Harmless Smoke
The Rosco Fog/Smoke Machine produces safe, harmless smoke, yet closely matches the smoke effect in burning buildings so that training can take place under the most realistic conditions. Capable of producing over 700 cubic feet of smoke per minute, the smoke is produced by a combination of compressed air, Rosco Fog Fluid, and the fusing of these components under heat, pressure and air. There is no burning or combustion in the process. In addition, the smoke leaves no visable contamination, freeing the user from the stains usually associated with smoke bombs. The density and quality of the smoke can be modulated by adjusting the pressure.
Circle No. 9 on Reader Service Card
Gloves for Firefems
Firecraft has announced their leather gloves are now available in women’s sizes The gloves have a flame retardant lining which provides insulation against heat or cold, and a specially processed leather that dries to its original softness and pliability and will not shrink. This special processing also removes oil that can cause a glove to become slick when wet.
Circle No. 10 on Reader Service Card
Fire Bag
The TAYLOR Made Fire Bag is designed to remove burning logs from a house during a chimney fire. The Fire Bag is unrolled at the fire, packed with burning wood, and carried outside to be dumped. After the fire is out, it is shaken and rerolled for storage. It is made entirely of heat resistant materials that will not burn or give off toxic fumes when exposed to the heat of a wood fire.
Circle No. 2 on Reader Service Card
Safety Sock
A new hosiery product billed as “the ultimate safety sock” has been announced by Rudin & Roth, Inc. The sock, trademarked as “Firehose”, is flame resistant throughout, from elastic to seaming yarn. It contains an engineered blend of yarns that combine flame resistance with comfort and durability. The manufacturer’s tests reportedly indicate a wear life up to three times that of typical work socks.
The product was developed in response to numerous requests from industrial and municipal fire chiefs. Trousers often function as chimneys in conducting flash flames up the pant leg, resulting in burns and heat injury to the shin and calf.
Circle No. 8 on Reader Service Card
Waist Belt
Atlas Safety Equipment Co. introduces a waistbelt made of heavy duty 1%-inch wide, 9500 pound, blue nylon webbing, with single tongue buckle. The Atlas “San Francisco” type belt No. 250 is fitted with two nylon rope lines with drop-forged steel snap hooks. Lines are three feet long.
Circle No. 6 on Reader Service Card
Crash Truck
A rapid response crash/fire/rescue vehicle for airports has been announced by The Duplex Truck Division of The Nolan Company. Designed as a 1500 gallon capacity crash truck, the new Duplex chassis, model DCT-1500, meets all of the standards of the National Fire Protection Association and can be operated in either a two or-four wheel drive mode to negotiate the terrain. Other features of the chassis are: a 492 HP rear mounted engine, a transfer case integral with the transmission that provides the operator with controlled front axle disconnect, power to both axles with no-spin differentials, and a fully enclosed, thermally insulated cab for four or more firefighters.
Circle No. 13 on Reader Service Card
Exercise Treadmill
Universal Cym Equipment’s new commercial exercise treadmill, the Tredex 2921, is designed for demanding, high-use environments. It features fingertip control and instant LED readout of running time, speed, pace and distance which can appear in miles or kilometers. Other functions are: a pause button which freezes time and distance displays and gradually slows the speed to zero, a reset button which returns time and distance to zero but does not effect speed, and the percent grade button which elevates the running bed up to a 25 percent grade to increase the training effect. Safety handles with emergency shut-off capability provide a convenient handhold when starting and stopping.
Circle No. 3 on Reader Service Card
Cairns Correction
The Cairns & Brother information listed in the April Manufactures’ Literature section was inaccurate. Literature is available on their complete helmet line, including the 660C Metro, 660 Phoenix, 770 Philadelphian, 880 Century, and 5A New Yorker. Also available is literature on helmet accessories such as eye shield, safety face shield, helmet linings, winter hood, skull cap and M600 “impact cap “