Rapid Response Systems offers the FireLighter Model LP, a trailer that carries 400 gallons of water. 150 feet of one-inch and 150 feet of 1 ½-inch hose, and a built-in foam proportioning system. An 18-hp engine drives a Harley pump that can deliver 90 gpm at 100 psi at the nozzles. Its low height (80 inches) and width (72 inches) allow access to narrow corridors and confined areas.
Circle No. 10 on Reader Service Card
Safety Storage, Inc.’s Model 6 Chemical Storage Locker is designed for safe storage of chemicals and other hazardous materials. The all-weather structures require minimum site preparation and can be used immediately upon delivery. The locker can hold up to five 55-gallon drums or 8,000 pounds of bulk materials. It has a 122-gaJlon containment sump.
Circle No. 11 on Reader Service Card
Interspiro’s airline manifold system provides breathing air in compliance with NIOSH regulations. The airline manifold regulator is in a carrying case containing a pressure relief valve, low pressure audible alarm, and manifold assembly with four fittings. It includes a regulator for connection to an air supply, a Vi-inch airline to connect the regulator to the manifold, and ¼-inch airline hose available in four lengths.
Circle No. 12 on Reader Service Card
Hale Products Inc.’s Typhoon blowers for emergency service applications include gasoline-driven, water-driven, and electric models. The units, depending on their design, have several applications, including positive and negative ventilation and haz-mat response. A variety of sizes are available.
Circle No. 13 on Reader Service Card
Kenworth Truck Co. offers the T884, an on/off highway truck chassis with front and rear steering capability and all-wheel drive.
Its mobility and maneuverability increase firefighting capability for crash fire rescue and wildfire applications.
Circle No. 14 on Reader Service Card
Safety Concepts offers flare boxes constructed of industrial-grade, high-impact polyethylene. For added safety, the box has Scotchlite trim for high visibility and the flares are held upright in foam. The hinge acts as a hanging bracket and an optional shoulder strap is offered. It comes with 12 30-minute flares with wire holders or spikes or with seven chimney flares.
Circle No. 15 on Reader Service Card
Force Resources, Inc.’s Model 2200 Door Breaker tool is a hydraulic tool for forcing open doors. Once the tool is within the door frame the pump expands one ram to wedge the tool in place. It then automatically switches its hydraulic power to a second ram that is perpendicular to the door, forcing the door open. Release of the operating button releases hydraulic pressure. A hand held hydraulic pump or a battery-powered electric pump are available. The hydraulic hose allows operation of the pump away from the door.
Circle No. 16 on Reoder Service Cord
Modec, Inc. offers a mobile unit with an additional area for gross decontamination and neutralization of personnel and equipment. It provides containment and filtration of all contaminants and neutralizing agents, and includes two showers (standard), negafive air flow, and HEPA filtration of all air and water. Units come in lengths from 12 to 40 feet and can be mounted on a truck or railcar.
Grde No. 17 on Reoder Service Card
The Zico® Quic-Flow™ dump valve from the Ziamatic Corp. features a micro-switch and control panel system for automatic, remote operation. The system can be mounted in the cab or near the dump valve, and display lights indicate whether the valve is open or closed.
Grde No. 18 on Reoder Service Cord
Field ” Technologies, Inc.’s model 74-C Heat Sensor indicates temperature in 100-degree increments audibly to firefighters. The fiveounce unit installs in almost any turnout gear in seconds.
Grde No. 19 on Reader Service Cord
An AC power generating system front Power Technology, Inc. provides up to five kilowatts of electricity for vehicle electrical systems. It delivers precise 115 volt/60 Hz power at any engine speed. The system consists of a custom-designed alternator, a solid-state AC power unit, and a remotedisplay panel. The belt-driven alternator mounts directly onto the engine block.
Circle No. 20 on Reader Service Cord
Direct Safety Co.’s Hazmax Boots are made of a PVC/urethane blend for chemical resistance. They have one-piece construction with no seams. Overboots and over thc-sock styles are available, and both feature an ultragrip, nonslip sole; a puncture-resistant steel midsole and steel toe; and a polyester lining.
Circle No. 21 on Render Service Card
The Response FR-7.9 fire/rescue boat from Response Marine and Winningholf Boats is 26½ feet long and has an all-welded aluminum body. Its top speed is forty mph and is powered by a 330-hp Volvo engine and a Hamilton Jet 211 drive. It has an American Ciodiva OP-1600 fire pump with one 2⅛inch discharge aft and two 1 -inch discharges and an Akron Apollo monitor forward
Circle No. 22 on Reader Service Card
Denko Industries, Inc. offers Turn Out Clean, a cleaner for removing dirt, grime, grease, and soot from all types of turnout gear. It can be poured, sprayed, or sponged directly on the garment at full strength and then rinsed off. If using a washing machine add the cleaner directly in the washer. Turn Out Clean will not harm Nomex, PBI, Scotchlite, or Reflexite.
Circle No. 23 on Reoder Service Cord
The Antenna Specialists Co. offers the APD853-3 On-Glass® cellular mobile antenna, which has a one-step closed-cell foam tape mount plus a detachable 15-foot RG58/U cable for vehicular cable routing. The 824 to 896 MHz optimized collinearelement antenna is power rated at 10 watts.
Circle No. 24 on Reader Service Card
Schumberger Industries’ Dry Hydrant Swivel Kit it designed to mount aboveground and horizontal. The system can be rotated and placed into the water when needed. When used in salt water applications, this swivel design eliminates barnacle growth on the strainer. The kit includes a bronze swivel coupling and PVC support coupling. Another feature is easy installation.
Circle No. 25 on Reader Service Card
Anchor Scientific Inc.’s Gas Alert ” is an electronic warning device for the early detection of toxic and explosive gas leaks that may occur in homes. RVs, campers, trailers, and boats. Upon detection of propane, butane. or natural gas at 25 percent of their lowest explosive level an 85-decibel alarm is activated. A 12-volt DC and a 110-volt AC model are available.
Grde No. 26 on Reoder Service Cord
Kussmaul Electronics Co. Inc.’s Auto-Trol is designed to detect when the power line frequency drops below 60 Hz and disconnect the loads to protect equipment from the resulting excessive current. The 60ampere relay provides ample load-interrupt capacity.
Circle No. 27 on Reader Service Card
Hurst Emergency Products offers the Mights’-I-ite line of lightweight hydraulic rescue tools. Power is supplied by a 2.2-hp
Honda four-cycle engine, which can operate the Mighty-Lite equipment as well as any Hurst Jaws of Life rescue tool.
Circle No. 28 on Reader Service Cord
Chem-Tex C.orp. offers a line of “reusable’’ chemical-protective clothing constructed of Butyl, Neoprene, PVC. and Niton fabrics. Designed and manufactured to customer specifications these garments offers protection as well as comfort.
Circle No. 29 on Reader Service Card
Koehler Manufacturing Co.’s 8000 Series flashlights are small in size yet have a 25,000 andlepower beam. Originally designed for underwater use (waterproof up to 300 feet ) they can also be used in firefighting and rescue operations. Constructed on Lexan* plastic, they can withstand impacts. Two flashlight models and one strobe light model are offered.
Circle No. 30 on Reader Service Card