacturing, healthcare and business applications. The company has installed thousands of systems and deployed over 15,000 console operator positions worldwide. The scope and success of these projects demonstrate the performance of Zetron products.

In addition, Zetron takes an active role in the promotion of open digital radio standards that will benefit end users and solutions providers. The company recently testified on the value of open standards to a U.S. House of Representatives Sub-Committee on Technology and Innovation. Zetron is a wholly-owned subsidiary of JVC Kenwood Corporation.

* Category 1 membership is the highest membership tier available to manufacturers of DMR equipment.

About DMR

DMR (Digital Mobile Radio) is a globally-available open digital radio standard for Professional Mobile Radio users, developed by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).

About the DMR Association

The DMR Association is focused on building on the success of the DMR standard through a combination of interoperability testing, certification, education and awareness. The Association also seeks to ensure that buyers of DMR technology gain value through the competition and choice derived from products built to an open multi-vendor standard.

The DMR Association includes members representing a broad cross-section of the industry, including some of the world’s leading device and network suppliers.

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