Simulator system

Public Service Computer Software Inc. announces the release of the FireSoft Fireground Command Simulator for use on IBM-compatible microcomputers.

The simulator is intended for use in training fireground commanders. Hundreds of different situations may be generated by selecting from among five buildings (two residential, two commercial, one multifamily), day or night alarm, number of building occupants, percentage of fireground involvement upon arrival, and number of companies responding. The student has access to block plans, floor plans, building cross-sections, and overall building views in order to decide what to do next.

Circle No. 19 on Reader Service Card

Rescue tool powerpack

Independent simultaneous operation of two rescue tools is now possible with the B4-Simo Powerpack from Lukas of America Inc. One motor drives two hydraulic pumps so the tools don’t interfere with each other while operating simultaneously. The powerpack is equipped with two dump valves and two twinline hoses.

Circle No. 16 on Reader Service Card

Air lifting bags

Paratech Inc. recently introduced three new sizes of Maxiforce high-pressure lifting bags. These three new sizes of Kevlar reinforced high-pressure lifting bags are designed for limited-access lifting and spreading applications.

These small but powerful lifting bags can be used for rescue where limited access prevents the use of larger air bags—for example, to extricate trapped victims from industrial and agricultural machinery.

Circle No. 5 on Reader Service Card

New air masks

Air masks featuring exclusive steel-reinforced flameand heat-resistant (FHR) harness assemblies have been introduced by MSA (Mine Safety Appliances).

The FHR harness is made of fabric similar to that found in protective clothing worn by modem firefighters. Steel reinforcement provides added protection against flame, heat, and chemical attack, and new retroreflective coatings and markings on the harness improve apparatus useris visibility.

Circle No. 18 on Reader Service Card

Encapsulating suits

Chemfab introduces new garments constructed of Challenge fluoropolymer laminates, a new family of materials based on a Chemfab proprietary process that combines chemically inert Teflon and flame-retardant fabrics such as woven and non-woven Nomex and woven glass fibers.

Chemfab’s fabrication technology affords thermally sealed seams that provide chemical barrier properties equal to the base material, eliminating the need for adhesive tapes, which may be solvent-sensitive.

Circle No. 39 on Reader Service Card

Two-way radio

Advanced Videotech Corp. announces a new pocket-sized two-way radio. The Advanced Tech Talk is a five-watt, four-channel portable radio. This unit can fit in your shirt pocket and keep you in touch with any number of users on your frequency within a five-to-seven-mile area.

The four-channel capability makes it possible to selectively speak to any individual on an assigned channel without disturbing other users on their assigned channels.

Circle No. 28 on Reader Service Card

Detector tubes

Six detector tubes for carbon monoxide monitoring from Sensidyne Inc. cover a combined range of 1 ppm to 40% CO. All tubes are direct-reading, length-ofstain tubes with a printed calibration scale on each tube. The system uses a piston-type volumetric sampling pump and may be expanded to include 170 additional gases and vapors.

Circle No. 1 on Reader Service Card

Flashlight and accessories

Streamlight Inc.’s new “value set” includes a Streamlight Junior miniature flashlight and all its accessories in one package.

The kit includes an extra-thick, nylon wrist lanyard with a handy snap hook; a nylon belt holster; a snap-on pocket clip; a chrome-plated, detachable key swivel; and a choice of either a red, blue, pewter, or black flashlight.

The Streamlight Junior has an adjustable spot-to-flood beam, a high-visibility graphic band, and an easy-grip knurling on the head.

Circle No. 23 on Reader Service Card

New radio models

General Electric Mobile Communications introduces a new standard of operational flexibility in the form of the GE-MARC TMX Series. Offered in dispatch and interconnect models, these radios are equipped with the key user features and options required of a modern trunked radio.

The new additions are available in two models—the TMX 8210 and the TMX 8510. The TMX 8210 radio provides basic dispatch operation, while the TMX 8510 design provides the additional capability of doubling as a simplex radiotelephone in GE-MARC systems offering telephone interconnect service.

Circle No. 26 on Reader Service Card

SCBA cleaners

Bransonic announces its ultrasonic cleaners, which are invaluable in cleaning the deep recesses of SCBA parts and other products used in fire and industrial services, according to the company. The benchtop cleaners now feature digital components like a digital timer and temperature monitor so you can set cleaning times and monitor solution temperature at a touch of a button.

Circle No. 30 on Reader Service Card

Tool holder

The Team RS10 Rescue Saw Safety Sling from Team Equipment Inc. allows a firefighter to sling a saw (or other type power tool) over his shoulder, then ascend or descend a ladder, hill, or embankment, and maintain his balance and grip by being able to keep both hands on ladder rungs, side bars, and so on.

Made from a 1 3/4-inch heavy-duty nylon webbing with oversize quick-release snaps and rings, the RS10 Safety Sling attaches and detaches in seconds, even while the firefighter is wearing heavy gloves.

Circle No. 8 on Reader Service Card

Exercise equipment

The Dipping Machine from Universal Gym Equipment Inc. exercises the triceps, deltoid, pectoral, and trapezius muscles in the arms, shoulders, and upper back. The seat belt allows overload dipping exercises involving more than body weight. Exercise motion on this machine is done with most of the body stationary.

The machine is constructed of heavyduty tubular steel. The seat is height-adjustable.

Circle No. 35 on Reader Service Card

Safe breathing air

The Del-Monox high-pressure purifier from Deltech Engineering Inc. provides safe, clean air for filling self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) cylinders. When used as directed, the purifier delivers breathing air that meets OSHLA, NUREG, and Canadian Standards Association air quality requirements at pressures up to 5,000 psig.

Del-Monox purifiers remove carbon monoxide, oil, water vapor, particulates, and unpleasant tastes and rxlors by using a four-stage process in a single replaceable cartridge.

Circle No. 25 on Reader Service Card

Firefighter Who Rescued Teen from Ocean Heralds ‘Team Effort’ in Saving Life

Cannon Beach Rural Fire District firefighters rescued a boogie boarder who was pulled out to sea Monday.

Three Brush Trucks Lost in Laramie County (WY) Station Fire

A fire severely damaged Laramie County Fire Authority Station 74 on Saturday, destroying three wildland firefighting apparatus.