A lightweight Oxygen Administer from Mine Safety Appliances Co. enables users to quickly provide oxygen to emergency victims.

The unit consists of an aluminum low-pressure cylinder with 415 liter capacity, inhalation mask with breather bag, and a high-strength plastic case. The case features a window for viewing cylinder pressure with the case closed and a “no-jar” spring tension system that acts as a shtK’k absorber for the tank and regulator. The unit is designed to be easily placed on a stretcher with the victim for transport.

Circle No. 5 on Reodet Service Card


The Regency Plus HH Series portable radios are durable, dependable, and available in three bands.

Using a die-cast metal mainframe. the HH Series portables stand up to all the punishment a radio receives, yet each weighs only 16 ounces The Regency Land Mobile radios come in three bands: the LHF HH -464 D2/D4 has four watts of power and two or four channel capability, the VHF HH 154 156 features four or six watts of power and up to six channel capability; and the HH 505 rounds out the series with five watts of power and four channels in the low band.

Circle No. 31 on Reader Service Card


“Ready Rack” is shelving that’s suitable for gear storage.

The heavy-duty, wire shelving, available from C. Gunther Co., keeps gear highly visible and off of the flcx)r. The openwire design aids in drying gear fast and dispersing smoke odor. Each unit can be tailored to specifications to allow maximum storage in a minimum amount of space.

Circle No. 10 on Reader Service Card


Alco-Lite is offering a free Ladder Libel Kit for each of its ground ladders already in service.

The kit includes a new positioning label that will be required in the next NFPA standard revision. This label can save time and eliminate errors in positioning the ladder properly. In addition, a load label assists personnel in determining ladder loadings.

Requests for label kits should be sent on official stationary to: Free Ladder Kit, Aluminum Ltdder Company, P.O. Box 5329, Florence, South Carolina 29502. Include how many kits are needed. and whether the labels are for wall ladders, roof ladders, folding ladders, combination ladders, or extension ladders, and how many of each type are required. For more information, call (800) 752-2526 and ask for Aluminum Ladder Custom Service, ext. 103-


Rescue Randy, a training device for rescue workers from Simulaids, Inc., can be placed in situations that are life-threatening to human volunteers. He’s been rescued from mine cave-ins and dragged from smoke-filled rooms.

The dummy’s steel skeleton and lifelike plastic skin closely resembles the look and feel of a human: rescue w-orkers can practice applying anti-shock trousers to his legs. Randy can be factory-adjusted to meet various weight specifications.

Circle No. 1 on Reader Service Card


Metrosonics Inc. introduces its hs-383 Personal Heat Stress Monitor, which monitors individual firefighters rather than w’ork areas.

The hs-383 allows measurements to be taken under protective clothing. It alerts individuals to immediate or incipient danger and monitors recovery time. Small and ruggedly packaged, the monitor also logs the firefighter’s physiological reactions to heat stress.

Circle No. 37 on Reader Service Cord


Delta Industries Manufacturing’s Hydrotester fills and pressurizes the fire hose automatically. The operator simply connects and disconnects the hose.

The Hydrotester is completely housed to protect from electrical shock, should a hose rupture and spray water on the pump monitor during testing. It delivers up to 750 psi, yet weighs only 65 pounds.

Circle No. 13 on Reader Service Card


Magnum Distribution Inc. introduces the Magnacom, a vehicle intercom system designed specifically for use in high-noise vehicles such as fire trucks.

The Magnacom MM-950 Command Module is multi-functional. and its compact design allows it to fit easily on the dash. The three-position function switch allows the radio operator to choose between VOX intercom, monitoring the radio, or discrete radio communication with the base station. The intercom system can include up to 10 personnel by simply adding extension units.

Grde No. 14 on Reader Service Cord



Mar Mac Manufacturing Co. introduces a disposable protective clothing package for rescue personnel.

The kit contains one hooded

Tyvek QC coveralls, Tyvek QC bootcovers, one pair of latex gloves, one surgical mask, and one pair of protective goggles with anti-fog treatment.

Cirde No. 17 on Reader Service Card


Fyrepel Products introduces the totally encapsulating Forcefield suit, which reduces the potential for heat and physical stress while increasing the wearer’s agility.

The suit is made from a triple layered polymer/Kevlar/polymer laminate and weighs 6 pounds. Its seams are heat sealed and have reinforced stitching, which provides greater strength and durability while simplifying the decontamination process. Attached gloves and booties ensure total body protection, and an oversized face mask creates a wide, clear viewing field.

Circle No. II on Reader Service Card


E.D. Bullard Co. introduces the Advent helmet, w’hich protects against impact and penetration from the top, side, from, and back of the head. Conventional helmets used by many emergency reponse personnel offer only impact and penetration protection to the top of the wearer’s head.

Circle No. IS on Reader Service Card


First Alert introduces two additions to its line of rechargeable flashlights, the ED2010 and the ED2020.

Both feature a Krypton bulb that provides a strong beam of light for up to 45 minutes on a full charge. For recharging, retractable prongs fit in any standard 120 VAC outlet. Because the unit incorporates lead acid batteries, it can hold a charge up to one year.

Circle No. 8 on Reader Service Card


The Auto Charge 3 Automatic Battery’ Charger, available from Kussmaul Electronics Co., recharges batteries in fire trucks and emergency vehicles.

Two LED lamps indicate when the batteries are charging and when they’re fully charged.

Circle No. 36 on Reader Service Card

Saegertown explosion

Firefighters Among More Than a Dozen Injured in PA Explosion

A major explosion Sunday injured more than a dozen people, including several firefighters, in Saegertown, Pennsylvania.
Trailer Fire Metairie (LA)

Trailer Catches Fire, Explodes on I-10, Damaging Nearby Metairie (LA) Homes

A trailer carrying motorcycles and nitrous oxide cannisters caught fire on Interstate 10 and exploded Saturday, damaging two nearby Metairie homes and possibly a passing car, according to Jefferson Parish and…