Portable radio

Midland LMR has introduced a Syn-Tech portable 80-channel synthesized two-way belt-mounted FM radio. The new portable radio has a programmable E/PROM-controlled microprocessor, which permits users to match the portable’s capabilities to their exact system requirements.

Among the functions controlled by the E/PROM are up to 80-channel frequencies, time-out timing, busy-channel lockout, coded-squelch tones, and the channel scan options. The radios can scan up to 64 channels in either of two groups with choice of priority and carrier.

Circle No. 46 on Reader Service Card

Two-way belt-mounted radio in use.

New harness for firefighters

A new harness designed for the fire and rescue service has been introduced by Robertson Harness Synergy. With the addition of a large carabiner, this harness functions as a truckman’s ladder belt and is also an excellent rappelling harness, according to the manufacturer.

It is a one-size-fits-all and can be worn either over or under turnouts. The harness is constructed of Type 7 nylon, #5 cord, and is stitched with a mil spec, five-point pattern with five stitches per inch.

Circle No. 64 on Reader Service Card

Mask resuscitator

A four-page bulletin describes Res-Q-Flo mouth-to-mask resuscitators from Globe Safety Equipment Inc. The new bulletin illustrates rescuer benefits, including a valve assembly that protects from contamination, an unobstructed view of the victim’s vital signs, positive air seal provided by Res-QFlo’s clear pliable mask, and efficient ventilation of the victim with less rescuer fatigue.

Circle No. 12 on Reader Service Card

Rescue tool system

The Jimmi Jak Rescue Tool from J&B Equipment Co. is designed to aid rescue personnel and firefighters responding to accident situations involving cars that have rolled on their sides or roofs, trapping both rescuers and victims.

The Jimmi Jak system includes base plates, bodies, and appropriate attachments. Assemblies are placed against or under the object that must be stabilized, and are either locked in place manually or pressurized and locked in place, depending on the circumstances.

Circle No. 44 on Reader Service Card

Communications system

A new personal voice amplification system is now available from Mine Safety Appliances (MSA). Designed for use with MSA respiratory full facepieces, the ClearCom V Personal Communications System is useful in wet or high-humidity atmospheres. It will also function well in heavy dust environments, according to the manufacturer.

Circle No. 22 on Reader Service Card

Portable CO monitor

Sensidyne Inc. announces a pocket-sized portable monitor for carbon monoxide in the threshold limit value (TLV) range. Weighing 7 ounces, the unit features a continuous lethal concentration dose (LCD) readout, two-stage audible and visual alarms, and a belt clip.

Alarm levels are set at 50 and 150 parts per million (ppm) but are adjustable over the entire range of 0-400 ppm. The unit operates on replaceable AA batteries and incorporates a battery-life check feature.

Circle No. 40 on Reader Service Card

Portable monitor measures CO concentration.Aluminum retracting cable (Model RTC-2700).

Adjustable tripod

A new adjustable aluminum tripod that serves as a lightweight portable anchorage for a retracting lifeline used for fall protection, and a mechanical winch for emergency retrieval during confined space operations have been developed by Research & Trading Corporation (RTC).

The RTC-513 (7-feet long) and RTC-515 (10-feet long) tripods collapse for transport and storage, adjust for uneven surfaces, and can be handled by one person, according to the company.

The RTC-2700 Retractalok retracting cable lifeline provides fall protection while the RTC-560 Rescue Winch, hanging in place, allows a standby person to retrieve a victim without having to enter the space. A spring-loaded locking mechanism helps to prevent the tripod from tipping over when the victim is moved from the opening.

Circle No. 43 on Reader Service Card

Simulated training program

The new Simulated Tactical Exercise Program (STEP) was developed for the fire service to increase “true-to-life” realism during behavioral training programs, pre-planning sessions, tactical assessment exercises, and decision making at large fires.

As part of the program, fire and smoke with motion are realistically simulated on 35mm slides using a single 35mm projector and a polarizing spinner. An overhead projector is not needed. The simulated fire and smoke motion is obtained on the screen when the projector light passes through the motion slide and the rotating polarizing spinner.

An initial series of Simulated Tactical Exercise Programs have been developed in cooperation with the Delaware State Fire School using simulated fire and smoke slides.

Circle No. 10 on Reader Service Card

Continued on page 103

Improved water flow test kit

Western Fire’s Water Flow Test Kit is now “classified” by Underwriters’ Laboratories (UL) for fire pump flow testing, according to the company. The kit now includes a new range of tip sizes to test flows of 180-1,500 gpm, a new plastic laminated discharge table based on the UL tests, and a carrying case.

This system replaces the separate smooth bore nozzles, standard flow charts, and hand-held pitot tube usually used. A specially designed nozzle housing holds the integral pitot in the proper relationship to the various precision machined nozzle inserts for consistent, reliable readings.

Useful for testing pumpers, hydrants, and standpipe systems with 2 1/2-inch NH threads, the Water Flow Test Kit eliminates many of the variables and unknowns that can affect the testing process, according to the manufacturer.

Circle No. 23 on Reader Service Card

Water flow test kit contains a new range of tip sizes.

Multi-channel recorders

Uninterrupted logging of phone or radio communications onto compact audio cassettes is accomplished by the Neal 6000 Series of twoand four-channel dual cassette recorders that incorporate three motor, logic-controlled mechanisms fed by a common input.

Automatic start of the second cassette prior to first cassette completion provides overlap and protects against information loss during changeover. Operator alarms prompt cassette change. Recorders may be voice operated with optional remote addressing of all functions.

Circle No. 25 on Reader Service Card

Recorder logs phone and radio communications.

Visible life line

The Lime Line, a highly visible life line rope, is available from Smith Safety Products. It is built from 700 Series Dupont nylon and has a double thickness jacket to insulate against abrasion and heat damage.

The Lime Line rope has fluorescent properties, which makes it possible to see it through 40 yards of smoke, according to the manufacturer.

Circle No. 37 on Reader Service Card

Duct detectors

The UL 268A listed DH 1851/2851 Series Duct Detectors, from the System Sensor Division of BRK Electronics, provide continuous sampling of air currents flowing through industrial and commercial heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems. These detectors provide early smoke detection for rapid shutdown of fans, blowers, and air conditioning systems.

Circle No. 16 on Reader Service Card

Cover protects SCBA

The tough-tank self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) cover protects and extends the life of truck-mounted breathing apparatus, according to Tanks Unlimited, the manufacturer.

The cover completely encloses both SCBA and cylinder bracket to provide an effective seal against outside elements, according to the company.

Circle No. 24 on Reader Service Card

Computerized pre-plan

An automated system of emergency management is now available from Customized Business Control Inc. The Hazardous Materials Emergency Access System utilizes computerized pre-plans and hazardous materials information to help respond to emergencies more efficiently, according to the company. It can function in the office or on an emergency vehicle.

Circle No. 28 on Reader Service Card

Chin style gas mask

Scott Aviation Health/Safety Products, a division of Figgie International Inc., has released its new line of chin style gas masks featuring their lightweight Scott-O-Vista facepiece and seven National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) approved chin style canisters.

These new chin style gas masks allow for unrestricted movement. They have no harnesses or connecting hoses. The lighter weight and low breathing resistance minimizes fatigue while the low mounting position of the chin canister provides minimal obstruction of vision, according to the manufacturer.

A full line of chin style canisters are available for medium level protection, in concentrations less than those that are immediately dangerous to life or health. Canisters are constructed with drawn aluminum bodies and strong Cycolac plastic tops.

Circle No. 48 on Reader Service Card

Light-weight gas mask allows unrestricted movement.

Application fire sprinklers

Central Sprinkler Corporation introduces two new Omega Life Safety special application sprinklers: The Prohibitor and the Ident-A-Fire.

The Prohibitor is designed for applications where sprinkler hardware may be utilized for individual self-destruction. It features a non-removable escutcheon and a breakaway feature of 80 pounds. This sidewall sprinkler is listed to protect areas from 12 X 12 feet to 14 X 14 feet.

The Ident-A-Fire sprinkler utilizes a simple microswitch. The switch has a resistive rating of 125V A.C. and 28V D.C. with its current passing through high temperature (200°C) teflon fire alarm cable (600V) to possibly an annunciator or fire alarm panel.

Circle No. 21 on Reader Service Card

Cavalry Suit provides flexibility and ventilation.

Flexible firefighting suit

Alb Inc., a manufacturer of fire protective gear, introduces their new Cavalry Suit with its waist-plus length coat and high-back pants. The pants are designed to complement the coat’s shorter, tighter fit for complete protection, according to the manufacturer.

Because there is no bulky bib front, the Cavalry Suit also provides maneuverability and ventilation, allowing body heat to escape easily.

Circle No. 50 on Reader Service Card

Helmet light holder

Fire-Light is a small, lightweight light holder that mounts to the face shield mounting nut on the helmet. Designed and manufactured by a firefighter, it is constructed of all noncorrosive materials. Including both flashlight and batteries, Fire-Light weighs 5 ounces.

The light source is the Mini Mag Lite, manufactured by Mag Instruments Inc. It is powered by two AA pen light batteries and features an adjustable light beam, a spare bulb, and waterproof anodized body.

An alternate fastening method for those helmets that do not have mounting nuts is currently in the works.

Fire-Light is useful for the firefighter who needs to free his hands of a flashlight and use them for rescue or suppression needs.

Circle No. 45 on Reader Service Card

Light holder attaches to helmet for maneuverability.

LAFD SUV in the ocean

Los Angeles Firefighter Swept Into Ocean as Mudslides Hit CA

A Los Angeles Fire Department vehicle was pushed into the ocean as heavy rains sent debris across several roadways.

Grandville (MI) Fire Truck Hit While Responding to I-196 Rollover

Michigan State Police are reminding drivers to pull over for emergency vehicles after a fire truck was struck Wednesday night.