Dual hydraulic hose reel for emergency vehicles
A new high-pressure dual hydraulic hose reel with a narrow profile that is useful for emergency vehicles is now available from Aero-Motive Manufacturing Company.
The new WJ Reel can hold up to 100 feet of 1/4-inch dual hydraulic hose rated at 10,000 psi working pressure. Options include aluminum construction; electric, air, or motor drive; and roller guides.
Circle No. 53 on Reader Service Card
Fire blanket
Flame-Tamer Arctic-Wrap fire blankets, specially-made blankets that cool burns quickly, are available from C.A.H. Industries Inc. The blanket, made of a non-woven polyester, impregnated with a special cooling agent, is used for on-the-spot treatment of burns or heat exhaustion. Each blanket, completely sterile and sealed in a plastic bag, is 50 X 72 inches, large enough to encase a victim.
Circle No. 18 on Reader Service Card
Low-temperature urethane chemical protective suit
Safety First Industries announces the availability of its new Chemturion low temperature flame resistant urethane chemical protective suit. This new suit is totally encapsulating and accommodates an airline umbilical feed or a range of self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), which can be worn inside.
The Chemturion Model 90 is made of 15 Mil Safety Green, flame-retardant urethane, which remains flexible and useable in temperatures as low as —40°F, according to the manufacturer.
The suit is available in one size to fit frames ranging from 5 feet, 4 inches to 6 feet, 4 inches, and weighs approximately 4 pounds.
Circle No. 51 on Reader Service Card
Rechargeable battery
The new Bright Star heavy-duty 6-volt rechargeable battery, No. 156, can be recharged up to 200 times and can deliver 900 milliamps for 20 hours or 3 amps for 5 hours.
The rechargeable battery requires minimum charge time when using Bright Star’s 6-volt battery charger, No. 6BC156. The charger is permanently equipped with an AC wall outlet cord, a plug for connection to the battery socket, and an AC power indicator. The charger will bring the battery up to almost full charge overnight, and then provide a trickle charge or float rate current indefinitely.
Circle No. 48 on Reader Service Card
Dispatcher computer programs
Business Systems Applications of Marlboro, MA, has recently announced a standardized version of their custom fire department dispatching computer software. The options in the dispatcher program series include: equipment status, hazardous materials lookup, personnel roster, fire incident reporting, and call status.
This is the first program specifically designed for towns with populations of up to 50,000 people in terms of function, according to Business Systems. The dispatcher will run on almost any computer, single-user or multi-user.
Circle No. 49 on Reader Service Card
New smoke machines
Stage Lighting Distributors introduces their new line of smoke machines: The Opti Mist and the Maxi Mist.
The Opti Mist and Maxi Mist are highquality electrical, thermal smoke machines that use an aqueous fluid system. The Maxi Mist’s smoke output is 120 square feet per minute at 1 yard visibility. The Opti Mist’s smoke output is 75 square feet per minute at 1 yard visibility. Both machines leave no slippery residue and emit a clean odorless smoke, according to the manufacturer.
Circle No. 54 on Reader Service Card
Breathing equipment catalog
United Fire Service, a specialty company in breathing apparatus, has recently introduced a new 20-page catalog featuring a complete line of breathing equipment. It includes compressors, air masks, accessories, and service.
Circle No. 57 on Reader Service Card
Portable pager
The Reach VIP II pager is a new entry in the tone and voice paging marketplace. This pager, operating in the high-band frequencies (148-174 mHz), is reported to deliver loud, clear audio for crisp voice messages.
The VIP II incorporates Reach’s Lifeguard circuitry for long battery life, without using chargers. Typical battery life will be 9 months, based on three 10-second calls per day and 24-hour-a-day operation, according to the manufacturer.
The VIP II is encased in a durable, dark blue Lexan with a sturdy belt-clip. A volume control, reset switch and a secure battery compartment are standard. The pager is small (3.5 inches X 2.5 inches X .94 inches) and lightweight (5.5 ounces including battery). The pager can be worn on a belt or almost anywhere.
Circle No. 56 on Reader Service Card
Portable pager is used to send and receive messages.
Fire equipment for marine vessels
Krupp Group member company Total Walther Feuerschutz GmbH of Cologne, Germany, supplies dry chemical fire extinguishing systems for gas carriers, foam fire extinguishing systems for oil tankers and tugs, as well as fireboats equipped with remote-controlled monitors. Also supplied are fire extinguishers, hoses, valves, heat protective suits, SCBA, etc.
Circle No. 25 on Reader Service Card
Sealing plugs
Vetter Systems’ pipe sealing plugs inflate in seconds on just 22 psi of air to seal off the flows of hazardous materials and pollutants through ruptured pipes, sewers, drains, and ventilation shafts. The plugs expand in diameter when filled with water or air from portable cylinders, handpumps, etc. A set of four plugs seals 14 different pipe sizes, from 3.5 inches (in 4.5 seconds) to 36 inches (in 80 seconds) in diameter. Each sealer is equipped with a check valve.
Circle No. 19 on Reader Service Card