The GS3000 Respirator Dryer from Georgia Steel and Chemical Company, a thermostatically controlled drying unit, can dry up to 200 respirators in under one hour. The system reaches and maintains temperatures of 100 and 140°F; precision controls allow for a constant flow of heat to carefully dry pieces without requiring disassembly.

Circle No. 10 on Reader Service Card


Hubbell Safety Products offers a line of heavy-duty extension cords constructed by union personnel with SEOOWA-jacketed cable, which features a !/io-inch-thick, abrasiveresistant, vinyl/nitrile cover. The cords are resistant to corrosion due to oil, chemicals, water, mud, and sunlight. They are rated at -40°F to 220°F and are available in 125-volt, 15and 20-amp straight blade and 15-, 20-, and 30-amp Twist-Lock® configurations in.a choice of 25-, 50-, and 100-foot lengths.

Circle No. 11 on Reoder Service Card


Work Shield™ Factory Formula Skin Cream from ITW Devcon prevents contact dermatitis by protecting hands and exposed skin from oil, water, and solvent-based irritants. It bonds to skin and lasts up to 12 hours, even with continual exposure and repeated washing. It contains no parrafins, will not clog pores, and will not transfer to or rub off on clothes or food.

Crete No. 12 on Reader Service Card


Penco Products offers a box lockers product with visually perforated doors designed for use on step vans that ordinarily would be outfitted with plywood shelving. Penco also has shelving available.

Circle No. 13 on Reader Service Card


A rubber-backed runner mat from 2SK Products absorbs spills of coolant, oil, and transmission and hydraulic fluids, protecting all types of station floors and reducing the risk of personnel injury.

Circle No. 14 on Reader Service Card


Partner Industrial Products offers a core bit recycling program, through which Partner installs the same diamond core-bit segments for customers, enabling them to recycle worn bits at competitive prices. The program is available for core bits with sizes of one-half inch to 54 inches in diameter.

Circle No. 15 on Reader Service Card


Cobra Fire Corporation has introduced the Sidewinder™ fire hose roller, which allows firefighters to maintain an upright posture

while rolling hose, reducing the risk of causing or exacerbating back problems. Made of solid stainless steel, the Sidewinder™ comes with a six-month money-back guarantee.

Grde No. 14 on Reader Service Card


The E-Z UP Shelter from We-Totem Enterprises can be assembled quickly to enhance incident management by providing comfort for EOC personnel. Features include 20gauge steel, zinc-plated frame and supports; Kolon® 500 Denier polyester, mildewand rot-resistant, polyurethane-coated shelter material; fire resistance as per CPA1-84; and zinc-plated hexhead cap bolts and nylon lock nuts. Options are available.

Grde No. 17 cm Reeder Service Card


An easy-to-tow mobile classroom specifically designed for use in fire prevention programs is being offered by Scotty R.V.’s Fire Safety House division. The house comes with a smoke system, heated door, equipped kitchen, 911 phone system, emergency escape ladder, residential sprinkler system, and other features.

Grde No. 18 on Render Service Cord


Mohawk Resources, Ltd., has introduced a new dear-floor aboveground lift, model TP15, that is capable of raising medium-duty vehicles (up to 15,000 pounds). Features include all-position mechanical and hydraulic safeties, total drive-through design, and height-adjustable overhead hydraulic lines. It comes with five-, 7½-, and 10-inch frame adapters and a patented hydraulic equalization as standard features.

Grde No. 19 on Reader Service Card


Tempest Controlled Airstreams has introduced a foot-operated, five-position tilt mechanism that is now a standard feature on the company’s Tempest model blowers and an optional feature on all Controlled Airstream models. Called “The Winning Step,” the mechanism features four tilt-back rear positions and a new tilt-forward position to facilitate safety and speed in basement, cellar, and other PPV applications. The product was designed by Win Van Basten of Pennsylvania, an active fire service member.

Circle No. 20 on Reader Service Card


Two personal protection kits from Protect America are designed to protect against bloodborne pathogens and other infectious materials, including HIV-1 and Tuberculosis. The PAPPK-1 contains latex gloves, absorbent powder, a scoop, an antimicrobial towelette, scrim-reinforced towels, a 16ounce mixing bottle with water, biohazard waste bags, and a concentrated disinfectant capsule. The PAPPK-2 contains all of the above plus an apron, a combination face mask/eye shield, and shoe covers.

Circle No. 21 on Reader Service Card


The NFPA-compliant, NIOSH-approved PA80 28/45 SCBA from National Draeger offers a 2,800-psi composite cylinder with a 45minute service rating. The PA-80 28/45 is available with an optional buddy breathers^ airline connection that allows two users to share a common air supply 1in emergency conditions. Utilizing an adapter, the same connection can be used as an airline inlet for supplied airline operations.

Circle No. 22 on Reader Service Card


UVP, inc., now offers the four-watt, multiband UVSL-14P. which measures 6.5 by 1.75 by 1.25 inches, weighs less than eight ounces, operates on four AA batteries, and offers UVP’s exclusive UVG filter and both longwave and shortwave UV light. A sliding shield lets the user select one wavelength or both.


A convertible flare holder from Tom Oker Sales & Manufacturing, Inc. holds flares two ways: it can be hooked onto the top of guardrails to increase visibility on hillsides and turns; and it can be placed on the ground to prevent the flare from rolling. Because the product holds the flare upright at all times (even on top of snow), slag buildup is reduced and a full 360° of flame is produced.

Circle No. 24 on Reader Service Card


T-N-T Tools Inc. has available a multipurpose fire tool. The head, which weighs 8.5 pounds, consists of a sledge end, axe, and a hand hold to push or pull the pike pole end. The pike end consists of a pry end and a pike pole hook. Both ends are made of highcarbon, heat-treated steel. Total length is 40 inches and total weight is 13 pounds.

Circle No. 25 on Reader Service Card


Interpreting Services International has compiled 17 commonly used emergency medical phrases and placed them on pocket-size, laminated cards for use by emergency service personnel and others. Each phrase and translation includes a pronunciation key.

Crete No. 26 on Reader Service Card


Life Support Products, Inc., has introduced two new resuscitation products. The Single Patient Use Ventilation Circuit, designed for use with automatic ventilators or hag mask resuscitators, includes a patented one-way, rubber duckbill valve and a built-in filter with a viral efficiency rating in excess of 99 9 percent when challenged with PHI X 174 (mean particle size .027 microns). The MTV100/Manually Triggered Ventilator is designed to flow at 40 liters ( + /-five liters) per minute during manually triggered breath and minimal work for the patient for the spontaneous breath. A built-in pneumatic circuit provides gas flow as high as 115 ( + /five liters) per minute.

Circle No. 27 on Reader Service Card


The new Battery Saver VHO, manufactured by Kussmaul Electronics Co. Inc., is a power supply with transfer relay designed for installation in a vehicle to provide power for 12volt DC accessories. Whenever AC power is applied to the vehicle, the Battery Saver VHO generates 12 volts DC and automatically transfers the accessory loads from the battery to itself. With a capacity of 40 amps, the products can power all accessories in an emergency vehicle.

Circle No. 28 on Reoder Service Cord


Ziamatic Corporation’s 3’/4-pound, alloy steel QUIC-AXE® Super Tool functions as an axe, hydrant wrench, hammer, nail puller, and gas shut-off. It also has a pry point, cutting edge, and prying edge. Two models are available.

Grde No. 29 on Reoder Service Cord


The Salvage Master wet vacuum unit from Survivair, suited for applications ranging from fire salvage to routine cleaning, features a 5.9-gallon tank that fills in 18 seconds and empties in 14 seconds, ground fault protection (nylon encased, moisture-sealed, GFCI plug), and a neon light that indicates when the GFCI is tripped.

Grde No. 30 on Redder Service Cord


Falcon Direct’s new CheckMate III personal radio pager comes equipped with environmentally friendly nickel metal-hydride batteries. The pager also features switch-selectable individual tone-alerting or continuousmonitor capability, dual frequency or dualalerting capability; it can handle extended operational periods in the monitor mode. A special desk charger allows the pager to be left in operating mode during charging.

Circle No. 31 on Reader Service Card


The Mini-Corn® PTV56 from REI.M Communications, Inc., is a five-watt, six-channel, VHF’ two-way radio measuring 5¾ by 2’A by 1 ¼ inches and featuring three signalling formats—CTCSS, DCS, and Two-Tone Sequential—as standard features. The radio also features factory-set squelch, drop-in battery chargers, speaker microphone, DTMF pad conversion, a leather carrying case; and a rotary-style on/off volume and channel selector.

Circle No. 33 on Reader Service Card


A new option is available for Zetron, Inc.’s 2000 Series of paging terminals. The new dual alarm receiver, designed for RCCs and PCPs who provide security-related services and who want clients to be signalled automatically in the event of an alarm condition, equips a Zetron paging terminal to accept calls from a remote alarm dialer and, in response, automatically display pages.

Circle No. 33 on Reader Service Card


Lion Apparel now offers its Lumbar Support System in Nomex® jumpsuits. The system is directly built into the jumpsuits; it can be easily activated when lower back support is needed and deactivated for normal work.

Circle No. 34 on Reader Service Card


Neotronics’ OTOX 3000, a digital, standalone monitoring system for one or two sensor inputs (oxygen, combustible gases, and a range of toxic gases), can either be wallor panel-mounted. The OTOX 3000 accepts any 4mAto 20mA-powered current loop sensor input. Programmable alarm set points can control lights, beacons, and sounders.

Circle No. 35 on Reoder Service Card


The HX581T portable trunking radio from Standard Communications operates both as a conventional 10-channel 800 MHz radio and in I.TRand Privacy Plus-compatible trunking formats. 1 he radio’s microprocessor has built-in DC.S and CrcSS tones, a time-out timer, and a busy-channel lockout feature to prevent users front talking over one another.

Circle No. 36 on Reader Service Card


Teiemobile Inc. has unveiled a shirt pocket, handheld transceiver that covers frequency ranges from 136 to 500 MHz. The basicmodel features a microprocessor-controlled keypad with plug-in module for cloning frequencies and features. It is programmable up to 99 channels.

Circle No. 37 on Reader Service Card


Kussmaul Electronics Co., Inc.’s AUTO CHARGE 1000 features a full 15-ampere output. Designed for single-battery vehicles, the unit has remote electronic voltage sensing and a three-ampere battery saver. The unit features a bar-graph display that indicates battery’ charging and condition and is housed in a compact enclosure with output connectors for mounting and installation.

Circle No. 38 on Reader Service Card


The Mini Theft Stopper® from Safety Technology International, Inc., is a device designed for use on fire extinguisher doors, or the doors of cabinets housing fire hoses, sprinkler shutoff valves, and similar equipment, to protect extinguishers and other cabinet-enclosed equipment. One version of the device can be mounted on a fire extinguisher pull pin to alert authorities when the pin is pulled. The device sounds a 95-dh warning horn when activated. The unit will not interfere with extinguisher use.

Circle No. 39 on Reader Service Cord


SIMULAIDS Inc.’s latest emergency healthcare training aids are pediatric manikins with anatomical landmarks of three-year-olds and infants. Disposable individual-use facepieces, airway systems, and lungs snap into place for “custom” training, reducing the chances of cross-contamination.

Circle No. 40 on Reoder Service Card


Zetron’s Model 4010 Radio Dispatch Console now has the capability to share status signals with a second, parallel console, allowing two of the consoles to control the sameradio base stations. When an operator changes the frequency of a base station, the change is reflected on the parallel console as well, allowing a dispatch operation to “grow” into a two-position system without central switching equipment.

Crete No. 4! on Reoder Service Cord


Trombetta Corporation has introduced a universally-mounted, two-position engine throttle control kit that utilizes a completely sealed solenoid and sheathed stainless steel pull cable. When energized, the solenoid allows the kit to bring the engine from idle to a preset rpm level. Trombetta’s control module allows continuous duty operation on most gasoline, diesel, and CNG engines.

Grde No. 42 on Reoder Service Card


The Soper Portable Haz-Tank is a collapsible tank made with a tubular metal frame and a chemical-resistant fabric liner. The tank uses a minimum amount of storage space and takes only seconds to set up. Pumps can be used to transfer spilt chemicals, oil, petrochemicals, saline water, or minerals from an accident site to the holding tank.

Grdo No. 43 on Reader Service Cord


Grote Industries offers an audio backup alarm. No. 73080, designed to protect against hearing loss by automatically adjusting volume within a range of 87 to 112 db to match a work site’s ambient noise level. The alarm is sealed against dust, moisture, and vibrations and is steam-cleanable and pressure-washable.

Circle No. 44 on Reader Service Card


The new MatSack® leak-sealing system from Indianapolis Industrial Products, Inc., seals leaks on tanks, tank trucks, pipes, or other irregular surfaces. Constructed of DuPont BARRICADE®, the system offers chemical resistance to virtually all industrial chemicals. MatSacks® are used in conjunction with air bags: An air bag is inserted into the MatSack, the product is strapped to the object to be sealed, and the bag is inflated to provide sealing pressure.

Grde No. 45 on Reader Service Card


The new Pedi-Pal™ child transport seat from Ferno® can transport a newborn or a child weighing up to 40 pounds. The seat can be used on a Ferno® cot or in an ambulance, police car, cab, or private car.

Grde No. 46 on Render Service Card


Brookdale International Systems Inc. has introduced its patented EVAC-U8™ Emergency Escape Smoke Hood, a lightweight and compact air purifying device. The EVACU8™ consists of a heatand flame-resistant Kapton® smoke hood and a multistage gas/ particulate filter. It has carbon monoxideand particulate-filtering capabilities.

Circle No. 57 on Reoder Service Cord


Kroy’s ImageCrafter is a computer-controlled portable vinyl cutter/plotter equipped with software and an integrated, hand-held scanner that can be used to create custom-made decals in-house for fleet identification. The unit can access thousands of pieces of existing clip art, interlaces with an IBM AT, and is 100 percent compatible with MS DOS 3-1 or higher as well as with Macintosh computers. It comes with 10 standard typestyles in a range of sizes starting at one-half inch.

Circle No. 58 on Reoder Service Card


Partner Industrial Products provides a hydraulic power pack with a “power on demand” throttle control that allows the power pack to remain at idle when a hydraulic tool is not being used. The HP40 Mark II, with its patented throttle control, delivers power on demand and offers substantial fuel savings, extended operating time, reduced wear, and lower noise levels.

Circle No. 59 on Reoder Service Cord


Maxon America, Inc., has introduced a compact 1.5-watt, 800-MHz hand portable radio, the TP-4800, which features trunked and conventional operation (10 systems/10 groups), 100 conventional channels, programmable talk-around, and a choice of several scan models.

Circle No. 40 on Reader Service Cord

Saegertown explosion

Firefighters Among More Than a Dozen Injured in PA Explosion

A major explosion Sunday injured more than a dozen people, including several firefighters, in Saegertown, Pennsylvania.
Trailer Fire Metairie (LA)

Trailer Catches Fire, Explodes on I-10, Damaging Nearby Metairie (LA) Homes

A trailer carrying motorcycles and nitrous oxide cannisters caught fire on Interstate 10 and exploded Saturday, damaging two nearby Metairie homes and possibly a passing car, according to Jefferson Parish and…