Survivair introduces a Radio Communication System that enables workers wearing full face masks to communicate with each other or with a base station via two-way radio. The system allows the wearer to clearly hear sound in the environment in addition to radio transmission. Two push-to-talk switch options are available: a standard push-button style and a paddle switch that can be used under a chemical suit.
Circle No. 7 on Reader Service Card
Tempo Glove Mfg. introduces the PRO, an NFPA. 1500 compliant structural firefighter’s glove. The Tempo Pro external glove, made of carpincho leather, is lined with neoprenecoated fleece, which eliminates the need for a separate internal moisture barrier. The attached memory wristlet is rib-knitted Nomex III.
Circle No. 8 on Reader Service Card
MSA offers two convenient features for the Ultravue® and the Ultra-Twin® facepieces, The E-Z Done® FHR Facepiece Harness is a flameand heat-resistant facepiece suspension system that features a five-point suspension system with three elasticized tee straps that self-adjust for proper fit. The glass laminated facepiece lens, providing chemi* cal and scratch resistance, is constructed of glass on the ouside and shatter-resistant polyvinyl butyral (PVB) on the inside.
Circle No. 9 on Reader Service Card
Physio-Control announces the Lifepak 10 defibrillator/monitor, which offers a built-in noninvasive pacemaker option and hands-off defibrillation capacity. Code-Summary™ prints and stores key cardiac activity at the time it occurs.
Circle No. 10 on Reader Service Card
Poseidon Compressors offers a selection of compressors in both portable and stationary models. Varieties include the PFU 135/250 breathing air compressors. PFU 320 for firefighting and diving, and PFU 500 for highpressure air demands.
Circle No. 11 on Reader Service Card
To facilitate the testing of ILC Dover Chernturion suits in compliance with new OSHA regulations, ILC Dover has developed the Chemturion Suit Integrity Test Kit. This test kit includes exhaust valve covers, wrist cuff plugs, inlet plugs, and a pressure gauge in a carrying case. Detailed testing instructions and pass/fail criteria help ensure accurate testing for airtight integrity.
Circle No. 12 on Reader Service Card
The Firefighter’s Handbook of Hazardous Materials by Charles J. Baker is available on computer software from Maltese Enterprises. It lists over 7,200 chemicals on toxicity, flash points, lel-uels, DOT numbers and classifications, specific gravity, vapor density, water solubility, disaster info, extinguishing agents, potential hazard, evacuation. and immediate action information.
Circle No. 13 on Reader Service Card
Zodiac introduces a complete line of rigid hull inflatable boats featuring a fiberglass deep-V hull and an inflatable collar. The Vshaped hull cuts the water and the buoyancy tube absorbs the shock to increase maneuverability and maintain stability. The collar also makes it easy to come alongside another vessel or dock. Boats range in size from 14 1/2 feet to 24 feet and are available with outboards or diesel inboard engines.
Circle No. 14 on Reader Service Card
The Workrite style 1236R “NO-MO-STAT GAS EMERGENCY” one-piece suit, which meets current OSHA requirements, has an attached hood and is crafted from 99% Nomex III® Aramid fiber material. It has 1% stainless steel elements to protect the wearer from static electricity discharge, and all metal findings such as zippers and buttons are insulated from skin contact to reduce burning potential.
Circle No. 15 on Reader Service Card
The Avon FRB-380 fire rescue boat can support a driver plus 3-man SCUBA/dive squad with full equipment. Inflation is by HPair. A 20-HP outboard motor can be transom mounted for use in fast-moving rivers or for quick passage across larger lakes or harbors. The 4’x 2’x 18″ carrying sack is fitted with strap/handles for easy portability.
Circle No. 16 on Reoder Service Card
Biomarine Inc. offers a ligthweight, compact closed-circuit SCBA. The equipment delivers 60 minutes of breathing protection in firefighting and haz-mat environments and weighs 25 pounds. Oxygen bottles are smaller than open-circuit bottles, permitting easier storage and transport.
Circle No. 17 on Reader Service Card
Robwen Inc. announces the Model 500 foam proportioner system, which accurately proportions Class A foam and A-FFF at .1% to 1%. Consistent foam is guaranteed regardless of flow rate, psi, or length of hose line. The proportioner prevents the user from wasting any foam chemical and alleviates batching in the truck tank. Completely selfcontained, the system requires no electrical power—all operating power is generated by the flow of water through the hose line.
Circle No. 18 on Reader Service Card
Pro-Tec Sports International, Inc., has released the PTS Windrower. The push/ pull design allows you to decrease or increase resistance, simulating head and tail winds often found out in the open water. The machine adds muscle groups like pecs and abs to the user’s workout, increases cardiovascular benefits and calories burned. and works both sides of the torso. An onboard microprocessor gives the user an instant readout of strokes per minute, cadence, time, and calories burned.
Crde No. 19 on Reader Service Card
Fire departments utilizing Mobile Data Terminals will now have the capability of displaying graphic diagrams and floorplans. The Floor Plan Autodigitizer, from Telecom General, compresses drawings such as floorplans, location of haz mats, water sources, electrical service panels, elevator shafts, etc. into a format compatible with MDTs. The drawings can be automatically recalled and displayed in graphic or text form.
Crde No. 20 on Reader Service Card
The Snap-tite Hydrassist1M Valve provides three modes of operation: straight-through, boosted, and in-line. The four-way valve can also be connected to the hydrant by a short section of large-diameter hose and operated in the street where access may be difficult for apparatus.
Crde No. 21 on Reader Service Card
Scott Aviation announces its new ScottAlert® Confined Entry Kit, with appropriate accessories containing everything needed to carefully test atmospheres within confined spaces before entering. It complies with the newly revised ANSI Z117 standard. In addition to a Scott-Alert portable gas detector, the kit contains a leather carrying case, instrument charger, 12-inch probe, 15-foot hose, hand aspirator, and earphone.
Crde No. 22 on Reader Service Card