Lifejack, Inc.’s new Wingtip Vortex Generator shroud for the positive-pressure ventilator has perforations around the outer barrel of the shroud allow the unique polamide, aviation-style propeller blades to pick up air from the tips of the blades as well as from the rear of the prop. This allows for greater CFM air movement. It is made of 16gauge, powder-coated steel, and the ‘/2-inch holes prevent debris and clothing from being sucked into the blower.
Circle No. 10 on Reader Service Card
Schlumberger Industries’ Flush Mount Dry Hydrant Kit is a ground-level enclosure designed to be used with the 45° or straight dry hydrant head assembly. It eliminates any environmental or vandalism concerns associated with above-ground installations. The kit includes a molded polymer enclosure with lockable lid and quick-connect male adapter with cover cap.
Circle No. II on Reader Service Card
AAl Corp., Fire Systems offers Fire-Trainer™ T-2000, a computerized, gas-fueled training system that monitors and adjusts fire conditions according to firefighter actions in simulated. controlled fires. Firefighters face realistic flames, intense heat, and obscured visibility. The FireTrainer system can be set up in your burn building. Features include emergency stop buttons within the burn building as well as computer detection for abnormal conditions for automatic shutdown.
Circle No. 12 on Reader Service Card
The Battery Saver HO, manufactured by Kussmaul Flectronics Co. Inc., is a power supply with transfer relay that is installed in a vehicle to provide power for the 12-volt accessories. When a 120-volt AC power source is applied to the vehicle the Battery Saver HO powers the 1 2-volt DC accessories. When AC power is removed, the loads return to the battery.
Circle No. 13 on Reader Service Card
Iron Duck, an emergency medical equipment company, offers the Breathsaver I, a nylon duffel bag for airway management and oxygen therapy equipment. Its features include thick padding, room to carry a Jumbo “D” tank, three large zippered outer pockets. an adjustable shoulder strap, padded carrying handles, and numerous clear inside pockets.
Circle No. 14 on Reader Service Card
Ziamatic Corp. offers wheel chocks that comply with new M BA 1901, 1902, 1903, and 1904, which require specific dimensions to accommodate different emergency vehicles. Four sizes are available for various wheel sizes. The chocks have a double row of teeth that grip any surface, and are made of high tensile strength aluminum.
Circle No. 15 on Reader Service Card
Wasag USA, Inc.’s new hand-carried model ZEB/HG-I-E Acoustic Ground Detector is designed to detect normally inaudible sounds from victims buried alive under debris and rubble. It is batten -operated and has a single, three-directional geophone probe and a highly sensitive amplifier.
Circle No. 16 on Reoder Service Cord
LeapFrog Technologies offers the barrel top SpillyPad’* for containing and absorbing fluids that accumulate on top of 55-gallon drums It is made of durable polypropylene and can be used to absorb most acids, caustics, solvents, and waterand oil-based fluids Its comes in pre-cut 22-inch diameter circles
Circle No. 17 on Reader Service Card
Code 3 Res Q Equipment. Inc.’s QuickPak weighs under 30 pounds and is designed to be easily handled by one person. yet with the power to operate any 5,000 psi ; rescue tool Its two-horsepower gasoline engine has a three-way, two-position valve. It operates all Code 3 Res Q tools.
Grde No. 18 on Reoder Service Card
C airns and Brother offers AEGIS “, a turnout ; suit that allows a full range of motion and effective protection. It exceeds NFPA requirements. It includes a slim, short jacket with pants supported by a belt with quickrelease buckle to enhance freedom of movement while transferring much of the weight of the ensemble to the legs where it can be carried more easily.
Circle No. 19 on Reader Service Card
Ltdder Technologies. Ltd. offers test equipment for testing aluminum ladder safety. The Roof Hook & Hardware and the Horizontal Bending test equipment can be purchased separately or as a set. With these firefighters can perform the service tests in NFPA 1932 for aluminum ground ladders.
Circle No. 20 on Reader Service Card
The Searchcam ” from Search Systems is designed to locate trapped victims in collapsed structures with a miniature video camera and sensitive microphone combination. The articulated camera housing can be inserted into a hole as small as l ‘/.’-inches in diameter. The telescoping search probe collapses to 36 inches and extends to nine feet.
Circle No. 21 on Reader Service Cord
Public Safety Equipment, Inc.’s OsciLaser”* flush-mount warning light units feature a Halogen light with an oscillating pattern. The Bumper/Grill Speaker delivers a high-output sound and can be flush-mounted in the grill, or mounted on the bumper or behind the grill. The Speaker/OsciLaser Combination unit is also available.
Circle No. 22 on Reader Service Card
Sigtronic Corp.’s SE-41 Headset has only one ear cup and is for use where it is not legal or preferred to cover both ears. The self-adjusting. acoustically designed ear cup can be worn on either ear. and it contains a highoutput receiver. The M-80 electret microphone is noise-canceling and is immune to radio frequency and electromagnetic interference.
Circle No. 23 on Reader Service Card
Rage Inc.’s Helicopter Temporary Landing Site Strobe Kit provides a distinctive light pattern outlining a safe landing zone that is visible to pilots for up to 10 miles. It features I one-man deployment; five lights, one to indicate wind direction and four to outline the landing zone; a carrying case; and 15 hours of continual flashing.
Circle No. 24 on Reader Service Card
The Warrington Group’s Pro-Care cleaning products are designed specifically for cleaning firefighters’ turnout gear. In the Pro-Care line is a cleaning detergent, a spot and stain remover, a moisture barrier cleaner, and a durable water repellent.
Circle No. 25 on Reader Service Card
Justrite Manufacturing Company’s MiniDrum Funnel (Model #8-202) is designed exclusively for transferring or disposing of flammable liquids into five-gallon drums. It has a 4‘/2-inch mouth, a two-inch NPS connecting fitting, and a one-inch stainless steel flame arrester.
Grde No. 26 on Reoder Service Card
Dialogic Communications Corp.’s DCC VIP system notifies key personnel during an emergency. It offers information such as who is being notified, who is responding, estimated time of arrival, and event comprehension. Once activated, the system sets off paging systems, receives call-backs, contacts alternates for uncontacted positions, and more. It can facilitate multiple call lists and messages.
Circle No. 27 on Reader Service Card