Clarkson Safety Engineering’s Mounting Plate has big and brilliant red and white stripes to call attention to fire extinguishers so there’s no hesitation or time lost in confusion during a fire.
Made of fiberglass, the Mounting Plate is maintenance-free, impervious to the elements, and virtually indestructable. All mounting holes are pre-started for easy drilling.
Circle No. 12 on Reader Service Card
A solid-state, instant recall voice recording unit for emergency dispatch applications is now being offered by J.E.I.
This new unit is available in one and two channel configurations and may be used free standing or in a panel mounting frame. Simultaneous record and playback capability eliminates the possibility of missing an incoming conversation. The unit can mark any portion of conversation for instant and repeated recall. It’s available with storage times of from 3 5 to 22 minutes.
Circle No. 15 on Reader Service Card
Skolnik Industries Inc. introduces two aids in the process of hazardous waste removal, the Industrial Spill Response Kit and the Fastank Rapide.
The kit offers a complete array of products designed to immediately combat and safely contain most small spills: the “Fast Pak” Leverlock closure, protective goggles, gloves, a Tyvek suit, sorbent pads, and more. The Fastank, which has a 400-gal. capacity and weighs 33 pounds, serves as a decontamination pool and can be used as a mixing tank for soiled sorbent storage.
Circle No. 24 on Reader Service Card
Midland LMR has added two VHF marine/land mobile transceivers to its line of Syn-Tech frequency-synthesized FM twoway mobile radios. Both models are available as either one-piece or remote-mount units programmable for up to 80 channels.
The transceivers have programmable busy-channel lockout and time-out timer as standard features. They can also be equipped with programmable channel scanning, which can monitor up to 64 channels. A variety of other accessories are available, including weatherproof microphones, speakers, control heads, and enclosures.
Circle No. 29 on Reader Service Card
The new Commando line of mobile decontamination trailers are designed for safe and efficient personnel decontamination at haz-mat work sites.
Standard features include electric baseboard and wall heaters; air conditioning; sink/ shower/locker facilities; vaporproof lighting; water storage tanks; and shelving and equipment storage areas.
Circle No. 14 on Reader Service Card
J.L. Industries introduces its Model CFD, which carries the Warnock Hershey label for onehour combustible and one-hour noncombustible floor/ceiling systems. The CFD is self-closing, self-latching, and capable of withstanding required fire tests.
The door is manufactured with a 16-gauge frame, an 18gauge door, 20-gauge panel sides, and a 26-gauge panel hat chanel.
Circle No. 31 on Reader Service Card
HazMat Control Systems, Inc. introduces a new database system that aids in keeping track of more than 5,000 substances that are heavily regulated.
All of the available information on a chemical can be obtained through the system’s master file: the Permissible Exposure Limit, Threshold Limit Values, and more. No special hardware or optical disk readers are necessary. Diskettes are just copied onto the hard disk drive; the minimum requirements are 512 RAM and 10 MB hard disk storage.
Circle No. 23 on Reader Service Card
Fire Research Corp.’s Portable Flow and Pressure Meter can simultaneously test both flow and pressure of any hydrant or pumper.
The meter measures most liquids; water, foam, and chemicals, and is supplied with a rechargeable battery (internal) and a charger, it also is a valuable aid for training pump operators.
Circle No. 30 on Reader Service Card
The Satellite 360-degree rotating mini-beacon features a “blinding” flash for maximum warning effectivenes. The Satellite, available from Mars Signal Light Co., can be a magnetic mount, permanent mount, or pipe mount mini-beacon.
Circle No. 26 on Reader Service Card
Fire Technology Training Associates. Inc. introduces its line of user friendly fire service software.
There’s a data management program for your department’s maintenance and training records; the Haz-Mat Tutor is designed to help students meet Title Ill and NFPA 472 requirements; and a hydraulics tutorial enables firefighters to master fireground hydraulics at their own pace. Demonstration disks are available.
Circle No. 39 on Reader Service Card
America Godiva Inc. introduces its new GX-1600 stationary/mobile pump package. The GX1600, a variation of the GP-1600, is designed to give fire departments more flexibility in specifying and mounting small engine-driven pumps. The GX1600 has a rated output of 260 gpm at 150 psi or 570 gpm at 40 psi.
Circle No. 31 on Reader Service Card
The Digiflam 2000 is the latest combustible gas indicator from Neotronics.
By incorporating automatic range switching, the unit will select the correct range and present the user with a clear, digital readout. It also has a back-lit liquid crystal display, which enables the readout to be seen at a glance. A built-in pump provides continuous and rapid response to gas concentrations, and a water/dirt trap ensures that, when using a probe, water or dirt doesn’t get into the monitor.
Circle No. 27 on Reader Service Card
The Switch-Mate Jr. from Streamlight, Inc. features a pushbutton on/off switch and “blink” and “signal” modes.
The pushbutton switch is housed in a waterproof black rubber boot in the light’s tailcap; the boot maintains the light’s waterproof integrity. The switch is available on new Streamlight Jr. flashlights and is compatible with many other miniature flashlights.
Circle No. 1 on Reader Service Card
The Cairns N660C Metro II fire helmet has a new, patent-pending Slide universal head fit adjuster. The Slide allows a firefighter to automatically adjust the helmet’s fit with a single pull on the chinstrap.
The Metro II also features the S-90 polyarylate Tufishield faceshield, which has an anti-fog coating on the inside to keep vision clear. Newly designed high-impact, corrosion-resistant hardware for the Tufishield completes the package.
Circle No. 34 on Reader Service Card
ILC Dover announces the availability of a new NIOSH-certified chemical protective suit/breathing apparatus combination, which teams the company’s Chemturion suits with Scott 30or 60-minute Air-Paks. A new certified option allows an airline interface with the chemical suit.
A Scott pass-thru offers a certified airtight connection from the umbilical airline through the suit wall, to the quick disconnect which interfaces with the Scott Air-Pak inside the Chemturion suit. ILC Dover installs this passthru.
Circle No. 20 oa Reader Service Card
Cyalume Lightsticks, available from American Cyanamid Co., are ideal for roadside accidents and situations where traffic control is essential because they are sparkproof and nonflammable.
Activated in seconds, the lightsticks are compact, portable, and emit a full 360 degrees of cool, bright light.
Circle No. 32 on Reader Service Card
The Freedom Pump from Waterous has a self-adjusting, mechanical shaft seal similar to those used in engines and portable pumps. A flat, spring-fed carbon ring is sealed to and rotates with the impeller shaft. The ring, in turn, presses against a stainlesssteel stationary ring that’s sealed to the pump body, creating a waterand airtight-seal.
While many 20-year-old vertically split Waterous pumps are operating with their original mechanical seals, the application to horizontally split, midshipmounted pumps is unique, the company says.
Circle No. 18 on Reader Service Card
Public Safety Equipment introduces a new traffic direction signal designed specifically for vehicles.
The Code 3 ArrowStik is a bright, solid-state, weather-resistant warning light that mounts easily under most light bars without blocking the signals. It has four modes of operation, its own control head with 4-position rotary switch, and a I.ED pilot light. The power draw in any of the four modes averages 4.5 amps.
Circle No. 10 on Reader Service Card
The Nady Easy Talk VHF-30 is a compact, two-way radio that weighs only 15 ounces and has a four-channel capability. Its transceiver transmits clearly at a range of five to seven miles even in severe interface environments.
The radio, from Nady Systems,
Inc., includes a flexible “rubber duck” antenna with a BNC connector, an AC/DC wall charger, a stainless-steel belt clip, a protective holster-style carrying case, and a 10.8-volt Ni-Cad rechargeable battenpack.
Circle No. 3 on Reader Service Card
Emergency Medical Planning introduces its Body Fluids Barrier Pack, which reduces the possibility of direct contact with a patient’s body fluids.
The pack includes two pairs of latex gloves, a 24″ by 24” plastic barrier, a CPR microshield clear mouth barrier, a first aid thermal blanket, and a gauze dispenser.
Circle No. 5 on Reader Service Card
Life-Safety Services introduces its Rescuer Protection Pack, which is designed to protect rescuers from the spread of communicable disease through body fluid contact. The pack contains a rescue mask with one-way valve; a MEDS eye shield; two pairs of vinyl gloves; and a surgical mask. All items are packaged in a closeable bag that can be used to store contaminated objects until proper disposal is available.
Circle No. 13 on Render Service Card
A.A. Kinder Company Inc., introduces its Pedi-Immobilizer, an extrication and immobilization device for infants and small children weighing up to 60 pounds.
The Pedi-Immobilizer provides easy removal from car seats, and it works as a restraint system for trauma and medical calls.
Circle No. 16 on Render Service Card
North Safety Equipment has upgraded its 800 Series self-contained breathing apparatus.
The series now uses a new silicone full facepiece for comfort and protection, which has a hard-coated polycarbonate lens that’s scratch and impact resistant. Standard features include a fully padded harness assembly; silicone oral/nasal cup and speaking diaphragm; and a chestmounted pressure gauge.
Circle No. 37 on Render Service Card
Television Equipment Associates, Inc.’s Neckset is a headset, that fastens around the user’s neck with a clip.
The Neckset consists of a wa terproof throat microphone and showerproof receive speaker that are located inside leathercovered modules on an adjustable, breakaway elastic strap. The unit’s throat microphone picks up vibrations from the user’s voice box with fidelity.
Circle No. 36 on Render Service Card
ACE Communications introduces a miniature two-way radio transceiver that offers 6 watts of power output on VHF high band frequencies. A high/low power switch allows the radio to achieve eight hours usage on a single battery charge. The Triumph BC-105 can be carried in a pocket with the standard belt clip.
Circle No. 190 on Reader Service Card
Hale Fire Pump Company’s Typhoon, designed for positive pressure ventilation use, combines water turbine performance and safety factors.
The Typhoon fan requires no ignition, produces no exhaust, and uses no electricity. The unit’s water-driven design eliminates the danger of sparking and the introduction of carbon monoxide into the building, which can occur with engine-driven fans.
Designed specifically for the fire service, the Typhoon weighs only 75 pounds. Featuring 12 polyamide fan blades, the 30inch diameter fan provides sufficient pressure to ventilate several rooms at the same time. A water mist valve offers exposure protection and improves the Heat transferability of the air.
Circle No. 7 on Reader Service Card
The Fashion Seal Uniforms division of Superior Surgical Manufacturing Co. has a full line of work apparel for both men and Vomen.
Men’s pants have insert front and back pockets; reinforced belt loops; and a button tab on the left back pocket; women’s pants are made with insert front pockets; back patch pockets; and a shirred elastic back waistband. The company’s unisex shirt has a convertible collar with a buttonthru pocket. The pants are made of a polyester/combed cotton heavyweight twill; the shirts are made of a polyester/combed cotton poplin.
Circle No. 11 on Reader Service Card
The Star-70 is a mobile cascade unit from Breathing Air Systems that has a capacity of 4050 cubic feet of stored breathing air.
Empty SCBA bottles are passed to the operator (who works inside the unit) valve-first through tubes mounted in the trailer’s side door. Refilled cylinders are passed valve-out back through the same tubes.
Circle No. 40 on Reader Service Card
Portable fencing and barricades from Rockford Medical and Safety Co. are safety barriers that arcstrong and visible. Tensar fencing won’t rust or rot, and there aren’t any sharp wires. It’s available in a safety grid pattern or in a barricade designed to effectively block wind and blowing dust.
Cirde No. 33 on Reader Service Card
The LifePak 9 defibrillator/monitor features the Code Summary, which prints a recap of the main occurrences during a cardiac event.
The new device from PhysioControl Corp. also has a built-in capacity’ to self test. If a problem is indicated, the LifePak 9 automatically pinpoints the difficulty. Its “hands-off’ defibrillation enables safer, more rapid, and consistent shock delivery.
Circle No. 28 on Reader Service Card
The Temp-A-Larm temperature sensing alarm from Grace Industries is designed to alert firefighters when they’re exposed to life-threatening high temperatures. The alarm has no switches and automatically activates when temperatures exceed 212° F for six minutes or longer. The device may be ordered to alarm at lower temperatures as well. It’s powered by an “N” sizebattery that provides power for one year of operation.
Circle Na. 4 on Reader Service Card
Mar Mac Manufacturing now offers limited use, protective garments made from DuPont’s new Barricade fabric, including a complete line of fully encapsulated suits and coveralls.
Garments made of Barricade material offer outstanding barrier protection and high strength and durability. The fabric meets or exceeds class 1 NFPA 702 flammability requirements.
Circle No. 9 on Reader Service Card
BASECAD is a computer-assisted dispatching software package.
The software, from Vision Technology, enables the entry of calls for service, helps the dispatcher select appropriate units, captures all time and assignment data, and displays units/events status. The heart of the system is its geographic reference file, which handles address validation and determines reporting districts and jurisdiction.
Circle No. 19 on Reader Service Card
Earmark introduces the improved Series 3 & 3W Headsets, which are equipped with a lightweight, over-the-head spring band and add-on, adhesivebacked Muff Pads for increased ear clearance.
Added features include a builtin, battery condition indicator light, a hi-lo power switch, and a hi-lo volume control. The headsets will operate on a single alkaline battery, two alkaline batteries, or the Earmark Rechargeable Power System.
Circle No. 2 on Reader Service Card
Encon Safety Products has available an updated, improved model of a corrosion-resistant wall case for SCBA.
This model is made of a tough, plastic case that opens easier and closes more securely. The facepiece lies on a shelf for faster use. The regulator and cylinder are held at a convenient height in walk-away, quick-release brackets.
Circle No. 37 on Reader Service Card
Microprocessor design and three modes of operation are among the innovative features of the HX400T handheld radio from Standard Communications Corp. Complete with large, easyto-read display, optional touchtone encoder, and user scan list, the HX400T operates in three modes: LTR trunking, 800 MHz conventional, or 800 MHz sim plex.
Circle No. 6 on Reader Service Card
CSARS is a self-contained airline respirator system that can be used for entry into confinec spaces or for rescues in environ ments that are immediately dan gerous to life and health.
The CSARS system, available from International Safety Instruments, includes: two aluminum air cylinders held by a light weight frame; two Type-C respi rators; pressure reducer; pres sure gauge; two ISI Ultra-Tui neoprene/nitrile airline hoses and a low-air warning whistle.
Circle No. 22 on Reader Service Card