Battery Conditioner

Koehler Manufacturing Company announces the model 5680 double battery conditioner. The solid state, fully automatic battery conditioners mount permanently on vehicles, connect to the vehicle battery, and have an “on board” recessed male connector for an A.C. 120-volt power line. Consisting of the charger and a charge indicator, they indicate the state of the charge and automatically charge the battery to its full capcity, then change to an intermittent maintenance charge.

Circle No. 24 on Reader Service Card


Robertshaw Controls Co., offers an oxygenpowered resuscitator for CPR use in toxic atmospheres. The resuscitator allows SCBAequipped personnel to begin CPR or other lifesaving procedures immediately. Utilizing 100 percent oxygen, the resuscitator maintains a constant positive airway pressure downstream of the outlet and can be operated manually on a non-breathing patient, in conjunction with external cardiac compression, or can automatically supply oxygen to a breathing patient in direct proportion to the amount of negative pressure generated by the patient, up to 100 LPM.

Circle No. 5 on Reader Service Card


W.S. Darley & Co., offers its HEVW pump, powered by a Volkswagen engine. The pump delivers 50 gpm at 245 psi, 300 gpm at 160 psi, and 525 gpm at 100 psi.

Circle No. 11 on Reader Service Card

Two-Way Radio

Midland LMR has introduced a line of frequency-synthesized, two-way FM radios that use a microcomputer to control channel frequencies and other functions. The Land Mobile Radio bands can be programmed to transmit and receive from one to 36 channels and can be erased and reprogrammed. Automatic channel scanning, Call Signal tone-coded squelch, and dashmount mobiles and trunk-mount units are available.

Circle No. 15 on Reader Service Card

Suction Strainers

Ziamatic Corp., announces three new suction strainers for coupling sizes of 4 1/2, 5, and 6 inches.

The Zico Quic-Draft strainers are designed with screens on all sides to prevent debris from getting trapped inside the unit, eliminating time-consuming shutdowns.

Unaffected by surface turbulence, the strainers can draw water up from depths as shallow as 1 1/2 inches. Pumping can be undertaken from ponds, holding tanks, swimming pools, construction sites or underground utility passages.

The coupling section can be adjusted and locked anywhere within a degree arc, preventing flow stoppage caused by a bent hose. Adjustable couplings also permit pumping directly up and out of manholes.

Circle No. 19 on Reader Service Card

Diaphragm Proportioner

National Foam announces a new 60-gallon diaphragm proportioner – the DP-60 – designed for stationary use or mounting on a truck bed.

The DP-60 can be used with all foam liquids and with water inlet pressures as low as 50 psi. It is suitable for use with 60 through 180-gpm nozzles. Available with continuous-flow hose reel, with a pressure loss of only 5 psi at 100gpm, it is capable of supplying foam solution to any combination of nozzles to a total of 180gpm. There is no hose length limitation between proportioner and nozzle, and up to 40 percent greater nozzle range than with educator-type units. A water-retaining clamp locks in the water pressure at the unit until nozzle discharge is required.

Circle No. 23 on Reader Service Card

Casualty Simulation

Simulaids, Inc., introduces an advanced military make-up casualty simulation kit for class instruction and staging mass disaster drills.

The kit contains bleeding and non-bleeding wounds and injuries such as: compound extremity fractures, foreign body protrusions, puncture wounds, eviscerations, burns of all degree, lacerations and fractures.

Circle No. 17 on Reader Service Card


The Micro-Lite from Tekna is a small lightweight, indestructable, reuseable flashlight.

Four inches long and 1.76 ounces with batteries, the manufacturer claims its ABS body and Lexan polycarbonate lens are virtually indestructible, and completely waterproof to 2000 ft. The lens design gathers light from the standard 222 bulb and focuses it into a concentrated beam. The lens also serves as a 2.5X magnifier.

Circle No. 7 on Reader Service Card

Battery Charger

Kussmaul Electronics has developed a battery charger which can charge up to 10 vehicles simultaneously.

The moveable charger can be mounted almost anywhere. Separate Power lines are run to each vehicle so the distance between the charger and a vehicle will not affect the power supply.

Features include; a 3 1/2-digit voltmeter, permitting maintainence personnel to monitor the voltage of all vehicles, and an automatic shutdown feature to ensure that a battery cannot be overcharged.

Circle No. 20 on Reader Service Card

Tester and Hose Washer

D A. Gawthrop Inc., has introduced the Mini-Pumper 1000, a hydrostatic hose tester and power washer. A trigger control wand and dual tip flow produce 700 pounds of water pressure. According to the manufacturer the hydrostatic hose tester is a less expensive method than testing hose using a pumper.

Circle No. 18 on Reader Service Card

fort lauderdale dogs fire

Fort Lauderdale (FL) Firefighters Save Dogs From House Fire, Department Says

Firefighters pulled four dogs from a smoldering Fort Lauderdale home that was in flames just minutes earlier Thursday morning, according to the department.
MN Barn Fire

4,000 Pigs Lost in MN Barn Fire

A fire late Wednesday evening has resulted in a total loss of a hog confinement and the 4,000 hogs inside.