Compact Life Kit
Laerdal Medical Corporation, manufacturer of life support training aids and equipment, has introduced their new Modulaide emergency life support kit. It contains individual modules containing oxygen and resuscitation equipment, airway management equipment, the Laerdal Suction Unit, as well as diagnostic tools and a trauma kit. It also contains modules for I.V. and necessary drugs.
The compact Modulaide Emergency life support kit makes well organized emergency medical equipment easily accessible.
Circle No. 13 on Reader Service Card
Skin Substitute
A biosynthetic wound dressing designed for burns, clean superficial wounds, donor sites, excised wounds, meshed autografts and general wound management is now being manufactured and marketed by Wood roof Laboratories, Inc.
The Biobrane temporary wound dressing comprises an occlusive semi-permeable silicone membrane mechanically bonded to a nylon fabric and coated with peptides of collagen which make the product act as a biological dressing. The biosynthetie dressing, in many applications, can replace traditional skm substitutes such as human allograft, pigskin and amnion.
Major features of Biobrane include: adherence to the wound until it heals or until autograft becomes appropriate; control of evaporative water loss, significant reduction in pain and virtual elimination of dressing changes.
The dressing is also transparent for clinical observation and is not non-toxic, non-pyrogenic and hypoallergenic. The material is available in three sizes, individually packaged in sterile bags, five pieces per box, and may be stored at room temperature.
Circle No. 1 on Reader Service Card
A blanket-stretcher that quickly raises body temperatures of patient’s suffering from shock or hypothermia has been introduced by Ferno-Washington, makers of emergency patient-handling equipment.
Made of Flectalon, a material scientifically designed to minimize heat loss from the body, the new blanket-stretcher is expected to become important in outdoor rescue operations. Flectalon is the first material to combine the advantages of two approaches to conserving body heat — using reflection to turn back heat loss through radiation, and trapping air to prevent heat loss through convection.
Flectalon also holds its insulating and reflecting abilities when wet or compressed, can undergo repeated washing without damage, and can be stored for long periods of time. The fabric is tough, light, fire resistant, totally non-allergenic, resilient, and useful under a wide range of outdoor conditions.
The Ferno Flectalon blanket-stretcher is designed for use as either a wrap-around blanket or as a stretcher. As a stretcher it can be carried by two, four or six attendants. It is maneuverable through narrow openings and over rough terrain.
Circle No. 2 on Reader Service Card
Air Pressure Pump
In order to compensate for the periodic loss of air pressure in vehicles with air brake systems, Kussmaul Electronics Co. Inc., has introduced Auto-Pump, a completely automatic air compressor pump.
The 091-9 Auto-Pump air compressor system turns on automatically when vehicle tank pressure drops below minimum levels. Powered by the vehicle’s 12 volt battery, the pump does not interfere with the operation of the engine-mounted air compressor.
The motor is a permanent magnet type with .10 HP. All ball bearing construction, lifetime lubrication and system reliability ensure that no periodic servicing is required.
Circle No. 14 on Reader Service Card
Chemical Suit
Wheeler Protective Apparel has a new suit that provides total body protection against chemical and fume hazards. The Acid King flame retardant suit is made of an exclusive green vinyl coated material. The seams are sewn and heat sealed for maximum strength and safety. The integral hard cap helmet has a heat sealed inner window and a replaceable outer window. The gloves and steel toe boots are attached by a special tapered tube assembly that keeps chemicals out.
Other improvements include a more comfortable fit, a heavy duty interlocking channel zipper heat sealed into the suit, and relocation of the zipper to the back of the suit for easy donning and better access to the breathing air tank. Air Breathing equipment with a face mask must be worn under the Acid King suit, and a body cooling air unit can be added for additional comfort.
Circle No. 9 on Reader Service Card
Fire Info Software
A new microcomputer software called The Fire Reporter is now available for the Apple Computer system. Designed for small, local fire departments, The Fire Reporter stores important information about structures in the department’s area. When an alarm is sounded the desk officer types in the address and pertinent information about the structure and inhabitants appears on the screen. This information can then be transferred to the responding fire fighters. No prior computer experience is necessary.
Circle No. 3 on Reader Service Card
Rescue Dummy
Fire Research Corporation’s Smokehouse and Rescue Dummy adds realism to training exercises. The durable training aid is manufactured from heavy duty cross-woven nylon and will withstand temperatures up to 800 degrees. Each dummy has a seven piece body with free body movements of head, arms, legs, and upper and lower torso.
Circle No. 4 on Reader Service Card
Mobile Radios
Midland LMR, a division of Midland International Corporation, have included new high-power UHF models in the Syn-Tech line of field-programmable frequency-synthesized two-way FM land mobile radios.
Operating in the 406-512 MHz frequency range, the new models have an adjustable RF power output variable from 40 to 65 watts. The radios feature an E/PRO E/Prom-controlled microprocessor which permits the stored program to be easily erased and reprogrammed in the field as required. The tone-coded squelch and channel scanning options are also field-programmable/ reprogrammable, as are the built-in time-out timer and busy channel lockout.
Circle No. 16 on Reader Service Card
Relief Valve
A compact “operator-oriented” ball gate relief valve is now available from Jaffrey Fire Protection Company. Design features include a 50 to one gear ratio for precise, responsive action; an indicator located at the top to give operator complete visibility and control at all times; and a three year leak-free warranty covering positive sealing under all conditions, including draft. The unit provides pressure-surge protection with 12 turns required to close the gate, two turns more than the minimum specified by the American Water Works Association. The valve measures 8 ¾ inch wide (connected) and 14 inches high, and does not extend beyond the vehicle’s running board.
Circle No 10 on Reader Service Card
Facepiece for Respirators
Scott Aviation now offers a new line of Scott-O-Vista facepieces to go with their Supplied Air Positive Pressure Respirators. The Positive Pressure Respirator is a device mounted onto the mask which provides air and maintains a positive pressure inside the facepiece above that of the outside atmospheric pressure.
Available with this apparatus is either the Scottoramic facepiece or the new Scott-OVista facepiece. The lightweight Scott-OVista facepiece is made of a polycarbonate material and is a cone-shaped configuration. It provides the user with a wider field of vision and comes in large and small sizes.
Circle No. 12 on Reader Service Card
Sterling Technologies introduces the Big Mouth Buzzer which electronically monitors critical vehicle and engine functions such as oil pressure, engine temperature, air pressure and coolant level. The unit attaches to switches or warning lights. When the switch closes or the light activates, the alarm sounds.
Circle No. 11 on Reader Service Card
Fire Fighting System
Mina-Helwig has introduced the Fire Marshal pumper, a fully integrated fire ighting system, using swimming pools as primary reservoirs. The Briggs & Stratton gasoline engine powered pump is rated at 40 gpm, at 80 ft. of head. The unit comes equipped with 100 feet of 1.5 inch reel nounted hose, adjustable fog nozzle, and ten eet of suction hose, all mounted on a baked enamel finish steel dolly.
Circle No. 8 on Reader Service Card