Telma Retarders will do up to 85 percent of a vehicle’s braking, saving the foundation brakes for when they are really needed. If the engine dies and the power brakes go with it, the retarder will still safely slow a vehicle down. As long as there’s power in the battery, these retarders, available from Telma Retarders, Inc., can act as a safety back-up system.
Circle No. 1 on Reader Service Card
Concern for people surviving a natural disaster prompted Countertrade Development Corporation International to develop an emergency kit containing an AM/FM radio with flashlight and siren; a 52-piece first aid kit developed by a chapter of the American Red Cross; a 15-function Army knife; solar blanket; purification tablets; light sticks; heavy-duty work gloves; a folding shovel; and more.
Circle No. 2 on Reader Service Card
Trycomm introduces a miniature communications transceiver that can be used for instant local communications or at ranges up to six miles.
The new radio measures 5″ high, 2’A” wide, and 1 11/16” deep. The frequency coverage is 150-174 MHz, and it has a six watts power output. A high/low power switch enables the radio to achieve the design criteria of eight hours or one working shift usage on one battery charge.
Circle No. 3 on Reader Service Card
The Model MG 100 pump from Hale Fire Pump features a 1,000 gpm capacity. Designed for tankers, short wheel-based vehicles and all-wheel-drive applications, it can also be PTO-driven. A range of discharge positions and vertical or horizontal gearbox mounting add to the pump’s flexibility. To ensure proper operating temperatures at 1,000 gpm, the new unit will include a gearbox cooler as a standard feature.
Circle No. 4 on Reader Service Cord
Harrison Equipment Co. introduces a meter/ control panel designed for use with its Hydra-Gen hydraulic-driven electric generator. The panel houses a main circuit breaker, AC voltmeter, ammeter, and frequency meter. Annunciator light alarms that indicate low hydraulic fluid and high fluid temperature are part of the package.
Circle No. 5 on Reader Service Card
The Unipage VI paging encoder, available from Dinet-Distributed Networks, Inc., is a universal tone and voice-tone encoder that’s fully programmable by the user with no additional equipment. All popular paging formats are already contained within the encoder memory. In addition to manual page operations, “instant page” keys are expandable from a basic 8 to 232, with each key having the ability to store 10 different pager encodes in mixed formats.
Grde No. 6 on Reoder Service Cord
Luxfer USA introduces its new 4500 psi, 30minute, hoop-wrapped aluminum cylinder. It’s been designed to be lightweight, providing a 30% weight savings over conventional aluminum cylinders. The low profile provides maximum wearer comfort, but with the toughness demanded by the fire service.
Grde No. 7 on Reader Service Cord
Breathing Air Systems now uses the ultralightweight Taylor-Wharton cylinders in cascade systems of both 4500 and 6000 psi. 144 pounds and 188 pounds respectively, these systems are especially adaptable to mobile/ portable applications. The systems can be configured with any number of cylinders.
Cicle No. S on Reoder Service Cord
Skolnik Industries introduces the Fast-Pak system for quick response to haz-mat spills.
Fast-Pak users simply remove the container cover, fill the unit, and snap on the fastlocking Lcverlock ring for secure closure before removal from a dump or spill site. No special tools are required.
Circle No. 9 on Reoder Service Cord
The Interspiro/Trelleborg personal haz-mat protection system integrates Interspiro’s high performing breathing apparatus with Trelleborg’s chemical suits.
By using air that is expanding as it is released from the cylinder, a cool and comfortable environment can be created inside the chemical suit. The system, which has OSHA and NIOSH approval, has high and low settings An external air supply line can also be connected the system for ventilation of the suit and for air supply to the SCBA.
Circle No. 10 on Reader Service Cord
The Portable Six-Unit Charger, available from Industrial Scientific Corp., accommodates up to five of the company’s 200 Series gas monitoring instruments and an optional sampling pump designed to operate on rechargeable nickel-cadium batteries.
Installed in a sturdy, air-tight, waterproof carrying case, the charger operates on 120 volts, 50/60 Hz, and is connected by a detachable, external power cord.
Circle No. 11 on Reoder Service Cord
Forge Technical Services, Inc. introduces its new Occupancy Management System, which integrates occupancy management, preplan tracking, haz-mat tracking, inspection services, and a graphics program for floor plans, maps, and building lay outs in one software package. The haz-mat tracking features full MSDS Tier I and II entry and the ability to extract information from the Cameo database.
The program runs on IBM PC and compatible equipment, as well as Unix and other micro-computerand mini-computer-based systems.
Cicle No. 12 on Reader Service Card
Fiamm Emergency Vehicle Horns, in use in Europe for more than 50 years, are now available from Electrical Services.
The horns produce 120-decibel tones and can be used by themselves or in conjunction with existing siren systems. A wide range of electrical switching options is standard. Air horn kits include two trumpets, the special electro-compressor, relay, air hose, and mounting hardware. Optional electrical and mounting accessory kits are available.
Circle No. 13 on Reader Service Card
The Advanced Tech Talk two-way radio from Advanced Videotech Corp. now has a built-in voice scrambling module. The voice scrambler automatically inverts the signal between users so that any eavesdropper with a scanner or radio tuned to your frequency would hear only unintelligible sounds. Communication between users that have the module would sound normal.
Cicle No. 14 on Reoder Service Cord
The Fire Pump Evaluation Program from FPE Software, Inc. encompasses pitot nozzle or flowmeter test results, diesel driver affinity law relationships, and velocity pressures. Text and graphic output can be directed to the screen or printer and files are easily saved and retrieved.
Cicle No. 15 on Reader Service Card
Hazard Communication Specialists introduces its new Material Safety Data Sheet Employee Information and Training Poster. The poster can be used as a training guide for supervisors or serve as an ongoing visual reminder of the importance of MSDS.
Circle No. 16 on Reader Service Cord
Janesville has redesigned its turnout coat elbow to give firefighters more mobility and ease of movement.
The design features a band of outer shell material topped with leather that’s stitched into all layers of the coat at the elbow. This oblong insert allows the wearer to move more quickly and with less restriction.
Circle No. 17 on Reader Service Card
An air mask accessory that can be used as an emergency escape breathing support system or as a system for quickly recharging SCBA air cylinders has been introduced by Mine’ Safety Appliances Co.
The Quick-Fill System enables firefighters to transfer air between cylinders to help other firefighters that are running low on air. It also permits fast recharging of air cylinders while the air mask is worn, without changing cylinders-even in atmospheres classified immediately dangerous to life or health.
Cicle No. 18 on Reader Service Card
The Otterbine Chief from Otterbine-Barebo, Inc.-a floating, portable pump-is now available with the eight horsepower, fourcycle Briggs & Stratton I/C engine.
The pump delivers 410 gpm. It is self-priming, can run dry safely, and operates in 3” of water. The engine, equipped with an extra-capacity dual element air cleaner, commercial quality ball bearings, and cast iron sleeves, has a two-year warranty.
Circle No. 19 on Reader Service Cord
DataAge Solutions, Inc.’s Prober Chief pcbased software package has a new enhancement called Transaction Exchange Network. TEN enables fire departments to access, maintain, and report information from multiple work stations and/or locations.
Using TEN, each work station can operate independently. TEN assures data integrity by verifying information during data base updates and reporting invalid transactions.
Circle No. 20 on Reader Service Card
A resuscitator sling pack designed specifically for emergency medical responders is available from Topstitch Unlimited.
The O.D. Tote II has ample room to store advanced airway equipment via two large pockets, and internal compartments for dentand valves and hoses, airways, masks, and other equipment.
Circle No. 21 on Reader Service Cord
A poster that explains how to operate a portable fire extinguisher is available from lab Safety Supply. It features complete, easyto-read instructions that prepare people for immediate extinguisher use in the event of a fire. large headings separate each step. Posters come in packages of 25.
Circle No. 22 on Reader Service Card
Lestek Manufacturing, Inc. introduces its Dual Output Alternator, which can charge battery banks without the need for a costly isolator and wiring. The alternators are available from 135 to 190 amps for 12-, 24-, or 32-volt systems.
Circle No. 23 on Reader Service Cord
Kwik Draw E. M. S. Glove Pouches are available from The Jeffery Co. The pouches protect gloves from being punctured by pens and keys; are made of water-resistant cordura nylon; and are designed to be worn on a belt. The K-D II has an inside credit card slot to carry hydraulics charts or identification, enabling emergency personnel to leave their wallets back at the station.
Circle No. 24 on Reader Service Card
BVM Equipment Co. has available a heater/ ventilator to support fire and emergency medical services in auto extrication, confined space rescue, haz-mat decontamination, personnel rehabilitation, and commanc post operations in foul weather. The Model M-ACH-3 is safe, portable, and ideal for providing forced ventilation and warding of hypothermia. It weighs 78 pounds, uses a propane-fired heat exchanger, and moves 100°F air at approximately 500 CFM through a detachable, flexible air duct.
Circle No. 25 on Reader Service Cord
HD America, Inc. introduces a new heavy duty, oil bath axle seal with chemically treated wear sleeves and graphite-reinforced rubber.
Other features of the new seal include ribbed outer surface for easy and secure installation and main sealing lips and secondary dust lips that are molded and fully bonded to steel casings. All seals are prelubricated.
Circle No. 24 on Reader Service Card
A computerized version of the Department of Transportation’s P 5800.4 Emergency Response Guidebook is available from Safe Harbor Systems, Inc.
The Haz-Trac database contains emergency response information for all of the 2,629 haz mats listed in the DOT guidebook. The information includes potential hazards, emergency actions, and first aid. A built-in word processor enables the user to incorporate unique state and local safety requirements and contact phone numbers. It requires an IBM PC XT, AT, PS/2 or compatible computer with 512K of memory and 800K of hard disk space available.
Circle No. 27 on Reader Service Card
Rice Hydro Equipment Manufacturing introduces its latest version of the FH-3 fire hose tester.
With it, a pumper will not have damaged seals, need to be be taken out of service, or necessitate fuel waste. No ear protection is required and tests can be performed throughout the year.
Cicle No. 28 on Reader Service Card
Kochek Co. has available a low-level strainer and a water transfer device all in one uni_____ Compact size for easy preconnects. Allaluminum. 1 ½” coupling for jet transfer on all sizes. Storz couplings available. Sizess 2½”; 3”; 4 and 4½”; 5”; and 6”.
Cicle No. 29 on Reader Service Card
Breg-Oil Sponge introduces its line of Emergency gency Protective Action Spill Paks.
Lightweight and easy to carry on response vehicles. Contain gloves, hazardous waste disposal bags, hazardous waste labels, and the user s choice of universal absorbents including tubes, pillows, or booms.
Cicle No. 30 on Reader Service Card
The Disect cutting torch system, available from Du Pont Company, features an instant starting, exothermic cutting rod and handle that incorporates the battery-operated ignition source and oxygen flow control. The patented rod is designed to give a direct focus flame for accurate alignment whilecutting in air or under water.
Circle No. 31 on Reader Service Card
Rockwell International Corp. introduces four mediumand heavy-duty front-drive steer axles that offer improved steering performance with less effort, superior traction, and ease of maintenance. They range in gross axle weight ratings from 12,000 to 23,000 pounds.
This series offers an inclined kingpin design on all models to facilitate vehicle directional stability. The axles feature Rockwell’s Generoid gearing, which provides increased gear life and quieter operation. Three of the new axles offer an optional driver-controlled, locking differential to provide maximum traction on slippery and off-road surfaces.
Circle No. 32 on Reader Service Card
Wolfco is now producing absorbent pillows that can pick up at least 15 times their weight in hazardous waste. A new Hazmat Response Kit combines six 10″ by 22” Super Wolf Pillows with six 46” Super Wolf absorbent socks.
Circle No. 33 on Reader Service Card
The Neotronics Exotox 55 has a data logger that enables the recording of gas levels using a small, hand-held unit. It monitors oxygen, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, and combustibles. Low maintenance requirements reduce the time and money spent on instrument upkeep.
Circle No. 34 on Reader Service Card
1CF Technology and Applied Automated Engineering Corp. announce the development of CHERPS, a software package that aids communities in their response to haz-mat accidents. The system quickly provides decision makers with vital information about a facility, the chemicals at that site, and the geography of the area. It’s controlled from a command station and, through the communications module, can be linked to multiple work stations.
Cicle No. 35 on Reader Service Card
Bauer Compressors, Inc. introduces the Safe Fill SCBA bottle recharging system. It fea tures a unique closure mechanism that allows the trapped, high-pressure air to slowly and harmlessly vent to atmospheric pres sure. If a cylinder were to rupture inside the unit, no injury would be inflicted on the operator, no damage would be done to the building, and no harm would be suffered by Safe-Fill.
Circle No. 36 on Reader Service Cord
Code 3 Public Safety Equipment introduces its V-Con II series of sirens and controls. The siren, amplifier, light controls and relays are. contained in one small unit with plug-in terminal blocks for easy hook-up and removal. The light-control feature has up to ninelevels of control functions. There is also a built-in transfer relay that lets the driver engage lights and siren with the horn ring.
Circle No. 37 on Reader Service Card