Breathing apparatus
Mine Safety Appliances Company (MSA), Pittsburgh, PA, has introduced four models of dual-purpose breathing apparatus, a versatile system that works as both a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) or as an air-line respirator. The models are: the dual-purpose Ultralite air mask with a 15minute rated cylinder; the dual-purpose Ultralite air mask with a 30-minute rated cylinder; the dual-purpose Custom 4500 air mask with a 30-minute rated cylinder; and the dual-purpose Custom 4500 air mask with a 60-minute rated cylinder. The new dualpurpose apparatus offer emergency response and hazardous materials clean-up crews the special advantage of working for extended periods relying on the air-line as a primary air source.
Circle No. 36 on Reader Service Card
Control board
The personnel and organization control board is now available from Firetac Systems. The display system utilizes color-coded magnetic components on a white porcelain steel board to depict a fire department’s organization and chain of command. Each organization and control board comes with a heading strip with the department’s name engraved on a plastic plate.
Circle No. 39 on Reader Service Card
High-volume pump
A new high-volume pump has recently been put into production by W. S. Darley & Co. Designated the Model # HE18 B/S, it is capable of a flow rate of 460 gpm at 25 psi and is suited for filling tankers or portable tanks. The pump weighs between 165 and 222 lbs., depending on options selected. Swing-out locking handles help to make it easy to carry by two firefighters.
Circle No. 40 on Reader Service Card
Information vault
The Knox Company introduces the Model 1200 key and hazardous material information vault. Designed to mount inside the front entrance of a building, the vault provides firefighters with the ability to retrieve hazardous material information at the site of the incident prior to entering the incident zone. The vault is large enough to hold hazardous material data sheets, facility blueprints, building keys, and any other special information needed. Optional two-lock access gives plant managers the ability to immediately update the information in the vault. This eliminates the need for the fire department to open the vault every time conditions change. The Model 1200 is available in fiveand seven-inch depths, with optional tamper switches.
Circle No. 45 on Reader Service Card